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David Cormican spotlights the future of television distribution

Emmy®-nominated producer David Cormican joined James Pratt on Mogul Live on June 18th to talk about his career, give advice to aspiring producers, and give his take on a post-COVID-19 television reality.

He is Partner and President of Don Carmody Television (DCTV) and a member of the prestigious Producers Guild of America (p.g.a.) and the Writers Guild of Canada.

DCTV projects include the International Emmy®-nominated mini-series Tokyo Trial for Netflix, the Rogers-Netflix original series Between, the Emmy®-nominated The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe for Lifetime, and ShadowHunters for Freeform.

David’s recent career evolution comes as Co-creator, Writer, series Showrunner, Producer and EP on the freshman family drama series Northern Rescue for CBC gem and Netflix.

Most recently, David has taken the role as a Guest Lecturer at OCAD University in Toronto to lecture on advanced cinematic production.

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Mogul is lucky to have David as a production advisor. When we are producing independent films, David, alongside other producers such as Emmy-winner Cindy Cowan, will be overseeing production to share their knowledge, best practices, and contacts, and David might even be producing some of the films himself!

“When I was first approached by the team at Mogul I was really enamored by the whole commitment to transparency and the evolution of what is truly an archaic system.”

David also mentioned in his interview that the film industry can sometimes be “dinosaur-like” when it comes to the processes and procedures that happen on-set and when it comes to the financing of films.

He noted that if you’re an independent producer there isn’t necessarily an easy path to financing and he appreciates the intent behind the Mogul model, which allows speed to market, transparency, and efficiency that doesn’t quite exist today in Hollywood.

“It’s about empowering your decisions through data and audience feedback. Those are your end-users.”

To watch the full interview with David, head to, sign up, and visit our community page.

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David started the interview with a “glass-half-full” outlook on the current pandemic we’re seeing — noting that despite the hand we’ve been dealt, he’s been finding more time than ever to write and co-create more content.

David’s career started as an actor and he started to get frustrated when he wasn’t getting gigs. He used that frustration to start writing the scripts that he wanted to act in, but then realized that he needed to find someone to produce what he was writing… The logical next step for him was to dive into becoming a producer to produce his own work.

He travelled to every festival and conference he could get to (and afford) and started introducing himself as a producer. He networked with everyone that he could. His efforts finally paid off and he landed a job as the head of development for a company in Saskatchewan, Canada.

He moved from Toronto (seen as a hub of film in Canada) to Regina, Saskatchewan (a smaller town in Canada) and his friends thought he was crazy — but he knew this was a big opportunity for his career. That was in 2008 and now the esteemed producer looks back at that decision as a major stepping stone and learning experience for him to show his expertise. David said in his interview that early into that opportunity he learned:

“No one really knows anything in this industry! We’re all making it up. There’s no right and wrong in this industry there is only creativity.”

It was in Regina that he met Don Carmody, whose credits include some 100 films thus far, including the Academy Award® nominated Good Will Hunting, the cult hit The Boondock Saints films, and the Resident Evil films.

Don and David worked on a film together in Regina called 13 Eerie and were both on the board for the Canadian Media Producers Association. Many breakfasts, lunches, and business meetings led to a partnership where David became the President and Co-Founder of DCTV.

Perhaps leaning on his own experience, David’s advice for those looking to get their foot in the door in the industry was to actually avoid making a big move to LA or Vancouver right now! He predict there is going to be a big push in the next few years for domestic production, and that people are going to want to work with local talent that they’re familiar with rather than having to increase budgets to fly in talent that may be subject to quarantine periods.

Segwaying into his more recent projects, David spoke about his experience working on Northern Rescue. One of the most interesting pieces of behind-the-scenes information that David shared was that the key cast on the show started to become so close to one another that they actually requested to live in the same house while shooting!

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He also went into great detail about his experience working with Tux the penguin on the set of Northern Rescue, which added a gripping twist to the interview. It’s not every day you get to hear about how productions work with animals (and David was also able to tell us about working with a tiger!), and the fans listening to the interview were certainly entertained hearing about the adventures of wrangling Tux on set!

On the future of distribution in film, David mentioned that the world has really grown up in the last 3 months to be more comfortable with change. He said that there have traditionally been a lot of gatekeepers in distribution but that’s breaking down with streaming services, and he’s predicting a rise in advertising-video-on-demand (AVOD).

“I feel we will see a massive rise on the AVOD side as consumers are seeing shrinking wallets and watching their pennies and they will turn to watch content for free.”

On “how to succeed” in this new predicted landscape, David offered:

“Curating a brand for your shows, your movies and your content will be key moving forward to have your identity and uniqueness to your projects.”

He gave the example of HBO and how most consumers know exactly what an HBO show looks like as opposed to Netflix who has a variety of styles and content.

“From a distribution side, there is the power to be able to bring the same audience to your content consistently.

Transitioning to advice for aspiring producers, David said that being a producer is a game for those who persevere and there is no such thing as an overnight success. He noted it’s a long game and about nurturing relationships because it’s 10 years or more in the making to have success.

“If this is something you want to do you have to have such thick skin. There is so much rejection on a daily basis. We get told no probably more times than actors do!”

He urged to be prepared to start at the bottom and get as much experience as you can on set because it will benefit you once you actually become a producer.

“Be creative and always find solutions, because problems will happen but it’s all how you deal with them.”

Towards the end of the interview, David offered that it’s important for everyone to stop and celebrate their successes. Every little win matters in the film industry and it’s about the cumulative snowball effect to slowly pick up steam for your career.

Follow Mogul on Instagram to tune into the next Mogul Live, where all fans can engage with moguls.

Instagram handle: @we.are.mogul


Mogul Productions, established 2019, is a blockchain-based film financier and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America and Europe.

The Mogul platform connects contributors, film industry professionals and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout theirs entire lifecycle, from financing through to production and distribution.

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CryptoTitans x Mogul Productions AMA Recap

This post will recap the AMA with Gorav Seth, Mogul’s Co-Chair of Film Financing, that took place on the Crypto Titans Telegram Channel on Thursday, August 5th.

Question 1. Can you please introduce yourself as well as Mogul?

