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Mogul: Updated Timelines

Toronto, Canada

We’re overwhelmed with the support from our community and we’re so proud to be growing Mogul globally with you all. There have been frequent questions in our community in regards to timelines, potential extensions, and the future plans for Mogul and we wanted to answer everyone’s questions in a concise post for our community.

We will be extending the Access Pass Sale and the unlock schedule by 1 week, which brings us three updated, upcoming dates:

  1. End of Access Pass Sale: April 15th
  2. Token Unpause: April 22nd
  3. Mogul Growth Farming: April 22nd

The updated dates of these events will be reflected in our Litepaper and on our Website within the next 24 hours.

Timelines that are communicated to our community are incredibly important to us. Mogul is a product-driven company and our development team is working hard to aggressively ship product features for our 35 thousand+ users every week. For that reason, we want to be transparent behind our decision to push these dates by 1 week:

Smart contract audits can take a lot of time and auditors are currently very backed up

Security of our users is our number one priority. As a product-driven company looking to disrupt one of the largest industries in the world we cannot “test in prod”. Once a smart contract is deployed, they are immutable, and a vulnerability can be incredibly costly to our community and Mogul’s growth. Nearly every week in the blockchain industry there seems to be a smart contract exploit, and that’s why we’re doing everything in our power to make sure that each contract we deploy passes a thorough audit. So far, we have scored perfect scores on our existing audits.

DeFi and NFT auditors are in high demand right now and there is a backlog of audits waiting to happen. Our staking contract “Stars Master Chef” is currently in audit and we’ve been assured that it will be complete by the new date outlined above.

Secure, audited smart contracts are a priority for our team and need to be a higher priority than speed to market to make sure that Mogul is set up for success in the long term and our reputation as a product-driven, audited platform is kept intact.

What is STARS Master Chef?

STARS Master Chef is a staking contract, forked from the SushiSwap codebase, where STARS holders and UNIV2 STARS/ETH LP holders will be able to stake their tokens within a pool on the Mogul platform to earn more STARS. This campaign will allow us to grow the Mogul user base and community by tapping into the Uniswap community; creating a stronger network for Mogul to harness the Power of the Crowd when making movies. More details will be shared about this contract this week, but the rewards can be found in our One-Pager here.

The delay in the audit has nothing to do with our codebase and is a result of the industry’s best auditors being busier than ever due to the immense growth in the blockchain industry.

Film industry users need more time to purchase Access Passes

We have received many emails from film industry professionals trying to purchase Access Passes that are having trouble purchasing Ethereum for the first time. It’s taking more time than they realized for them to onboard to cryptocurrency given the current on-ramp solutions. Extending the Sale will give these industry members more opportunity to participate in the Access Pass sale. We’re grateful to have such support from the film industry and demand to use STARS tokens on the Mogul platform to perform actions like submitting scripts for financing consideration.

To make it easier for film industry users to onboard to blockchain in the future, we’re taking the following measures:

  • Deploying the platform onto Polygon for instant transactions
  • Integrating Biconomy for gasless transactions so that users can transact for the first time without having to purchase Ethereum
  • Engaging directly with payment processing companies, such as Sendwyre and Transak, so that we can build the option to buy cryptocurrency directly within the Mogul platform

Another frequent question in our community has been: “what will happen to the Access Passes that go unsold?” It is premature to speculate that Access Passes will go unsold, but if they do, the STARS tokens included in the passes will be allocated to the Mogul Ecosystem Development Fund to grow the Mogul user base with tiered access to the tokens. This allocation of tokens may be used for activities like the following:

  • Referral program bonuses
  • Voting bonuses to our users
  • More staking bonuses
  • More tokens used for the early adopter distribution program

Some tokens will remain in the “Top Up” tier on the platform to allow users who need a small number of tokens on the platform for specific actions to easily purchase them. For example, purchasing the tokens necessary to submit a script.

Together, we are trying to positively disrupt one of the largest industries in the world through more transparent funding opportunities and the power of the crowd. We are planning unique strategies to onboard the masses from the film industry to the Mogul community. This includes film fans, financiers, and creative talents (writers, directors, producers, and more). We have already had an outpour of support from the film industry as you can see by these videos.

To celebrate the support from our early community members, we have a really exciting announcement that we will share later today about offering physical versions of the NFT Access Passes to our early users. Stay tuned!

Also stay tuned for more strategic partnerships to be announced before the end of the Access Pass Sale just like our most recent announcement with GD10 Ventures.

Remember that right now the Mogul platform is live and the movies on our platform are listening to your feedback and support, as the creators have mentioned in their latest Telegram AMAs.