Answer: I’m an investment banker and venture capitalist by profession. Spent over 12 years in Canadian capital markets working on Bay Street (Cdn version of Wall Street) and have raised over $4b in financings. Spent several years at a leading independent investment bank working on financings, mergers & acquisitions, and advisory for mid-size public companies. I currently run the capital markets division for the largest wealth manager in Canada.

Before my life in finance, I spent nearly 20 years in the film and entertainment industry as a manager for actors where I did things like oversaw and managed their careers or raise money for film independent films

So I have a pretty good view of both sides of the film industry and the finance side. I’ve seen a lot of problems in the entertainment industry and that’s actually what attracted me to Mogul

Question 2. What are the advantages of your project?

Answer: Mogul is a DeFi film funding and NFT platform for the entertainment industry. We are the first globally to democratize the independent film industry by giving token holders the ability to vote for the films they want to see get made and have them financed. Users can not only help finance and get involved with the Hollywood films themselves but also earn really interesting rewards and experiences for each film in our showcase such as attending premieres, meeting the stars, going behind the scenes, etc.

On the NFT side, we have a fully functional and robust NFT platform where you can mint, trade, buy/sell NFTs. This works really well with the film side because it gives us the ability to make NFTs for the entertainers, filmmakers, etc., and offer those to our $STARS community. We can do limited edition runs of video clips, images, signed posters, etc. The talent and entertainers love it because it helps them create additional revenue streams for their projects without having to rely on conventional forms of distribution

We actually did an NFT drop for a famous marvel artist named Rob Prior that sold for nearly US$200k a few months ago. Rob works with the big studios on all these big comic book films, etc. and his art would typically only garner $15–30k apiece. We are able to host a live stream event where he painted a Wolf of Wall Street painting in real time, turned it into an NFT, and then burn it so it only lives on as an NFT. The first time an artist has destroyed their own physical work of art. We got 500k users worldwide watching the event and beat some big celeb’s NFTs such as Floyd Mayweather, Snoop Dogg, etc

Question 3. please tell us about the goals you want to achieve this year

Answer: Mogul wants to be the de facto token for the entertainment and film industry. We want to continue to drive adoption and help democratize the film space so the fans can have a voice in the content they want to see made. Specifically, we want to build on our existing partnerships and fund some Hollywood films that land big stars with support from our community. We want to get some big celebrity names to support us, media & production companies, agencies, etc. These are some of the things we are working on and expecting to see come to light over the coming months

Question 4. Every project has a story behind their name, Can you tell us more about the story

Answer: Mogul Production was really inspired by the story behind the blockbuster film, Deadpool. If you don’t know the story, the gist of it is that Ryan Reynolds was trying to make that movie for years and all the big studios kept rejecting the film because they didn’t think an R-rated comic book film would do well. What Ryan Reynolds did was he made a teaser trailer and put it on the net. The fans went absolutely crazy and loved the concept. So much so, that they forced the studio to make the film. The rest is history.

The point is the power of the crowd and making films or content based on what the viewers and fans want to see.

We wanted to do that with Mogul and give power back to the fans (our $STARS token holders).

The film industry, especially for independent films, is archaic and dying. We think DeFi and NFT could help revolutionize how films are financed, how intellectual property can be protected and monetized.

Mogul can help streamline and provide transparency for the filmmakers and people that fund their films

Question 5 from Twitter @UmmeHab53626731: What do you view as the potential barriers to the success of the project? In the next three to five years where do you position your company among other strong competitors?

Answer: I think some of the barriers in entering the movie biz is in the acceptance of crypto/blockchain with the film industry.

We believe that through our success in our first NFT auction with Rob Prior and the future success of our first ever movie slate that we have shown Hollywood that we are ready to be a major and legitimate player in the space.

We keep adding team members that can entrench Mogul and STARS tokens as the defacto player where movies meet blockchain. We’ve shown that we can do it, and now it’s time to scale our efforts.

In 5 years, which is a very long time in crypto, we hope to have a global community of film fans and crypto enthusiasts who are part of Mogul because of the consistent partnerships and announcements of new movies and NFTs. We created a circular ecosystem for the future success of the project where everyone who is part of Mogul is being rewarded and can earn profit participation in the films they select themselves. We wish to transform the market for NFTs in entertainment where it is simple to understand and a part of every film or piece of art or music that gets made.

Question 6 from Twitter @DonieJk: What is your strategy for building a strong community? Do you agree that the power of the community will lead your project to develop globally? What services do you provide to the community?

Answer: Building community is essential to the success of any crypto project. We have a dedicated Head of Community on staff who regularly engages across all of the social channels and with all of our marketing efforts we try to bring all of our partners to engage with our community members through Telegram AMAs, Mogul Lives on our Instagram page, and more. It’s all part of bringing Hollywood to crypto. We also have our ambassador program and we have monthly calls with our leadership and the community and make an honest effort to make sure our staff is consistently engaging our users.

We believe people form a community around a collective vision around a project and what it can do to change its industry and we believe that we’re setting that vision that crypto is bringing movies and Hollywood to the blockchain through DeFi products and NFTs.

We believe people form a community around a collective vision around a project and what it can do to change its industry and we believe that we’re setting that vision that crypto is bringing movies and Hollywood to the blockchain through DeFi products and NFTs.

Question 7 from Twitter @g76974594: Do you have any plan for burning tokens in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractiveness?

Answer: We actually have a strategy already in place. The $STARS token is used as an in-app currency within our Mogul platform ( Every time the tokens are used to purchase anything on the platform, we burn 50% of the tokens we receive. For instance, the Rob Prior art piece was auctioned off on our platform. The tokens we received, we burned 50% of so you can see it in our circulating supply if you check out Etherscan.

Question 8 from Twitter @SyminuL: Regulation is very essential. Many projects were closed in many countries due to failure to get the proper licenses and permit to operate. In order to go mainstream how does Mogul team deal with these issues? Are you a regulatory-compliant project?

Answer: Yes, we work with our team of lawyers to remain compliant with our business and with our token. The team is extremely conscious of the regulatory framework and wants to stay above board for everything we do. We’re a fully doxxed team with an incorporated company working in one of the most regulated industries in the world (film finance) so we are calculated and careful with our moves to make sure that our project lives for a long time without any scrutiny.

Question 9 from Twitter @Ductrung753951: What kind of partnerships with different projects/platforms/protocols can we expect from Mogul in the future? Could you give us some examples of how other projects can leverage Mogul?

Answer: We are planning on making our token accessible across the world and across all major blockchains. You can expect to see many new partnerships with regard to making STARS more accessible and building out our community on the crypto front. In the entertainment space, we’re targeting groups that can help us a) find more content for our movie showcase and b) provide tier 1 level talent to collaborate with on NFT drops. This will come in the form of partnering with individuals, agencies, and production companies in Hollywood.

Question 10 from Telegram @NilPori0909: COVID 19 has slowed many economies around the world but as a crypto business has it affected you negatively or positively? Secondly, are you still on track to achieve your targets as the road map says?

Answer: COVID has certainly impacted every industry across the world in different ways. I think for the film industry, it’s been particularly difficult. Lots of productions got delayed or shut down and the conventional theatrical releases for the film have all transitioned to streaming platforms where people can watch everything they want from home. For us, I think it’s been positive because the film industry does need to find a better way to access capital and connect with the fans. The old system is broken and I think COVID’s lockdown of the industry and challenges it has created is actually a huge opportunity for Mogul. Although there are still challenges we face on small things i.e. trying to provide experiences such as a day on a movie set as a reward is difficult because of all the covid restrictions and testing…otherwise, I think it’s been good for us. People in the industry are struggling and are forced to look at new ways to do things and we provide a great solution.

Question 11 from Telegram @ecgsp: How can I buy this token? Is it available on any exchange?

Answer: We are listed on a number of exchanges and that is only going to continue to grow. You can buy $STARS on places like uniswap, 1inch, bitmart, LAtoken, etc. Check out for all the listed exchanges right now.

Question 12 from Telegram @aANIS: How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries/regions where English is not spoken well?? Do you have local communities for them to let them better understand your project???

Answer: We have multiple language groups on Telegram and we have a WeChat community in China. We also have a PR team that specifically focuses on translating our news to the Asian community to make sure that we’re engaging across the world. We also have a team in Vietnam that engages the local crypto communities there. Many of our VC partners have made excellent introductions to localized crypto marketing groups across the world that we will start to continually engage with.

Question 12 from Telegram @Khairyali1: There are many scandalous projects out there. What guarantees that your project is different from theirs?

Answer: I’d look at the amazing team we have assembled. We have an academy award-winning and Emmy winning producer, Cindy Coward produced the award-winning film Traffic and has worked with the biggest stars in the world. We have Paul Sparkes, who co-founded Difference Capital (which got bought by the crypto company Mogo — it’s listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange) and is valued at $400m! We have well-known and seasoned actors such as Lyriq Bent who has appeared in 60+ diff films and tv shows such as the franchise horror series, SAW, or Four Brothers, Showtime’s The Affair, etc.

Question 13 from Telegram @haspul123: Mogul-funded films are shown on the platform so that all members are involved with the script-to-screen process. Where can I get information about Mogul-financed films? Do you have a list available? Also, do you have plans to finance more movies soon?

Answer: We just launched the vote for our latest showcase. Here are the 3 films — all which are backed by big producers i.e. Phillip Goldfine and Kevin Weisberg. Each of these films will start shooting soon and announce some major stars coming on board together with distribution partnerships with companies (Netflix, Amazon, etc.). Take a look and see. There’s info on our website,

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Casting is Becoming Global

Mogul Productions, an online platform for taking part in the financing and production of films, had Yaplat Manager, Kathryn Courtney-Prior, as the latest Mogul community member to join Mogul Live — a live series of interviews from industry moguls giving top film industry tips.

Yaplat is an online, global performer search platform to help connect advertisers to a large pool of casting talent. Before becoming the manager 2 years ago, Kathryn worked for a respected casting consultancy has cast thousands of actors across television and film throughout her career.

James Pratt, the host of Mogul Live, had a candid conversation with Kathryn about casting becoming more global, what casting agents want to see from actors in 2020, and how the Yaplat and Mogul communities respectively can help actors’ careers.

To watch the full interview head to and sign up or visit Mogul’s Youtube channel.

Here are the top sound bites from the full 30-minute interview:

James Pratt (JP): What does a Casting Director want to see on a showreel?

Kathryn Courtney-Prior (KCP): Right now in 2020 it’s shorter clips and all about you [the talent] over special effects. For example, we don’t need to see montages of you running through the streets with music at the beginning of a showreel — we want [you] to get straight into the scenes.If you don’t have any big professional movie or TV clips yet to use, just reading one of your favorite scenes is fine!

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JP: How do you see the casting process changing post coronavirus?

KCP: Casting directors will always love the in-room casting experience, but self-tapes will be accepted a lot more from now on in Hollywood.In casting it’s all about “who can you see tomorrow!” But these days with pre-production becoming faster, casting often gets squeezed shorter.

The other side to casting post coronavirus is that actors are becoming more comfortable with self-tapes and better equipped, I recommend an actor buys a circle light on eBay and then just uses their iPhone for reliable self-tapes.

JP: On Yaplat, how can an actor increase their chances of being cast?

KCP: Use 3 different photos, a close-up, a mid-shot, and a full-length shot. Make sure you fill in your current location and name your real job. Often casting has a requirement to cast someone for a role with real-life experience. For example, a TV show is casting a role with a doctor and might need experience with the terminology.

JP: What is your impression of Mogul?

KCP: The Mogul community, and being able to see what other people are doing and their profiles, is very important. It makes the world a bit smaller. We recently asked on the Yaplat instagram page, “what did you learn your first time on set?” An actor replied, “the importance of meeting other people”. It’s important what Mogul has with their community because this brings people together to network. These connections then form a base for you to start making your own work and improve your career.

JP: What are your tips for doing a self-tape?

KCP: Make sure the sound is okay and lighting is okay. It doesn’t have to be professional, but we [casting directors] must be able to hear and see you properly. As a casting director I want to also be able to show self-tapes to the producers or a network without them getting distracted by the low quality.

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JP: Does it affect the casting decision when you see a paid professional self-tape as opposed to seeing an actor using an iPhone?

KCP: I learned this from the first casting agent I worked with: The talent will [win] out. If the actor is good and right for the job that will beat out the lighting quality. Unless its something huge, such as Brad Pitt’s new film, I would not spend the money.