On the Mogul platform, you can currently customize your profile, create an industry account with your filmmaking experience, submit your scripts and projects for financing consideration, show your support for the movies in the Showcase through likes and comments, and engage in the community by commenting on the industry (and Mogul’s) latest news and updates in our dedicated community section.

On April 29th we will be having the auction, on the Mogul platform, for the Rob Prior NFTs and will continue building out our NFT marketplace to have even more capabilities after the event.

Thank you all for your early support.


The Mogul Team

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.



Blog Posts

Mogul to Leverage Chainlink VRF for Movie-Inspired NFT Marketplace


Mogul will integrate Chainlink VRF to generate tamper-proof randomness and ensure provable rarity across its NFT marketplace

Mogul is expanding its integration with the market-leading oracle network Chainlink to integrate Chainlink VRF, a verifiable randomness solution, to ensure the security of Mogul’s upcoming movie-based NFT marketplace. By integrating Chainlink’s novel VRF solution, Mogul will gain access to a secure and transparent source of on-chain entropy for generating and distributing provably rare NFTs.

Mogul’s movie-based NFTs can represent different scenes in Mogul-produced movies, signed movie scripts, and even executive producer credits. Mogul will also issue collections of dynamic NFTs with provably rare attributes built directly into the on-chain token. Chainlink VRF enables Mogul’s movie-based NFTs to be distributed to Access Pass holders and collection purchasers in a provably fair manner, ensuring all users have an equal opportunity to obtain the rarest and most desirable NFTs.

Chainlink VRF works by combining block data that is still unknown when the request is made with the oracle node’s pre-committed private key to generate both a random number and a cryptographic proof. Any user can verify the cryptographic proof with the block data and oracle node public key to ensure that the entropy produced is authentic. Thus, Chainlink VRF provides a transparent and tamper-proof source of on-chain randomness for smart contract applications.

For more information on our previous integration and why we selected Chainlink as our preferred oracle solution, view our past announcement here:

“By continuing our integration with the Chainlink Network’s highly secure and reliable oracle services, we are greatly expanding the functionality of our decentralized film platform. With Chainlink VRF, Mogul is ensuring that our movie-driven NFT marketplace is powered by a verifiable source of on-chain randomness and well-positioned to pioneer the next generation of unique and dynamic digital collectibles.”

Lisa Sun, President of Mogul Productions

“We are pleased to offer continued support to Mogul as they work to transform the movie industry with their decentralized film platform. Chainlink VRF provides a tamper-proof source of predictability that enables Mogul to create and distribute provably rare NFTs, so any user can verify that their unique film collectibles were minted in a fair manner with authentic attributes..”

Daniel Kochis, Head of Chainlink Business Development

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the most widely used and secure way to power universally connected smart contracts. With Chainlink, developers can connect any blockchain with high-quality data sources from other blockchains as well as real-world data. Managed by a global, decentralized community of hundreds of thousands of people, Chainlink is introducing a fairer model for contracts. Its network currently secures billions of dollars in value for smart contracts across the decentralized finance (DeFi), insurance and gaming ecosystems, among others.

Chainlink is trusted by hundreds of organizations to deliver definitive truth via secure, reliable data feeds. To learn more, visit, subscribe to the Chainlink newsletter, and follow @chainlink on Twitter.

Blog Posts

Mogul Troops — Mogul Productions Ambassador Program

An Introduction to the Mogul Troops

Mogul wants to change how movies are made and financed by connecting fans, creators, and financiers through DeFi and blockchain. It’s a big mission that is going to have a profound impact on the blockchain and film industries, and we can’t do it alone!

So that’s why we are building an army of ambassadors! Just like in Braveheart, we’re looking for Troops to help Mogul!

Mogul Troops will be the high-quality group of ambassadors that will promote the mission and vision of Mogul around the world.

As a Mogul Troop, you are the face of Mogul to our fans and followers.

More about the Mogul Troops

Just as William Wallace (Mel Gibson) led his troops to free his homeland from the tyranny of King Edward I of England in the movie Braveheart, the Mogul Troops will lead our community to grow and spread the word of Mogul to the masses.


Troops will create content explaining our vision, educate their local communities about our efforts, and start meaningful conversations about our utility.


Together, we will change the ways movies are made.

As a Mogul Troop, your primary responsibilities would be to:

  1. Build engagement across various social channels and blog sites
  2. Provide local insights and feedback for our products, and help us improve our offerings for your local community
  3. Act as an advocate for Mogul and educate new community members on Telegram and social media about our vision and activities
  4. Create Videos and educational content for YouTube and blog sites
  5. Translate existing content to your native languages and promote them in local communities and social media platforms
  6. Create GIFs, Memes and Stickers about Mogul, and share them across social media and Telegram
  7. Community Representatives can attend and organize Webinars and AMAs, and share partnership news and latest announcements in your respective communities

This is not an exhaustive list–you are open to use your creative juices and come up with innovative ways to promote Mogul Productions.

We are looking for:

  • Social media gurus
  • Translators
  • Graphic designers
  • Video editors
  • Script readers
  • Content writers
  • Technical advocates
  • Community representatives

What’s in it for you?

  • Title of Official Mogul Troop
  • Exclusive access to team events
  • Access to senior Mogul team
  • Rewards in the form of STARS tokens
  • Access to the official Mogul Ambassador group
  • Official Mogul Ambassador badge NFT

And there is more 

As a Troop, you’ll also play a role in deciding the direction in which Mogul will progress, as we would like to know your suggestions about how we can grow sustainably.

With many new partnerships, listings, and developments lined up this year, Troops will find ample opportunities to contribute significantly and win rewards.

Interested community members from all over the world are invited to join the Mogul Ambassador program and play a role in making Mogul an international success.





This round of applications is open from June 29th to July 13th.

About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on greenlight and take part in key decision-making aspects of production.

Blog Posts

Mogul To Create NFT Series for Reboot Camp Movie

Mogul has partnered with the award-winning movie, Reboot Camp, to create an NFT collection of deleted scenes from the movie for collectors. The drop, which celebrates the launch of Mogul’s NFT Marketplace, will be the first in a series of NFT partnerships to come.

The date of the NFT drop is September 16th. NFT purchasers will be able to attend the exclusive red carpet screening of the film on September 21st in Los Angeles at the Cinelounge Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard, where they will be able to meet, mingle, and take pictures with the cast for the ultimate Hollywood experience. 

The drop will include 11 one-of-a-kind NFTs including talent such as rapper/actor Ja Rule, adult film actress Nicole Aniston, and The Office’s David Koechner.

The NFTs were created from deleted, never-before-seen scenes in the movie with these and other stars of Reboot Camp, including Chaz Bono (American Horror Story), David Lipper (Full House), and Jessica Belkin (American Horror Story). Some of the deleted scenes include collectibles and other perks from the movie. 

Also being minted are 25 digitally signed NFT movie posters, each including a personalized screener of the movie customized by the lead actor and director.


Fake Guru. Real story. Reboot Camp, a large ensemble comedy film from writer/director Ivo Raza (Seventeen Hours In, Jarring) is the story of two brothers who start a fake self-help group to document how easy it is to manipulate people, but once started, the camp takes on a life of its own into a full-blown cult. Watch the trailer.

The movie has won an award at every film festival it has played in and is currently available for purchase on Fandango, iTunes and Youtube. The movie is currently negotiating distribution deals with streaming services.

After losing his life savings and his wife to a self-help guru, Seymour (Lipper), is on a mission to expose false prophets who fleece people for money.  He teams up with his brother Danny (Price), a filmmaker, and they start a fake self-improvement group called Reboot Camp. They plan to document the entire process on film and showcase the falseness of it all, as well as, they hope, make an award-winning documentary.  

While Seymour transforms into the charismatic Gordon St. Pierre (Lipper), a larger than life persona who teaches a path to bliss through a process called “rebooting,” Danny films everything.  They succeed handsomely as even the most ludicrous group activities are met with unbridled enthusiasm from the members. But as more and more people join, Seymour and Danny must request additional funds from the producer (McClintock), who pushes them to hire his niece Claire (Stojan) to supervise. 

Reboot Camp is currently entering its second window of distribution, which is the subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) window. The film is currently in the TVOD stage. 

The partnership with Reboot Camp is the perfect prelude to Reboot Camp 2, where the production team is already making plans for a film, distributed as an NFT in collaboration with Mogul, where your favourite cast and crew of Reboot Camp will return for a blockchain-related mockumentary. 

The Reboot Camp Collection NFT drop is just the beginning of Reboot Camp entering the NFT community!

Blog Posts

Mogul Strengthens Film Financing Arm with Addition of Co-Chairs

Paul Sparkes and Gorav Seth to Co-Chair Film Financing for Mogul Productions

TORONTO, June 11, 2021 – Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform and movie-based NFT marketplace, announced the promotion of two of its Senior Advisors to Co-Chairs of the Film Financing team. Entrepreneur and former media executive Paul Sparkes and financier Gorav Seth bring a combined 35+ years of entertainment and financing experience to Mogul’s film team. 

Sparkes, who co-founded a publicly traded specialty finance company, also spent a decade as a leader in Canada’s broadcast and digital media industry as Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs at CTVglobemedia (now Bell Media).

Previous to Mogul, Seth spent over 12 years as an investment banker and venture capitalist at Canada’s leading independent investment dealers, having raised over $4 billion for public and private companies alike. He’s been involved in the film and TV industry for nearly 20 years, managing Hollywood actors and financing independent films. 