JP: How do you stand out on social media as an actor?

KCP: Have your personal page on private and start-up an acting page to show your own short clips. Always use hashtags when you post acting content [bnecause] casting agents mainly search on social media using hashtags such as #africanactor or #australianactor.

JP: Can you share more with us about Yaplat?

KCP: Yaplat is a global casting platform where actors can sign up for free and be cast from across the globe. If you have a project you are looking to cast, or you are a production company or casting agent, you also can sign up for free and use the platform to search for talent. Even if you have no experience all you need is a clear photograph!

To learn more about Yaplat Casting, visit

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Mogul Live is a live weekly series hosted through the Mogul Productions Instagram page that features some of the best names in Hollywood sharing advice and allowing fans to interact and ask questions during the interview.

Future guests coming up in June include Emmy-nominated producer David Cormican, Duck Dynasty’s producer Josh Gloer, and Emmy-winning producer Cindy Cowan.

Follow Mogul on Instagram to tune into the next Mogul Live, where all fans can engage with moguls.

IG: we.are.mogul Link:

Mogul Productions, established 2019, is a blockchain-based film financier and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America and Europe.

The Mogul platform connects contributors, film industry professionals and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout theirs entire lifecycle, from financing through to production and distribution.

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Blockchain Interoperability: What is it and Why Is It Important?

Blockchain interoperability makes it easier for users to move tokens between different blockchains. The more blockchains a token lives on, the more exposure the token and the project it supports gets among the crypto masses.

No matter what a crypto project aims to accomplish, whether it’s a pioneering peer-to-peer payment system like Bitcoin (BTC), or a project dedicated to decentralizing the financing of movies, like Mogul Productions, the broader goal is always to increase adoption.

Even before Mogul’s STARS token launched on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain on May 11, 2021, we already had a partnership in place with Polygon, a Layer 2 solution that makes scaling transactions and developing blockchain infrastructure on top of existing blockchains easier.

With Mogul launching STARS on Binance Smart Chain on July 15, 2021, the token is one of the very few cryptocurrencies that have a home on at least three different blockchains.

That means movie fans, financiers, and creators who want to participate in the Mogul community have more options than most other projects provide.

Advancing blockchain interoperability is advancing crypto adoption and at the end of the day, it means more people get exposure to financing movies that deserve a second chance.

A Deeper Dive into Blockchain Interoperability and Why It’s Necessary at All

There are a few fundamental reasons the earliest cryptocurrency projects weren’t intended to communicate together. Firstly, when the Bitcoin whitepaper was published by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, nobody knew that we were on the verge of a decentralization revolution. Not even Nakamoto.

Secondly, although Bitcoin’s value was evident to many by about 2013, it wasn’t until 2015 that the first real competitor to Bitcoin grabbed hold of early crypto enthusiasts. That’s Ethereum. In other words, it took years for somebody to come up with an idea that was as valuable as the earliest decentralized peer-to-peer payment system.

Lastly, blockchain developers are ultimately competitors. They try to offer the market a unique value proposition and thus use unique approaches and coding structures to get the job done. The above realities make it more difficult for projects to communicate with one another.

Today, the crypto market is worth over $1.35 trillion USD and the depth and breadth of projects available to crypto enthusiasts is much larger than it’s ever been before. That’s why having blockchains communicate with one another is much more important now than even the earliest and most forward-thinking developers probably thought it would be when the blockchain revolution first began 13 years ago.

Why Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC are the Best Blockchains for STARS to Live On

The market capitalization of a cryptocurrency project represents its total financial value. With literally thousands of cryptocurrency projects in existence today, it may surprise you to know that 75% of all of the capital invested in crypto projects is in the top four projects:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • U.S. Dollar Tether (USDT)
  • Binance Coin (BNB)

It’s obvious why Mogul launched on Ethereum first. It is the world’s most powerful decentralized world computer, and many believe it will someday surpass Bitcoin as the world’s most valuable cryptocurrency.

USDT is a stablecoin designed to be attached to the value of the American dollar. USDT does not help host or launch other projects, so individual crypto projects can’t exist on the USDT blockchain directly.

The BNB token is the mechanism that helps drive Binance, the most popular crypto exchange in the world. Binance Smart Chain is a spin-off of Binance’s original Binance Chain blockchain. BSC supports smart contract functionality. Binance Chain does not.

It makes sense for STARS tokens to be compatible with BSC. BSC offers cheaper transaction speeds and lower fees than Ethereum at the moment and the platform has an equally devoted userbase.

With Ethereum and BSC Being so Popular, Why Partner with Polygon to Increase Blockchain Interoperability?

Many Layer 2 solutions are trying to solve what is known as the Scalability Trilemma, where blockchain projects try to maintain decentralization while also maintaining security and increasing scalability at the same time.

Polygon makes transacting cheaper, and more importantly, it increases scalability. That’s why at the time Mogul announced the partnership, more than 90 different decentralized applications were living on Polygon with over 200,000 users and 7 million transactions recorded since its inception.

Simply put, living on Polygon in addition to Ethereum and BSC gives users like you another viable option that’s gaining in popularity and usability.

The choice was easy. Polygon is intended to be Ethereum’s internet of blockchains, and the user base sees the value in that. Polygon currently ranks in the top 20 in market capitalization across all cryptocurrencies.

Blockchain Interoperability in Action: How to Move Your STARS Tokens between Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC

If you’re relatively new to cryptocurrency, or at least new to the idea of blockchain interoperability, the thought of sending tokens to the wrong contract address and losing them forever is probably quite intimidating. That’s why at Mogul, we’ve launched a partnership with AnySwap, cryptocurrency’s leading cross-chain swap protocol.

Anyswap currently maintains 385 different bridges connected to 15 different blockchains and gives you an easy way to move your STARS tokens between Ethereum, Polygon, and BSC.

For a step-by-step guide on how to use AnySwap to bridge your tokens from one blockchain to another, check out the article “How to Bridge Your STARS Tokens” published in the Mogul Help Center.

Now that you understand the value of blockchain interoperability and what it is, you can hold your STARS tokens on any of the three blockchains you wish to use.

Here’s to decentralizing the financing of movies on a scale even Hollywood directors never imagined before!