“The combined leadership and experience that Paul and Gorav bring to Mogul is second to none,” said Mogul Productions Founder and President, Lisa Sun. “Working together, they will help us greenlight more movies, more quickly. This is a great day for Mogul and for all of our STARS token holders.”

“Blockchain has proven to be a game-changer across many sectors,” said Sparkes. “ I look forward to helping Mogul revolutionize the film industry as a next-generation film finance company.”

“Mogul is not only changing how films are financed, but also leveraging a new global audience to drive engagement and empowerment of fans,” added Seth. “The decentralized approach to financing films helps democratize the independent film space, and provides movie fans with the power to influence what film projects get made.”

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight, and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.


Blog Posts

Mogul soft launches our Beta platform!

Its Here.

We have launched the Beta of the Mogul platform. Thank you all for being early adopters and helping us to test, refine, and improve Mogul as we develop best-in-class blockchain technology to improve and support the independent film industry.
The feedback thus far has been phenomenal and we encourage you all to continue reaching out on social media and within the platform as we gather feedback from you all and continue to make Mogul a digital space for all in the film industry.

What does this mean for you?

You can now:
✅Submit your film projects! Sign up as an industry user and unlock the ability to submit your film idea. Our team of professionals will review your project and evaluate it for potential financing
✅Build your profile and connect your social media channels for more exposure, including your IMDb profile!
✅Engage in the community! Make a post and create conversation, ask questions, or post film events you would like the Mogul community to be part of!
✅Send your ideas, project updates, and more. Tell other Moguls what you’re working on.

What is all this blockchain stuff?

Every user that signs up has their own blockchain smart wallet generated for them. You are the only one with access to this and it is encrypted with your password. We take care of the technicalities.

The Mogul Smart Wallet is the next generation of blockchain technology, no more worrying about complicated seed phrases or losing your password. This wallet is where you will store your rewards, fund your wallet, send & receive digital assets, and soon invest in the Mogul Film Fund.

What is next from here?

We’re currently working on taking in user feedback for a revamp of the platform. When we launch that revamp, we will have functionalities built-in where users can:
✨Contribute in movies featured in the ✨Mogul Showcase
✨Vote on movies you want Mogul to contribute in
✨Engage in enhanced community events directly on the platform

We encourage everyone to share all of their ideas. Internally we are taking all community members’ opinions into consideration on how we can build a platform that caters specifically to the film industry providing more transparency, accessibility, and community around investing in and producing independent films more successfully.

Together. We are Mogul!

Let’s celebrate this soft launch together.

Stay tuned for some community events our team will be organizing in the near future.

Until next time,

– The Mogul Team

Blog Posts

Mogul Productions Corporate Announcement

At Mogul, we are committed to the long term mission and vision of the company. Our mission is to democratize & drive innovation in the film industry through inclusion, better access for the community, and financing for creative projects chosen through the Mogul process. Our vision is to become the future of film by setting a gold standard for production financing, oversight and fan engagement. These are prominently displayed on our website.

Our team is dedicated to making this mission and vision happen for the company and for our


Leadership Changes and Advisory Team

We have been actively listening to our community. We have been reading every email, Telegram message, and direct inquiry. There are key themes that have been suggested as a next path forward. We’ve taken them extremely seriously and went through all of them in great detail with some of our advisors and legal team. The north star in decision-making has been that an engaged, loyal community helps drive the growth of the Mogul platform and mission to empower the crowd to make decisions on movies together. In times of decision-making, Mogul leans on its core values.

Mogul has recognized the need for better communication from our core team to our end users in order to build trust with our community. As a result, Mogul has made some organizational changes to help begin the next phase in our growth.

Lisa Sun will be taking over as interim CEO and in her first move to steer Mogul in it’s intended direction, she has brought on two senior strategic advisors with a wealth of experience in Film and Finance.

We are happy to announce that Gorav Seth and Paul Sparkes have agreed to join Mogul’s senior advisory team and help execute on the company’s vision of democratizing the film industry using blockchain technology.

Gorav brings a wealth of experience with several years of senior leadership experience working with and funding venture companies. Gorav has spent over 12 years working in capital markets at leading independent investment dealers in Canada and has worked on over $4 billion of transactions. Prior to his career in capital markets, Gorav spent over a decade working in the film and television industry working both as an entertainment manager with leading talent and as a financier for independent feature films.

Gorav Seth and Paul Sparkes will be working closely with Mogul’s team to provide oversight and help streamline the company’s processes and day-to-day operations in an effort to align the film side with the technology platform of Mogul. Gorav and Paul will play an important role in the execution of Mogul’s strategic objectives and help position the company for massive growth and awareness.

The STARS Utility Token

Our STARS token, as per our litepaper, is an in-app rewards, engagement, community governance and incentivization system that offers access to the Mogul platform. Mogul Access Passes, which were included in the purchase of STARS tokens on the Mogul platform, offer users enhanced Access within the Mogul ecosystem for the holders. Each are tools to promote engagement and community participation in the film industry, and every Mogul user is required to have STARS tokens for access and participation.

Access Passes open up further advanced features and access within the platform. STARS tokens are also the de facto payment vehicle within our platform, and value for them is derived from their utility within the Mogul ecosystem; not externally. Mogul has no hand in the secondary market perception of the token.

Purchasers in the Access Pass sale, as defined in our One-Pager, purchased STARS and an Access Pass NFT. The STARS were immediately distributed to users and the file representing the NFT was displayed in their Mogul profile, with instructions that the underlying token would be delivered to the user’s smart wallet when launched.

Part of Mogul’s go-to-market growth strategy, as a DeFi and NFT platform for the film industry, was to launch a staking and growth farming program where users could stake their STARS tokens on the Mogul platform. The motivations for this program are clearly outlined in Mogul’s blog post introducing the program, and are still to grow the Mogul user base.

We encourage users to use their STARS tokens within the Mogul application for growth farming, voting, and more, which will allow our early supporters to earn many more tokens over time that can be spent within the Mogul application.

Upcoming and Future Events

Mogul will continue to run the business and platform in a manner that maintains the integrity of its long term vision. Supporters of Mogul understand the promise of the platform and appreciate that the value of the STARS platform within our ecosystem remains unchanged. STARS holders will continue to have a voice in greenlighting movies.

Our film team is working hard to short-list, independent feature films for the first-ever community-based vote on a film production. We will be announcing a new call for scripts to be put up in the showcase for the next round of funding very shortly.

Mogul will be commissioning Rob Prior, a prominent Marvel and D.C. Comics artist, to create an original piece of art that will be transformed into an NFT and sent to our Access Pass holders. This includes early supporters who, during the Access Pass sale, purchased from the Top Up tier, which is an option intended for users to top up their STARS tokens for in-app purchases. More details on this additional bonus for Access Pass holders will be announced by Monday.

This is part of our commitment to our fans as we add more utility to STARS, Access Passes, and the Mogul ecosystem beyond the current DeFi and NFT use cases of growth farming and purchasing NFTs in our marketplace and during auctions, and our traditional use cases of purchasing rewards and submitting projects to Mogul; all of which are currently available to holders.

At Mogul we appreciate your continued support, together we can make the vision of Mogul a reality. We are proud to have you on this journey with us.

Lisa Sun

President & Interim CEO

Blog Posts

Mogul Reveals Access Pass NFTs

With 5 days remaining to the Access Pass Sale, we have finally revealed the artwork for our Access Pass NFTs

March 19, 2021, Toronto, Canada

We have now revealed the artwork for our Access Pass NFTs. To view the NFTs, which have been given a watermark before the official sale starts on March 25th, visit the Mogul Platform.

These passes will be available for sale on March 25th. Only 2375 will be sold and the Sale will end when they are sold out. For the highest tier of the pass, the Red Carpet Pass, there is only 25 total available.

For full details on the Access Pass Sale, visit our Medium post.

Users can now sign into their Mogul profile and join the waitlist for a pass. If you are on the waitlist prior to March 25th, you may be randomly selected to purchase a pass prior to the official sale. Being on the waitlist does not guarantee that there will be passes left on March 25th.

For full details on the passes and their pricing can be found in your Mogul Dashboard.

CAUTION: Any offers to get any Mogul tokens or passes to you before April 8th outside of Mogul’s Platform, including on Uniswap, are NOT genuine.

Blog Posts

Mogul Launches Platform

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that gives everyone a voice in the creative process, launches its platform. Starting today, users can create an account to have the chance to be whitelisted for future access to STARS tokens and check-out the films in the Showcase that will be voted on with STARS when the platform is released on mainnet.

Gagan Grewal, CEO of Mogul Productions, expressed, “With all the major streaming platforms experiencing global viewership spikes in 2020 and predictions of the current $50.11 billion market growing 21.0% each year, it’s clear that there is a nearly insatiable demand for great content, and yet, it’s incredibly difficult for independent creators to get their stories financed and made into films. The exploding demand vs. insufficient supply is one of the most unbalanced markets across industries. At Mogul, we are giving filmmakers, fans, and film financiers a voice in the creative process, ensuring that more great films get made, and helping to right this asymmetrical market.”

In the current entertainment ecosystem, indie filmmakers have a hard time getting their ideas financed, fans have no say in the process, and financiers have very little transparency into what is happening with their investment. Mogul Productions will deploy blockchain technology to address these myriad issues, creating an entertainment ecosystem that works for everyone.