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Blockchain Explained: Custodial vs Non-Custodial Wallets

(Photo Credit: Ewan Kennedy @EwanKennedy19)

If you have purchased cryptocurrency in the past, chances are you’ve used a custodial wallet. Any Bitcoin exchange like Gemini or Coinbase or Paypal is considered to be custodial. Those third-party cryptocurrency exchanges offer to protect your crypto assets for you, but in doing so, you relinquish full control over those crypto assets. These are also referred to as hosted wallets by most regulators, it is where the private keys are managed by a trusted third party.

Not your keys, not your crypto.

You’ve probably heard that old custodial cliche a million times. Seasoned crypto veterans often harangue new users about storing crypto on custodial, third-party providers for that reason… key ownership. However, these custodial wallet providers often have the high UI/UX that users are already familiar with when they use other banking applications. It’s hard to stay away from custodial solutions, especially for those who are brand new to crypto; but the reality is that the user relies on that third party to responsibly manage their assets and provide their funds back to them when they request to move them from their platform.

Yet, as easy as these custodial wallets are, crypto veterans often suggest something different. What do the seasoned veterans suggest?

Non-Custodial Wallets

A non-custodial wallet is a type of wallet that allows users to hold and own their private key while having full control of their funds. Keys are held in encrypted storage.

Currently, several different types of non-custodial wallets exist today:

  • Hardware Wallets: A physical device similar to a flash drive that is disconnected from the internet.
  • Web-Based Wallets & Mobile Wallets: These can be accessed from any device with a private key login.
  • Desktop Wallet: These reside on the desktop but can be stolen if the computer is taken away.

Non-custodial wallets remain tough to use. Traditionally, non-custodial wallets make users remember a 12–24 word seed phrase composed of random words to access an account. The phrase is used as a backup password recovery method. Additionally, custodial wallet providers force users to enter an equally long and perhaps even more confusing alphanumeric code to access a wallet (the private key).

Then, non-custodial wallets have a similar alphanumeric code they have to give in order to receive funds (the public key).

How Can Non-Custodial Wallets Improve?

Non-custodial wallet providers such as BRD Wallet, Argent, and Metamask have gone on to be worth tens of millions of dollars. The current generation of non-custodial wallets has experienced tremendous success despite requiring users to navigate through difficult seed phrases and long passwords.

Cryptocurrency is hard enough for beginners to wrap their head around. New users are challenged even more when they have to input old-world cryptographic expressions that more closely resemble alien hieroglyphics than a wallet with money. Users are more accustomed to financial applications that look like banking apps.

These non-custodial solutions are successful despite the UI/UX difficulty which shows that users demand non-custodial solutions. However, it also demonstrates a large opportunity to serve crypto holders who demand both key ownership and a high user experience.

Smart Wallets

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Next-generation wallet solutions like the Mogul Smart Wallet offer a user-friendly crypto storage experience that also grants users full control over their digital assets.

Easy-to-Use, Easy-to-Recover

The Mogul Smart Wallet’s decentralized recovery system delivers a smooth crypto experience with the high accessibility new users need. When you forget a password on Mogul, users go through a front-end experience that is similar to resetting a social media password. However, the user is actually asking their Guardian to change the address of the authentication wallet that has access to the private key . This looks like a simple password reset on the front end, but the private key is never shared with Mogul, so the user maintains custody of their assets.

Manual Transaction Signatures Eliminated

Another benefit of the Mogul Smart Wallet is that it eliminates manual signatures. When you use a DeFi wallet like Metamask, you need to manually confirm permission to allow a wallet to be accessed. However, with the Mogul Smart Wallet, users can send free and frictionless transactions.

In Conclusion

Custodial wallet providers are popular now because of the high UI, but their days are numbered because users demand more control over their crypto wallets. Non-custodial wallet providers have experienced tremendous success, however, the next generation will be even easier to use and thereby replace the antiquated seed and alphanumeric address process.

The Mogul Smart Wallet offers an alternative non-custodial solution that is easy to use without the need to confirm transactions manually.

Established in 2019, Mogul Productions is a blockchain-based film finance and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America, and Europe. Mogul’s platform connects contributors, film industry professionals, and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout its entire lifecycle.

Blog Posts

Beefy Finance, Fastest-Growing Yield Optimization Platform, Integrates Mogul STARS

Beefy Finance integrates Mogul STARS tokens into compounding Vault; giving STARS token holders increased use cases on the Binance Smart Chain

Mogul Productions, a decentralized film financing and movie-based NFT platform has integrated with Beefy Finance, the fastest-growing decentralized, multi-chain yield optimization platform. 

Beefy Finance allows its users to earn compound interest on their crypto holdings through their main product called “Vaults”, where users stake their crypto tokens. Within a vault, specific token strategies automatically increase the deposited token amount by compounding yield farm reward tokens back into the deposited currency. 

Following Mogul’s partnership with ApeSwap, Beefy Finance has integrated the STARS_BNB ApeSwap pool into their platform, where users can deposit their STARS_BNB liquidity tokens from ApeSwap to earn compounding STARS_BNB tokens. The strategy in this Vault, designed by Beefy, is to use the ApeSwap BANANA reward to continually purchase more STARS and BNB, provide liquidity to the ApeSwap pool, and and stake more STARS_BNB over time to compound the BANANA rewards provided by the ApeSwap platform. As posted by Beefy Finance, current yields on STARS_BNB can be up to 557%.

Beefy is audited by Certik, which guarantees the robustness of their smart contracts and the safety of funds locked into their smart contracts. Their audits can be found here.

STARS holders are able to use their tokens on Beefy as of July 30th, 2021. To learn more about Beefy’s product, visit their documentation here

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing and movie-based NFT platform.

Using blockchain technology, NFTs, and tokenomics, Mogul incentivizes participation and engagement. The STARS token allows users to complete in-app payments, earn rewards and vote on key decision-making surrounding green lighting and producing feature films.




Blog Posts

Attention Mogul Access Pass holders!

Ever wanted to see yourself on the big screen? Ever wanted to play in a movie that you played a part in greenlighting? Now is your chance!

Mogul will be working with Rob Prior to create a special NFT for our Access Pass holders, where collectors will be able to collect their way into playing a role in a Mogul-produced movie!

Rob Prior, the Marvel and DC Comics artist, will be live-painting a piece that the community chooses for him to paint. This piece will be created into an NFT and every Access Pass holder will receive 1 NFT of the painting.

If any Access Pass holder is able to collect more than 50% of the total number of NFTs, Mogul will be rewarding them with a part in a Mogul-produced movie!


If any Access Pass holder is able to collect 95% of the total number of NFTs they will be awarded 25 million STARS tokens.

These STARS tokens will be unused until a winner is deemed in this contest.

Here’s how it’s going to work:

  1. Mogul will be issuing a form to all Access Pass holders asking for their input on what they, the fans, want Rob Prior to paint
  2. Mogul will collect the answers from the Access Pass holders and organize them into the top 3 suggestions
  3. Access Pass holders to vote on the top choice that they want Rob to paint
  4. Rob will livestream himself painting the masterpiece for Mogul Access Pass holders
  5. The piece will be created into an NFT
  6. Each Access Pass holder will be issued, in the same wallet that they purchased a pass with, their piece of the Rob Prior NFT
  7. The contest begins.

Any Access Pass holder can collect more than 50% of the NFTs issued and receive a part in a movie.

Any Mogul user can collect 95% of the NFTs issued and received 25 million STARS

Are you ready for one of the largest contests in blockchain history to begin?

Blog Posts

Attaching Actors to Your Films, Mogul Live guest Justin Levine

BEVERLY HILLS, CA (June 5, 2020)

Justin Levine joined Mogul Live last month, offering advice on how a producer can attach recognizable actors to their projects.

As an independent film producer with Stardust Pictures and the co-founder of, Justin was able to share unique advice that applies to indie projects that have to be more price-conscious than their studio-producing counterparts.

During his interview, Justin highlighted the importance of brand-name attachments and provided an anecdote about a film that he produced.

Life Happens (2011) was shot in 19 days with a budget under $1 million USD, yet featured a cast with Kate Bosworth, Rachel Billson, and Krysten Ritter, premiered at LA Film Festival and was eventually distributed by Lionsgate/Universal.

Image for post

The trick, according to Justin, was to shoot the project in the actresses’ home city of Los Angeles to attract top talent and strategic press coverage.

His pitch to each of them was:

“You can go home for dinner each night and can drive to and from the set without having to pack your bags or go to the airport.”

Justin added, “In my experience actors prefer to drive themselves to set when it’s shot in their own city.” This helps producers in negotiations.

Justin recognized that a producer may not optimize their tax credits by shooting in cities that top-tier actors tend to live in (Los Angeles and New York), but noted that the job for the actor becomes much less demanding, and he can negotiate on the basis of having an appealing work environment for them.

Life Happens also elected to spend 20% more on marketing and advertising for the film’s release, but by strategically positioning the set in LA, the project was able to get more attention for their dollar by attracting on-set press in the actress’ home towns.

In Justin’s experience, “media, especially in LA, typically want to be on-set of film stars.”

The production team submitted (and had the project accepted to) many key film festivals around the world. According to Justin, this really helped with press coverage, and he encourages indie producers to submit to many festivals around the world (even if they are digital) while being cognizant of submission fees.

Adding to that, Justin highlighted that recognizable attachments will generate more sales and save producers money on publicity.

He noted that taking a haircut on the back-end of project revenues is sometimes “the only way to move a project forward from development into shooting.”

Mogul Live host, James Pratt, transitioned the conversation to speak about the post-COVID-19 reality for film producers.

Justin took a glass-half-full approach to the pandemic for indie filmmakers, noting that their “low-spend” mentality can be an asset during these times.

“Indie films don’t have the excess spending used by big Hollywood studio movies, so lower film budgets will be able to get off the ground faster once restrictions are lifted, BUT producers should and must negotiate on all aspects of the costing to bring the budget down.”

When asked which costs are best to negotiate, Justin followed with:

“Whether it’s the trailers, the location, or the rental gear, companies will want work [in these economic times] and be more open to negotiating on price. It’s a prime opportunity for those filmmakers without a large budget to negotiate a better deal.”

Advice from the interview was not to compromise anything that will take away from the director’s ability to tell the story.

To watch Justin Levine’s full 45-minute interview, sign up at and head over to our “Community” section.

Mogul Live is a weekly show hosted by James Pratt and distributed through Mogul’s Instagram page. Each week we interview some of Hollywood’s biggest names and allow fans to interact and ask questions. The aim is to provide raw, genuine, uncut access to industry professionals.

Upcoming Mogul Live guests include Emmy-nominated producer, David Cormican, Emmy-winning producer Cindy Cowan, and award-winning BIPOC actor Lyriq Bent.

Instagram: @we.are.mogul

Mogul Productions, established 2019, is a blockchain-based film financier and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America and Europe.

The Mogul platform connects contributors, film industry professionals and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout theirs entire lifecycle, from financing through to production and distribution.

Blog Posts

ApeSwap AMA Recap

This post will recap the ApeSwap AMA with our guest, Julian, ApeSwap’s Business Development, that took place on the Mogul Telegram channel on Sunday, July 18th.


Question 1

Can you start off by telling us briefly about ApeSwap and your role within the organization?

Answer: ApeSwap is one of the fastest growing Decentralized Exchanges and Automated Market Makers on Binance Smart Chain. Though I am involved in many aspects of ApeSwap’s day to day, my primary focus is Business Development, helping grow and expand ApeSwap through our many partnerships.


Question 2 from @RonnieDacey: 

Can you tell the Mogul community more about Apeswap and its features and the benefits the partnership between Mogul and Apeswap will bring to both communities?

Answer: Absolutely. ApeSwap is primarily a DEX and yield farm where users can stake various assets to earn our native token, BANANA. We use this token to incentivize liquidity across our exchange by allowing users to provide liquidity to our liquidity pools and then stake their Liquidity Provider Tokens in our various farms.


This is great for Mogul, as the Mogul community is now able to provide liquidity for the primary STARS-BNB trading pair in order to earn BANANA, creating deeper liquidity in the market for STARS and rewarding users for doing so.


Question 3 from @defiapez: 

How long will the LP to earn BANANA with STARS last? How much value per month is issued to LP farmers? Where does the BANANA come from?

Answer: Like most of our farms, the STARS-BNB farm has no planned end date.


BANANA is an inflationary token and we currently mint 10 BANANA per block on BSC, helping us sustain our yield farm, DEX, and liquidity. We combat our inflation with various burn mechanics, including our IAOs, GNANA, and by doing buy backs and burns using the trading fees generated by our DEX 💸


Question 4 from @lulu5016: 

Liquidity is the challenge of decentralized exchanges, how does Ape Swap solve this problem?

Answer: We utilize BANANA to incentivize liquidity for our DEX, allowing users to farm and earn BANANA for the liquidity they provide to our exchange, otherwise known as Yield Farming


Question 5 from Niche: What are the distinctive strengths of Apeswap compared to other BSC competitors?

Answer: That’s a great question! Beyond innovation, I think our success really boils down to the three things we do best: Brand, community, and our fantastic team’s output on a weekly basis.


That being said, we have a number of distinguishing features on our platform such as our GNANA token (BANANA derivative token, helps generate burn and combat whale activity), our Non Fungible Apes NFT collection (Currently the most successful NFT project on BSC), and a number of unique features on our DEX meant to facilitate the best trading experience possible for our users


Question 6 from @lulu5016: 

What are Ape Swap strategies in building a big and strong community?

Answer: Community is actually one of the most important foundations of what makes ApeSwap the best crypto project in the space right now, and one of our core pillars. We have an AMAZING team of community admins who do a great job consistently keeping our community engaged and excited for all things ApeSwap, helping us create the most dedicated community on BSC. Just take a quick look at our Twitter, Telegram, or Discord, and you’ll find users who truly feel they are part of the ApeSwap family. We’ve even hired most of our core team directly through our various community channels, with all of them having started as fantastic volunteers


Question 7 from @RonnieDacey: 

Do you see any possibility of a collaboration between Mogul and Apeswap in the NFT space? Maybe a Mogul Ape nft series?

Answer: Absolutely!! Would love to eventually partner with Mogul for an NFT series 😄  Seems the ball is officially in your court


 Question 8 from @Kosala_1: 

How will you manage your platform when something surprising occurs in the future, such as a hack? What processes are in place to prevent this from happening, and what would be the potential response / course of action from your team?

Answer: Great question, security is such an important issue in DeFi and BSC especially. To answer your question, we work closely with a number of top auditors in the space, ensuring that every line of code we push has been properly audited and verified before being made public. We believe in the code we push out and the capabilities of our auditors, but just in case, we also have created a bug bounty program with rewards as high as $100,000 to incentivize users to help keep ApeSwap safe 🔐


If you want more information regarding ApeSwap’s security, please check this link:


 Question 9 from @Nisansala_1: 

How did ApeSwap manage to stay afloat in a market where many projects were failing? What is your plan for surviving?

Answer: I think this comes down to how dedicated our community are, and how much we take care of them to make them feel part of our Ape Family ❤️


It’s also thanks to the AMAZING work that is consistently being done by our community, both public facing and behind the scenes. We have close to 20 employees working 16 hour days 7 days a week to ensure we make ApeSwap the best project it can possibly be


 Question 10 from @OtotyReal: 

Apart from saying that you owe your exponential growth to the community, what did the apeswap team do differently?

Answer: We worked harder and better!!


Thanks for all the questions guys, it’s been an absolute pleasure being here! And huge thanks to Mogul for having me on.


We couldn’t be more excited that Mogul has joined our ApeSwap family, and look forward to many of you joining our amazing Ape community.


 A Message from Julian:

Looking forward to our ongoing partnership and future collaborative opportunities between Mogul and ApeSwap and hope to see you all soon in the ApeSwap chats. Let me know if you have any questions about ApeSwap or our products, always happy to help!

Blog Posts

AMA with Cindy Cowan

This post will recap the Film AMA with Cindy Cowan, Mogul’s Chief Strategy Officer, that took place on the Mogul Telegram channel on Friday, July 24th.

Anonymous Question:

  1. What was it about the projects in the showcase that made you select them? Could you tell us a bit more about the Mogul selection process?


The Mogul selection process is as follows: Completed screenplays are submitted with at least half of the financing in place, along with budgets, cast, crew or any other relevant details. Once submitted, we cover every script then start to sift through to projects that really stand out. 

After we have narrowed them down, each advisor will weigh in on which they believe should be put on the platform. We look for projects that have international appeal and that we feel confident we can get distribution for. 

We got very excited about MR-9 because it is based on a series of best selling books with a very James Bond type lead. We believe this to be the first installment of something that can turn into a film franchise. We love the lead character and believe due to the immense popularity of the books and the writing of the script that we will be able to attract a well known name. 

There is a director circling this film that has been linked to some of the biggest action films out there. The 2nd lead in this film also allows us to cast diverse and potential and give that character their own franchise. Lastly, we love this script!

Terminal Station is an action film, Action films always do well and this one ticked all of the boxes! This was sourced from a streamer franchise – will have more on this soon! 

There is an A-list actor circling this film to play the lead. Again, this film also allows us to work with various ethnicities and backgrounds. We really love this script – it was an absolute page turner!

Devilreaux – We wanted to pick a film in the horror space. Typically, horror films do very well at the box office. Whether on TV or in Film, Zombies typically do very well. We have an actor who is a horror icon circling the lead – which will bring horror fans a lot of joy! We love the setting of New Orleans, we think our Mogul audience is going to think this movie is a lot of fun!

Telegram: @prakashrj 

  1. What is the plan to scale? How will voting and film financing tie into this plan? Will community or access pass holders have this immersive experience that Lisa talks about?


Each project will be put on our showcase for a minimum of 2 weeks, which will allow the voting process to begin. Mogul will be putting up money for films that already have partial financing in place. 

The reason we require partial financing is to ensure that the producers and other parties involved in each project have mutually aligned interests.  It not only helps protect Mogul’s interests, but also prevents us from financing projects that are too early-stage (i.e. no final script, etc.).

Once the voting process ends, Mogul will begin putting that film together. We will allow our pass holders to have as much of an immersive experience as anyone in Hollywood has ever allowed! 

Every film that is submitted, the film team reviews based on a number of critical elements to ensure the project is viable.  We also negotiate with the producers involved to ensure Mogul is given as much access and collaboration as possible, so we can provide our community with rewards and experiences.  This is done before we commit to even put the films on our showcase.

We hope to take you behind-the-scenes and show you how a film is actually made from pre-production to set builds, casting, makeup, and post-production. We will be getting interviews along the way with filmmakers, key crew and talent. Hopefully, all our pass holders will come along for the ride and enjoy watching and experiencing our films getting made from pre-production to release.

Telegram: @jbarcel 

  1. What are you and the Mogul Team doing to spread the Mogul vision across Hollywood to get new people from there on board ?


We recently brought on board one of the biggest entertainment publicity firms not only in Hollywood, but in the world – Rogers & Cowan PMK. Rogers & Cowan PMK represents some of the biggest stars in Hollywood, most recognizable/established producers and huge bluechip companies (i.e. Snapchat, etc.).  

In addition, we are working with an extremely large marketing company called Optimad. Now that the showcase has been announced, we will start to engage both of these companies to really spread the word and help get Mogul mainstream and industry press. 

We have purposely been holding back a little until we put money into our first few films. By financing this first film through the Mogul process, we gain a lot of legitimacy as a business within Hollywood. Now that this is about to happen, we can show Hollywood that we are definitely prepared to put money up and bring Mogul to its optimal fruition.

Now that this is happening, get ready to see many announcements as we bring on directors and talent to announce the upcoming films we will get behind. After these first few films, we anticipate both approaching and getting approached by many top Hollywood players. 

Telegram: @Nisansala_1 

  1. Apart from Indie films, how is the team working to make Mogul adaptable to other film genres and settings? Is this initiative geared toward a certain audience or location, or can movie creators from all over the world (Africa) connect to it?


We are choosing films that audiences all over the world can connect to! This is very important to us, as it is to most studios and streaming services. Horror, Action, Thrillers and broad comedies typically do the best and are easily relatable internationally. We are open to shooting our films in any country that makes sense for the production. 

Anonymous Question:

  1. Was there a conscious decision to focus on action / horror movies? It seems that action movies on average can be lower cost & higher revenue than some other genres, would you say this is the case, and if so, will Mogul be broadening their range in the future?


Mogul will be making movies for a global audience – as such, Action and Horror movies usually have the broadest appeal with the most commercial viability. We will consider projects that can get proper distribution and have the best chances of attracting well-known and established talent.  

We can certainly broaden our range of genres, however, if the film project really stands out or tells an interesting or unique story. We will be keeping our budgets at a certain level to begin with given the early stage nature of Mogul, but hope to eventually broaden this as we move forward i.e. higher profile, bigger budget films with higher calibre A-list talent.

Telegram: @lulu5016 

  1. NFT is considered the next trend of the crypto industry after DeFi. Could you share your opinion about NFT? Where do Mogul see the future evolution of NFT features and capabilities in the next few years? 


I think the use cases of NFT’s in the film business can be endless. Independent producers can turn original screenplays or art into NFT’s to help finance their projects, while studios can potentially turn their screenplays into NFT’s as well, which can generate additional income for everyone. 

Imagine having an NFT for the screenplay of a film such as DEADPOOL. In addition, NFT’s can be anything from costumes, music, posters, to a still or animated image. Just think if you had the NFT for the BATMAN costume! 

I think Hollywood is on the cusp of utilizing NFT’s in both Film and TV, I believe this to be the future! It helps the creatives involved because it adds a new revenue stream which lowers reliance on conventional means of generating revenue (i.e. box office sales, merchandising, etc.).

Anonymous Question:

  1. I would like to know more about the distribution process for the movies from the showcase. How do you plan to get these movies in front of paying customers?


We will be looking for projects that we know can find a home, both theatrically and on streaming services. Before moving forward on any project, we will do the same thing that most producers do, by taking a temperature in the marketplace to make sure we land with a studio, mini major or streamer that is looking for this type of project. 

Telegram: @MarkFacebook 

  1. With filming forced to halt for many movies because of COVID, could there be a long wait for filming locations to become available once COVID dies down, because so many movies want to resume shooting at the same time? If so, what will Mogul do to try to secure filming locations and avoid delays?


Yes, some locations could be delayed. Pre-production, however, on most films occurs several months in advance, so locations are scouted and typically secured during this time.  Given the current COVID environment, productions would likely have more than one option for a location to mitigate risk in the event we lose a location due to COVID. 

One of the biggest challenges is trying to secure the crew and coordinate schedules. We are currently seeing this happen now, producers and studios are scrambling to secure top notch below-the-line talent (meaning everyone except the stars and director).

In addition, with so many movies starting production at the same time; it is also becoming increasingly difficult to get some of the larger, well-known actors. The Mogul is working hard with all its advisors and partners to leverage their existing relationships with producers (i.e. such as myself) to return to locations where we have strong contacts.

 In regards to the movies on the showcase, it is impossible to say that these projects will 100% go on time due to COVID restrictions and delays. Devilreaux, which shoots in Los Angeles, should be okay pending no cast or crew testing positive for COVID, which is an ongoing risk that can halt any production. 

Terminal Station and MR-9, which shoot in exotic locations such as Romania and Bangladesh, could always see delay if those countries should close their borders or require long term quarantine stays. 

Covid is tricky for any production or filmmaker to navigate as the various unions have very strict protocols on how and when films can shoot to ensure safety for everyone involved.  Otherwise, producers are taking every precaution they can and planning as much as possible to ensure they can shoot on budget and on-time. 

Telegram: @jbarcel

  1. What is the average expectation time for a film to finish after being funded by Mogul? And how many showcases mogul expect to provide throughout the year?


Each project varies based on the script. Anywhere from 9 months on, it is based entirely on the project: Where they are shooting, How complex the script is, How long we need for pre-production, How long we will need for proper post-production. Then depending on whether the film is released on a streaming service or theatrically, it will depend on the window of who bought it for distribution.

We will release more information about future showcases as soon as we know!

Telegram: Niche

  1. As a film producer what checks and balances system do you implement when it comes to managing budgets?


When it comes to budgets, there are numerous checks and balance systems used. For example I always make sure I have a seasoned line producer who I have worked with before that shares the same vision for the budget as i do. I try to always use a DP who is seasoned in the genre of the film we are shooting and knows how to make his or her days. All of the actors should have plenty of rehearsal time. All of the below-the-line crew has to be very up to date on what we are trying to film on that specific day.