In the Mogul platform, creators gain opportunities for collaboration and the chance to get their films financed by the Mogul community. If their project is greenlit, creators also receive production oversight from the experienced Mogul team and a built-in fanbase to support the film’s success upon distribution.

Movie fans will be able to engage with the filmmakers and their favorite projects in deeper, more meaningful ways: from voting for which films will receive funding, to earning STARS that are redeemable for prizes like one-of-a-kind film posters, red carpet tickets, and invitations to exclusive events.

Mogul also plans to release a digital asset that will enable compliant participation in profit sharing from Mogul-produced movies. Financiers will also benefit from greater transparency into how film funds are being deployed during production as well as how profits are being distributed after release. Mogul’s team of experienced producers provide oversight to ensure productions stay in-budget and on-schedule.

Upon mainnet launch, users will be eligible to receive STARS, the platform’s in-app currency used to vote on which films receive funding. Mogul harnesses the power of the crowd in its decentralized quadratic voting system, which ensures users with more tokens do not have undue influence over the process. All votes are counted using a formula that makes each vote cast by the same user exponentially more expensive, preventing vote buying and restricting wealth dominance.

Mogul’s non-custodial Smart Wallet, which will be live upon mainnet launch, is designed to make it easy for anyone, regardless of crypto knowledge, to hold and use STARS. The automated password reset flow gives users the ability to reset their passwords in a way that is familiar based on other web experiences without ever giving Mogul access to their private keys.

The Mogul Continuous Organization is another unique invention of the Mogul team. By deploying Mogul Continuous Organization Technology, it automatically delegates cash flow management to a community governed organization to ensure constant liquidity for financiers.

To submit a film project to be considered by the Mogul community for financing, sign up for an account on the platform at, build-out your profile, and connect with fellow creatives.

For media inquiries, please contact Leila Wolf at (310) 260–7901 or Leila(at)MelrosePR(dot)com.

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, & film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. Leveraging blockchain technology and a tokenized model, Mogul incentivizes participation and engagement. Using the Mogul in-app currency and utility token (STARS), users can vote for their favorite films to be greenlit and participate in key decision-making aspects of production. STARS holders are key governing bodies of the Mogul platform, including the profit-sharing pool of capital accruing from Mogul-funded movies. Mogul’s production team and advisors are award-winning Hollywood veterans who have written, directed, acted in, and produced diverse slates of films and TV shows.

Blog Posts

Mogul Production x BSCDaily AMA Recap

This post will summarize Mogul’s Production AMA, which took place on Wednesday, July 14th, on the BSC daily Telegram channel. Lisa Sun was Present for this event.

Moderator Questions

Question 1: What is Mogul Productions all about? Give us a little summary

Answer: Mogul is a DeFi and NFT platform for movies & STARS powers our ecosystem

Our team has collectively made over 100 films in Hollywood and identified that there is a problem with opaque financing of independent films and lack of fan participation in the movie-making process. Bringing blockchain-based financing and NFTs to the movie industry, we provide fans the ability to share in the success (50% of the profits) and be part of the movie-making process.

Our platform launched in February and we already have 50k users, 30+ strategic partners, and more than 100k followers across our community channels. We have been featured in Variety News, NASDAQ, Forbes, Cointelegraph, and other global publications.

To date, we’ve sold more than $10M in NFTs through direct sales and auctions and are incredibly excited for what’s in store over the next 3–6 months for our product.

This week is particularly exciting, as we have 3 brand new partnerships PLUS tomorrow we have some extra special news 🙂

Question 2: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your team? What are your past experiences?

Answer: Of course. I have been investing in independent films and blockchain projects since 2015 and I saw a gap in the marketplace as an investor to bridge the antiquated world of film financing with blockchain technology. I was an early adopter of projects like Ethereum and Cardano.

We’ve spent the last 2 years assembling what we feel is one of the strongest teams in blockchain with respect to the amount of expertise we have in the indsutry we’re enterting.

Our film team has made over 100 feature films throughout their career and been awarded Golden Globes, Oscars, Peoples’ Choice Awards, and more.

New additions to our film financing arm of the business have raised 100s of millions of dollars for public companies in their careers, and our legal team has been papering deals in Hollywood for years.

This is a team that knows how to execute in Hollywood and we can’t wait to launch our first ever movie vote in the next 2 weeks. It will definitely make some noise!

Question 3: Why did you and your team decide to build Mogul Productions?

Answer: that’s a great question!

The Mogul story begins with our team hearing the story of Deadpool in 2016 when we originally wrote the first Mogul whitepaper. Then we started development in 2018. Validation for the idea (after hearing about the Deadpool story) came about because our founding team had invested in movie scripts before and often found that the experience of investing in a sscript wasn’t very good… There is a major lack of transparency in the accounting and investing process. Projects that could be profitable aren’t because of these ‘martian’ accounting practices and bloated budgets. But, one project we invested in at a script level stood out as special — they provided monthly updates, behind-the scenes photos and details of cast members under consideration. They also talked business development and asked for access to specific people in our networks. It was a really immersive experience where we got all of this “insider” information and felt part of the process. By doing this they created a dedicated community with the common goal of making the movie successful. We want to emulate this, at scale.

Hearing the Deadpool story was the initial “wow” moment for us that sparked the idea for Mogul back in 2016. Deadpool owes its success to the combined passion of actor, director and comic book fans for bringing the much-loved comic strip to life. Deadpool has become the highest grossing R-rated franchise in movie history; but it wouldn’t have been made without comic fans loving a ‘proof of concept’ trailer leaked by actor Ryan Reynolds. Fans demanded the studio make it! And Mogul’s platform aims to give film fans a voice in the script-to-screen process too.

This was power of the crowd, decentralization, peer to peer community building and rallying behind a cause. There was a centralized entity (the studio) that was stopping the production of a film because they didn’t think an R-rated Marvel movie would work, but the fans pushed it forward. The people told the studio what they wanted to see and how they wanted to see it.

Blockchain is very good for security, building die-hard communities and financial transparency, efficiency, and automation in payments. Blockchain communities can will the success of a project, just like Deadpool fans. And we are building the platform with Ethereum, because of Ethereum’s network effect.

Imagine the Deadpool effect, but now with Mogul, where STARS holders can share in the success of 50% of Mogul movie profits! This has never been done before, especially with the quality of movies you’ll see on our platform

Question 4: Let’s dive into your tokens $STARS. Can you share with us your tokenomics? And what are some of $STARS use cases?

Answer: Of course. There are 400m total STARS tokens, but approximately 3m have already been burned. It’s a burning token, where each time STARS are used within our platform (purchasing NFTs, buying rewards, etc.) a portion of STARS are burnt. Approximately 75% of our tokens are in supply already.

STARS tokens are used within the Mogul ecosystem to:

– Share in 50% of Mogul movie profits (governance)
– Purchase NFTs
– Bid for NFTs in auctions
– Buy rewards related to our films
– Vote for which movies you want made (and receive STARS for voting)
– Governance
– As an in-app currency

The STARS token has a lot of use cases within our system and the plan is to make STARS the defacto currency where movies meet blockchain. Our business development team is teaching Hollywood about them every day!

Question 5: And does $STARS get audited?

Answer: Yes, we have audited all of our contracts with well known auditing companies, Hacken and Zokyo. Security is top priority for us and we make sure that each contract we put out is manually and automatically tested in audits, and then our audits are published for the public to view.

Audits can be viewed within a user’s dashboard at

Question 6: Where can we buy $STARS?

Answer: As of tomorrow, you’ll be able to purchase BEP20 STARS on ApeSwap. If you want to purchase today before the big announcement, you can find STARS on Uniswap or Bitmart. Those are the best two options! There will be MANY more places in the future 😄 … as soon as the next 15 days

Direct Uniswap link:

Here is a link to our Coinmarketcap where you can find a list of all of the options to purchase STARS:

Question 7: What can we expect in the next 3 months and in 2021 as a whole?

Answer: The next 3–6 months will be a “coming of age” for Mogul. The product launches we have coming up are incredible.

1. Voting: users, as of the next few weeks, will be able to vote on the movies they want financed through our Showcase and earn STARS yield in doing so
2. NFT Marketplace: we will be the defacto place where movies meet NFTs and the STARS token is the currency that will be used.
3. Smart Wallet: gas-less, layer 2 wallet for direct use of the blockchain for new entrants in the space (product aimed to target masses from the film industry to participate in Mogul and STARS)

Here is how our Showcase works (I blurred out the psoters so people don’t see which movies will be in the vote 😉 )

I know our community would have gone crazy seeing the films!

Question 8: And where can we find out more about Mogul Productions on social media?

Answer: The two best places to find us are on Twitter and Telegram:


We also have:


Community Questions

Question 1: How do you make it possible for Fans to have red carpet tickets and invitations to exclusive events, how do you get them?

Answer 1: When we make / finance a movie, part of the legal negotiation with the project is to include rewards for our users.

These rewards will be represented as NFTs in our NFT marketplace. There will be a fixed number available for various prices and we will market it like an NFT drop, where certain users (who hold exclusive NFTs) will have access to purchase rewards that are of higher value.

For example, there may be only 1 “Executive Producer Credit” available so we would offer that to our most exclusive users. But there may be many opportunities to purchase other, more common rewards, such as a Facetime with the cast or something like that 🙂

Question 2: Who are your target customers? Southeast Asia best for crypto adoption? Do you have an ambassador program and can they have a program?

Answer 2: We do have an ambassador program where ambassadors share over $5000 per month and we’d love to have applicants come from South East asia to grow our community on that side of the world!

Question 3: Is your platform suitable for Crypto beginners? Or does it only appeal to professional users?

Answer 3: The goal of our product is to make it easy to use for every level of crypto users, including first time users.

By building our product in this manner, we aim to attract hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of users in the future 🙂

Question 4: My first question is about the #voting_mechanism to choose a movie.
Is it like “anyone with any amount of tokens holding have one vote” or “the voting is weighted based on how much token anyone hold”?
From what I understand both of these has their own upsides and downsides, may you explain how you’re going to manage this issue?

Another question I have is about Mogul’s involvement in the movies.
– Are you going to make movies or distribute them or both?
– What platform do you have in mind to distribute Mogul funded movies for early stages of the project, streaming services or big screen?

Answer 4: For the voting, your votes are calcuated as the square root the amount of tokens you have and then rounded down. This allows small token holders to still have a great impact on the vote.

So if you have 10 tokens, you get 3 votes.

For your second question, we finance and produce the movies, and as part of the production team, we help get the movie distributed in places like Netflix and Amazon Prime

Question 5: Do you plan to burn or redeem any tokens from the market in the future? Or burn Mogul’s token itself?

Answer 5: STARS is a burning token. When it’s used in our platform, a portion of tokens are burnt. For example, when we sold our Rob Prior “Wolf of Wall Street” NFT for 5.5 million STARS (nearly 200k USD) we burnt nearly 100k worth of STARS tokens

Question 6: As we know Mogul are partnered with some of the best companies in blockchain, including Chainlink, Polygon, and more. Do you have any plans to partner with the film industry?

Answer 6: We have some really big partnerships coming up that are just waiting on legal agreements. I cant wait to share them!

Stay tuned in our telegram channel:

Question 7: Today Netflix is one of the best platforms in the world of cinematography, so I ask: Is Mogul associated with Nexflix or does he have it planned for the future?

Answer 7: All I can say about this is to stay tuned to the announcements regarding the movies we will be putting in the Showcase

Best place to find out about an announcement a Mogul movie working with Netflix would be to join our announcement channel, where we will also be doing a series of $100 giveaways….

Mogul Announcements

🎬Mogul — DeFi and NFTs for film & entertainment ⭐️ $STARS token available now…

Question 8: How much control does MOGUL have in the final result of each production, how do they guarantee the success and profitability of the projects they support?

Answer 8: Well we have a rigorous due diligence process with our accountants, legal team, and film team when we grade the projects submitted to us and we have criteria (such as the film needing 50% financing in place and A-List talent) to even showcase the film on our platform.

Our team has a kee eye for commercial viability. Part of the agreement for the movies we put in the showcase is that they must have what’s called a Bond (and we are partnered with one called FIlm Finances). A Bond is like an insurance agent who guarantees on-time and on-budget delivery of the movie to a distributor (such as Netflix).

so this gives us a lot of confidence that the project will do well. And the Mogul team acts as producers on the project to make sure all spending is prudent

Question 9: I am one of the first members to join your community. And now when I look at it, I see that your community members are growing more. That makes me happy. Are you planning new events for your community supporters in 2021?

Answer 9: Just yesterday, in annopuncing our partnership with ApeSwap (which launches tomorrow), it was announced that our Access Pass Holders will receive $10,000 worth of $BANANA token 😄

Learn more in our telegram channel on how you can be eligible:

Question 10: The ease with which the largest holders can ‘swing’ a vote can lead to voter apathy too, So what about Mogul Quadratic Voting? Did this happen?

Answer 10: Quadratic voting is used to directly combat that large holders influence the vote!

Voter apathy is solved with two main theories:

1. Rewards: voters are rewarded with STARS tokens for lending their voice
2. Quadratic voting: small token holders are given a higher proportional vote than large ones

Question 11: Mogul Productions curates content to avoid violent, controversial or sexual content? or is it totally free?

Answer 11: We focus on full-length, English language films right now with strict submission criteria.

Moderator Question

Question 9: Time for wrapping up, any last words you would like to say to our community? @lisaamogul

Answer: Yes! If you like to earn rewards and want to follow along with Mogul, we have weekly chances to earn rewards in our telegram channel and I hope to see you all there!

Tomorrow will be a particularly big day with our launch on ApeSwap!

Thank you for having me!!

About Mogul Productions

Mogul is a decentralized film financing platform that brings
creators, fans, and film financiers together; allowing everyone to play a part in the next big blockbuster.

For More Information about Mogul Productions:
Telegram Group: