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Mogul Partners with Polygon

Mogul to leverage Polygon’s scaling infrastructure for Ethereum-compatible platform and becomes network validator

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform, has partnered with Polygon (formerly Matic Network), to provide an enhanced user experience for Mogul users with near-instant transaction finality.

Mogul’s vision is to be an innovative and progressive film financier and production company by leveraging blockchain technology for voting, film financing, rewards, and distribution. With its proprietary platform, Mogul will engage audiences and financiers throughout the script-to-screen process, with the mission to promote transparency in independent film financing.

Filmmakers, financiers and fans will come together on Mogul’s platform for the first time as Mogul leverages the power of the crowd to help more great films get made and offers fans the chance to lend their voices to the creative process.

To ensure a better user experience for all, Mogul has partnered with Polygon to replace the old style of overcomplicated interfaces that long-suffering early blockchain adopters have been forced to use. Mogul can now offer an easy-to-use interface that retains all the security and privacy attributes enabled by blockchain technology while improving transaction processing and block verification speeds.

The partnership with Polygon will allow Mogul’s platform users to benefit from seamless, secure and instant transactions, free of fees. Mogul will cover all platform gas fees to ensure the best possible Web3 user experience.

“Working with Polygon allows Mogul’s DeFiFi platform to deliver a friction-less blockchain-based user experience for the film industry, while still benefiting from the security and network effects associated with using Ethereum’s mainnet” says Gagan Grewal, CEO of Mogul Productions.“This partnership opens the door for our technology team to add more benefits to our users from script submission to financing, and distribution utilizing blockchain technologies.”

Sandeep Nailwal, Co-Founder and COO of Polygon said of the partnership, “Mogul Productions has built an immersive platform for the future of DeFi in the film industry and their community will now benefit from low fee and high speed transactions. What sets Mogul apart is their commitment to onboarding the next wave of blockchain users from the film industry in a friction-less manner ,and we’re excited to work together!”

As part of the partnership, Mogul will assist in running the Polygon network, operating as a validator, by helping verify transactions on the blockchain through running both Heimdall validator and Bor block producer nodes.

This partnership with Polygon, an industry-leading scaling solution, furthers Mogul’s quest to bring DeFi to the film industry, along with previously announced partnership with Chainlink.

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production. Mogul’s continuous financing ensures constant liquidity, allowing financiers to redeem their stake at any time. Mogul’s production team and advisors are award-winning Hollywood veterans who have written, directed, acted in, and produced a wide range of films and TV shows.

About Polygon (Formerly Matic)

Polygon is the first well-structured, easy-to-use platform for Ethereum scaling and infrastructure development. Its core component is Polygon SDK, a modular, flexible framework that supports building and connecting Secured Chains like Plasma, Optimistic Rollups, zkRollups, Validium etc and Standalone Chains like Matic POS, designed for flexibility and independence. Polygon’s Layer 2 Chains have seen widespread adoption with 90+ Dapps, ~7M txns and ~200K unique users.

If you’re an Ethereum Developer, you’re already a Polygon developer! Leverage Polygon’s fast and secure txns for your Dapp, get started here.

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Mogul Pioneers Blockchain Voting with Quadratic Voting for Hollywood Movies

How Quadratic Voting Fairly Ensures Mogul Funds Movies That Everyone Wants to See on the Big Screen

Mogul is blazing a trail for the new way to finance and greenlight Hollywood movies – by putting the fans into the director’s chair to choose which movies make it to the big screen (or the streaming service!)

Mogul has built the first ever, consumer-ready, blockchain voting system that uses quadratic votes. This gives Mogul users and STARS holders the fair ability to influence and lend their voice to which movies will get made! You can check out the current showcase, which features Terminal Station, Devilreaux, and MR9 here.

To understand how quadratic voting gives movie fans and the whole Mogul community a voice in choosing the next film it wants to see in production, it’s important to understand what quadratic voting is and why it’s so valuable in preventing skewed voting and wealth domination within a decentralized, token-based system like Mogul.

What Is Quadratic Voting?

A quadratic voting system is an alternative to a plurality voting system. A plurality voting system is one that we are all familiar with. Every voter gets one vote, all votes are equally weighted, and the candidate that ends up with the most votes wins. That’s it!

Quadratic voting uses a quadratic equation to weigh votes differently. With this system, STARS token holders are assigned a certain number of votes per token they own. For every token that a holder has, they get fewer and fewer voting credits, so large token holders with millions of coins are unable to skew the vote. This promotes active participation in voting from all of the STARS token holders, regardless of their size, because each holder has a voice in the process. Small holders actually have a proportionally large voice; which in turn allows Mogul to gauge the sentiment across our entire community and not just a few large holders!

Why Mogul Uses Blockchain Technology for the Voting Process

As far as voting goes, there’s long been a distrust amongst voters as to whether or not their vote actually counts – or is even being counted – due to lack of transparency. The most recent US Presidential election is the most recent example of this distrust in how current voting methodology is lacking.

With blockchain technology, all actions and activities are auditable and public. A blockchain is, simply put, a distributed ledger of immutable data that everyone can see. And because data is not hosted on a centralized server, it cannot be tampered with, edited, or manipulated in any way.

This makes blockchain the perfect landing spot for fair, Internet-based voting and makes it so that movies can be voted by the crowd in a tamper-proof manner.

Why Quadratic Voting Keeps Things Fair

The number of voting credits you get at Mogul depends on how many STARS tokens you own. This is one reason for the implementation of a quadratic voting system. Mogul doesn’t have a “one person, one vote” system. STARS tokens can be earned through on-platform activities, contests, or purchased, so the number of tokens an individual person owns varies a lot!

An early adopter or large purchaser of STARS tokens has many more tokens to vote with than somebody who owns just a few tokens, but quadratic voting makes it less likely for a user with more tokens to skew the voting, because purchasing enough voting credits to do so would be VERY VERY expensive…

There is also a secondary (and equally important) benefit to the quadratic voting system. It prevents voters from buying votes or registering fake Mogul accounts to try and skew the voting of a particular showcase round to unfairly pump up the odds of certain movies going into production.

How Showcase Voting and STARS Tokens Work Together to Finance Movies at Mogul

Mogul’s movie showcase puts 2-5 movies up for voting on behalf of the Mogul community. The movies are chosen by a selection committee filled with industry experts to determine which projects are the most commercially viable. The curation process ensures that STARS token holders are only voting on quality films with high-level actors and a commitment to completing the project.

Each movie works with the Mogul team to curate and design materials for the voters to take a look at to have a more informed vote on which movie they want financed. For example, voters during this voting round can read the script, view the poster (which exists as a 1 of 1 NFT!), project highlights, confirmed cast and crew, and view a rip-o-matic about the movie.

STARS Tokens and Voting Credits

STARS token holders are assigned voting credits based on the square root (rounded down) of the number of tokens they hold.

Mogul then considers all of the votes using the quadratic voting system which exponentially increases the number of credits a voter has to spend in order to count multiple votes for the same movie. To calculate how much extra votes cost, the number of voting credits used to vote for a specific movie more than once is squared.

This means if you vote for a particular movie once, you only use one voting credit. But if you vote for that same movie three times, it actually “costs” you nine tokens. All tokens are returned at the end of the voting period to the user who voted, but tokens must be staked on the movie you want to vote for at the end of the voting round to count toward the final results. The longer your votes are casted, the more rewards you will accrue for giving your vote. Rewards are issued in STARS tokens proportionally, every Ethereum block, according to how many votes you have cast.

For the first showcase round, which begins on August 5th, there are 1 million STARS tokens that are being rewarded to voters, which is over $20,000! Every Ethereum block, which happens every 10 to 20 seconds, there are just over 11 STARS tokens that are proportionally gifted to voters. So, the longer you keep your vote in the system, the more votes you will accrue. No matter which movie you vote for, you will receive the same number of rewards during the voting period. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Voters are encouraged to place their votes early and not wait until the last minute
  2. All STARS holders are encouraged to vote to earn rewards (reduces voter apathy and increases the likelihood that we will get input from more community members!)
  3. Voters are not incentivized to vote on a particular movie based on the number of votes that it already has, since they get the rewards just for casting a vote

The chart below illustrates how quickly it becomes more and more expensive to vote for the same movie multiple times and shows how quadratic voting helps make the vote more fair:

How You Can Get in on the Voting Action

As long as you hold STARS tokens, you get voting credits. It’s as simple as that. The more tokens you earn, the more voting credits you’re granted.

Your Mogul account features a Showcase button in the left-hand menu as soon as you log in. You can click there and see which movies the Mogul community is currently showcasing at any given time.

Mogul will notify you when a voting period opens and closes, and you’ll be able to cast your votes at that time. To reward voters and encourage voting, voters will be given free STARS tokens for casting their vote and lending their voice to the Mogul process.

Now that you understand how the quadratic voting system works and how it ensures that films are selected by the entire Mogul community and not just the wealthiest voters, you can decide how many of your voting credits should go towards movies you want to see on the big screen.

That’s the way it should be!

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Mogul Partners with Reelworld Film Festival, Supports BIPOC Creators

We are excited to announce our partnership with Reelworld Film Festival, a 20 year old, Canadian, independent film festival with year round programming dedicated to supporting and showcasing Canadian BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) filmmakers and screen media artists. We plan to work together, to amplify each other’s initiatives and innovate new ways to support and nurture diverse talent in the film and other screen-based industries.

Partnering with the Reelworld Film Festival aligns with Mogul’s mission of making filmmaking more inclusive and accessible to everyone around the world. We are accomplishing this goal by building a first-of-its-kind technology platform for accessible investing and participation in the financing and production of feature film projects.

“We applaud the work Mogul is doing in creating more inclusion and diversity in the entertainment industry and look forward to our media artists harnessing this new platform to present their unique perspectives and significant voices to the world” said award-winning actress Tonya Williams, who is the Founder and Executive Director of Reelworld.

Through our partnership with Reelworld, Mogul will be introduced to BIPOC creators participating in Reelworld’s annual E20 (emerging twenty), incubation program, offering an additional avenue for financing their projects and cultivating closer relationships with distributors and sales agents within the Mogul community. We will also be encouraging the Canadian BIPOC creators within our community to consider applying for the E20 program and submitting their completed films for consideration to screen at the festival.

In response to the partnership, Mogul advisor and award-winning actor Lyriq Bent added:

“I am very excited to be part of this collaboration, especially given the current social landscape. This helps Mogul’s aim of providing an environment of trust and transparency in the creative process.”

In light of recent events in the United States of America, Mogul issued the following statement:

“Mogul stands with the black community and people of color and recognizes that until they can truly live without fear, silence is simply not an option. […]

Mogul continues to remain committed to create more transparency, inclusion and diversity in storytelling!”

Partnering with Reelworld, who is celebrating their 20th anniversary, allows us to take a step in the right direction, providing equitable opportunity for any and all people across the world who seek to participate in Hollywood filmmaking.

Each year, the Reelworld E20 program curates an unparalleled networking and mentorship opportunity for BIPOC filmmakers and creators. Reelworld handpicks a group of 20 emerging BIPOC media artists with gender parity out of hundreds of applicants. The selected filmmakers attend three days of workshops and receive mentorship from industry professionals interested in supporting independent work by BIPOC artists.

You can find more information about Reelworld and join their community on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Stay tuned for more announcements on what Mogul and Reelworld will do together.

I Am Mogul. We Are Mogul.

Mogul Productions, established 2019, is a blockchain-based film financier and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America and Europe.

The Mogul platform connects contributors, film industry professionals and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout theirs entire lifecycle, from financing through to production and distribution.

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Mogul Passes Zokyo Smart Contract Audit


Zokyo, a market-leading blockchain venture studio and private investment vehicle, has had its blockchain security team conduct a security audit of Mogul’s smart contracts. We have successfully passed their manual and automated auditing procedures ahead of our Access Pass Sale.

Read the full audit report here.

We’re proud to be working with Hartej Sawney and his team at Zokyo as a long term partner to help secure our platform. They have helped build and secure several leading DeFi projects whose smart contracts have collectively transacted billions of dollars worth of value, such as Bridge Mutual, Yearn Finance, Badger, Bondly, and Shyft Network.

As one of the most respected blockchain security engineering teams in the world, Zokyo is incredibly busy auditing some of the most identifiable DeFi projects in the world. We are appreciative that they have made time to work with Mogul. We will continue working with their team to ensure the Mogul platform and smart contracts are safe for our community and users.

Read the open source repository for details on the smart contracts audited here.

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) and NFT platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production. Mogul’s production team and advisors are award-winning Hollywood veterans who have written, directed, acted in, and produced a wide range of films and TV shows.

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Mogul Partners with NFTY Labs

Toronto, Canada

Mogul partners with NFTY Labs to curate exclusive communities for Access Pass holders

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) and movie-based NFT platform, has partnered with NFTY Labs, an NFT technology and infrastructure company, to increase the utility of Mogul NFTs and provide curated, token-gated communities for NFT holders with exclusive access.

Mogul will be leveraging NFTY Labs’ flagship product, NFTY Connect, to gate exclusive communities that only specific NFT holders can access. For Mogul community members, this will be exclusively for Access Pass holders of all levels.

Crypto-based communities are difficult to scale due to spam, anonymity, and lack of verified loyalty to the project. By using an NFT as a proxy to access a community, Mogul can promote positive discussion with authenticated users; creating a more welcoming, immersive, and intimate environment to bring bespoke experiences and conversations to Access Pass holders. These conversations will be directly with the Mogul team in a more intimate manner and with Mogul partners, filmmakers, and talent.

This is made possible through NFT authentication. Exclusively-accessed communities will recognize if Mogul users hold the necessary NFT to access the room. This allows Mogul to provide gated content that only Access Pass holders can access.

“We’re ecstatic to be working with Mogul” says Ty Blackard, Co-Founder and COO at NFTY Labs. “Their Access Passes are a natural fit for our technology; helping them use NFTs functionally within their ecosystem.”

“Both of our companies are passionate about NFT utility, which makes this partnership a natural progression while we grow Mogul and give more utility to our Access Pass holders.” says Lisa Sun, Founder & President of Mogul Productions. “NFT-based authentication will help us provide even more bespoke experiences to our users and Access Pass holders.”

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.


About NFTY Labs

NFTY Labs is a foundation focusing on the growth of NFT ecosystems by building open-sourced, community-based tools that will unlock inherent utility and value within NFTs. NFTY Lab’s goal is to create new applications that offer new utilities for NFTs, and we aim to do this by utilizing a core feature of all NFTs: ownership.


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Mogul Partners with ChainGuardians

Toronto, Canada

Mogul partners with ChainGuardians and the Cryptoverse Alliance; bringing additional utility to the world of gaming and NFTs

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) and movie-based NFT platform, has partnered with ChainGuardians, an industry-leading blockchain gaming and NFT platform, to increase the utility of movie-based NFTs and provide additional gamification opportunities for our users.

The Cryptoverse Alliance is a group of gaming NFTs that have collaborated with ChainGuardians to allow for cross-platform integration of NFT characters on the ChainGuardians networks. Each NFT is given a unique CGC value upon its launch in the game.

Charguardians will be creating a Mogul Productions NFT character within the game. In addition, Mogul-produced movies will have the opportunity to collaborate with ChainGuardians to create their characters as NFTs within the ChainGuardians universe.

Gaming and NFTs are both industries that are growing exponentially in the size of the audience and ChainGuardians appeals to both industries, as well as the anime audience that has a strong overlap with blockchain users. This collaboration assists Mogul in appealing to a wider, more engaged audience, and brings us one step closer to our mission of facilitating fan-driven, transparent movie-making in Hollywood.

Other members of the Cryptoverse Alliance include Ethermon, Pepemon, and DuckDao.

“There’s a clear overlap between the film industry and gaming industry” says Emma Liu, Co-Founder and CEO at ChainGuardians. “This partnership will help both of our userbases collaborate and is mutually beneficial for the growth of both ecosystems.”

“Both of our companies are incredibly focused on mass adoption of blockchain through two of the largest, growing industries in the world, and shipping frequent, working products that our users can interact with.” says Lisa Sun, Founder & President of Mogul Productions. “Our mission and values are very similar and we’re excited for the growth and future collaborations together!”

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.



About ChainGuardians

ChainGuardians is a blockchain meets superheroes gaming ecosystem which combines traditional gaming concepts with blockchain technologies. As well as boasting the world’s first NFT Mining Platform and interoperable RPG, ChainGuardians also merges awe-inspiring artwork with imaginative storytelling. ChainGuardians amalgamates the juxtaposing concepts of play-to-earn and free-to-play through a balanced in game ecosystem; enabling users the opportunity to make key decisions through governance.

– Come join us in the fight against The Gatekeepers on Telegram and find out more.

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Mogul Partners with Gamification Specialists, Geomercury


Mogul will be working with GeoMercury to continue developing the gamification of the Mogul platform

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) and movie-based non-fungible token (NFT) platform, has partnered with GeoMercury to assist with gamification; supporting customer acquisition and retention.

GeoMercury has a wide range of online gaming experiences — they have built augmented reality softwares, worked to build billion dollar brands such as Party Poker, and recently received the prestigious European Commission Award for their work on a popular mobile application. Their development team is seasoned at building everything from html5 games to Unity 3D based simulation games.

“For Mogul, this partnership brings us one-step closer to onboarding the masses from the film industry. Gamification continues to be a global trend in marketing and user growth and retention. Our focus is to create experiences and a marketing funnel that draws users to the Mogul platform to join our engaged community of users who are, together, helping create the next blockbuster hits” said Gagan Grewal, CEO of Mogul Productions.

“We are excited for what the future holds. Marketing and engagement through gamification is our expertise and we will bring that to the Mogul community to assist in growing the power of the crowd” said Piotr Blazewicz, CEO of GeoMercury.

GeoMercury’s team is based in Europe (UK, Gibraltar, and Spain) and works with other partners across North America and Asia. They have been building unique games for the past 6 years and these have been used by some of the largest operators in the gaming sector.

Geomercury’s experience working with these large companies will be instrumental in releasing games and products to support Mogul’s user base, which has grown to 30,000 users in just 5 weeks since launching their product.

Learn more about Geomercury here.

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.

About GeoMercury

GeoMercury is a digital advertising and development agency that helps improve value from advertising through increased conversion, attention, and frequency of visits to our customers’ websites. We produce games, quizzes, puzzles, and more to engage user bases.

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Mogul Partners with ApeSwap

Mogul partners with ApeSwap; giving STARS token holders increased use cases on the  Binance Smart Chain

Mogul Productions, a decentralized film financing and movie-based NFT platform bringing together movie fans, creators, and financiers, is partnering with ApeSwap, the fastest-growing decentralized exchange (DEX) and community within the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) ecosystem.

ApeSwap is a decentralized, community-owned exchange platform that, due to being deployed on the Binance Smart Chain, is more cost-effective than using Uniswap; especially for frequent users. 

ApeSwap gives tokens more utility through participation in their farms, pools, and Initial Ape Offerings (IAOs); all of which center around their BANANA and GNANA tokens. Users can stake their existing tokens to earn BANANA and vice versa. 

The site currently boasts nearly $300 million in total value locked and 155,000+ followers on its social media channels. The BANANA token is a top 350 cryptocurrency by market capitalization and the project’s expanding group of partners currently includes 90+ different strategic alliances.

STARS holders will be able to use ApeSwap as of July 15, 2021; giving Mogul access to ApeSwap’s growing userbase of 400,000 monthly active users

Apart from ApeSwap integrating STARS into their platform, Mogul and ApeSwap are joining forces in a host of marketing efforts centered around introducing STARS to the BSC ecosystem. These co-marketing efforts will give Mogul exposure to ApeSwap’s engaged userbase, including their 30,000 BANANA holders and non-fungible ape holders.

As part of the partnership, ApeSwap is featuring Mogul on ApeTV, a global podcast series reaching listeners from more than 30 countries that is now streaming on Spotify.

The partnership will also include:

  • Multiple Twitter and Telegram giveaways from both projects for users to earn STARS and BANANA
  • An ecosystem development campaign, where Mogul Access Pass holders will be gifted $10,000 worth of free BANANA, and non-fungible ape holders will be gifted STARS BEP20 tokens
  • A GNANA staking pool to earn STARS
  • Official STARS listing on ApeSwap
  • A STARS/BNB LP farm to earn BANANA 

Anonymous ApeSwap founder Obie Dobo  says the amazing growth that Mogul has experienced in such a short time makes the partnership a match made in DeFi heaven:

“We identified Mogul as a top Ethereum project in the NFT space based on the fact that they’ve grown their audience to over 50,000 users and done more than $10 million in NFT sales. We’re incredibly excited to launch STARS products on ApeSwap”.

“Given that both Mogul and ApeSwap are two of the fastest-growing projects in the cryptoverse and more and more users are looking to BSC-friendly platforms to get their hands on crypto, the partnership is a great milestone for us, says Lisa Sun, Founder and President of Mogul Productions. “Community growth is important to us at Mogul, and we’re excited by the engaged ApeSwap community – we’re sure to find some movie fans there!”

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing project connecting creators, film financiers, and movie fans together, giving everyone the opportunity to participate in producing and distributing big-budget movies.

Using blockchain technology, NFTs, and tokenomics, Mogul incentivizes participation and engagement. The STARS token allows users to complete in-app payments and vote on key decision-making surrounding green lighting and producing feature films.




About ApeSwap

ApeSwap is a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) on Binance Smart Chain and Polygon focused on offering a premier trading experience. Users are incentivized to pool liquidity on ApeSwap through yield farming to earn the native currency, $BANANA. Additionally, apes can use their earned $BANANA to stake and earn other tokens and unlock exclusive features. Built by DeFi apes, for DeFi apes, we have a dedicated team with years of experience who are committed to the DeFi community and growing the ApeSwap Jungle.

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Mogul Partners with Chainlink

Mogul to launch on mainnet with Chainlink oracle integration, providing transparent profit sharing with future film financing investors.

Mogul will integrate Chainlink, the market-leading blockchain oracle network, to bring more transparency and accessibility to film production and financing. Mogul to use the Chainlink Network to bring off-chain movie budget and profitability data onto the blockchain, enabling the disbursement of audited, fair-market profit sharing with investors in a more efficient, transparent, and accurate way than ever before. Mogul will also make use of a Chainlink ETH/USDC decentralized Price Feed to ensure users receive fair market exchange rates on all ETH profits derived from USD-denominated budgets.

Mogul’s vision is to be an innovative and progressive film financier and production company leveraging blockchain technology for voting, investment, and rewards. With our proprietary platform, we are looking to engage audiences and investors through the entire script-to-screen process, with the mission to promote investment transparency in independent film financing.

Independent film financing is opaque, hard to access, lacks standardization, and has costly closing costs; all of which are great use cases for blockchain technology. By using a transparent and efficient blockchain-based system for film financing, Mogul can produce films at a lower budget rate than traditional models. In addition, Mogul’s unique rewards system using STARS allows independent projects to curate an audience for their film at the script level, helping Mogul and film distributors better predict a film’s expected ROI using early fan sentiment indicators.

A key barrier to applying financial transparency to film production is the sheer number of transactions that occur outside the blockchain. In traditional film financing, it’s difficult to collect, analyze, and distribute profits transparently to investors given the complexity of budgets and number of disparate parties involved.

To combat this, Mogul will be using a Collection Account Manager (CAM), who serves as the unbiased third-party auditor of all Mogul films, accounting for revenue and distributing profits to the appropriate parties at scheduled intervals. However, to enable a CAM to serve as the arbitrator of how profits are automatically distributed on the blockchain, Mogul needs to make use of a blockchain oracle which is secure middleware that relays the CAM’s data to the smart contract to trigger the execution of payouts.

Chainlink is the most widely-used blockchain oracle in the industry, securing over $5 Billion in user funds for leading blockchain applications. Chainlink’s proven oracle technology is leveraged by numerous blockchains such as Ethereum, Polkadot, and Avalanche; as well as large enterprises. The Chainlink framework is data agnostic, allowing any off-chain data type to be delivered to on-chain smart contracts. There is already a large ecosystem of traditional data providers and smart contract applications connecting to one another through the Chainlink Network.

Chainlink’s technology ensures data accuracy, security, and reliability using a decentralized network of independent, security reviewed oracle nodes to redundantly source and deliver data aggregated off-chain data to smart contracts. The result is a reliable, tamperproof, and transparent data delivery process. Importantly, stakeholders can independently verify the on-chain activity of the oracle network, which includes data pertaining to the film’s financing, auditing, and other types of relevant metrics. By integrating Chainlink, Mogul’s CAM will be able to provide profit-level data to Chainlink oracle nodes, which deliver this data on-chain to trigger the execution of transparent profit distributions based on previously agreed upon financial terms for each film. Mogul can also ensure investors receive reliable exchange rates on payouts.

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“Mogul’s tech, development, and film advisory teams identified a major barrier to entry for the film industry’s adoption of blockchain technology”, explains David Cormican, Emmy®-nominated Producer (Tokyo Trial, Tulipani, The Tall Man, Faces In The Crowd), Co-Founder and President of Don Carmody Television (DCTV) and Mogul Productions’ Co-Founder and film advisory board member.

“Blockchain, when applied to the film industry, can provide financial transparency for film financiers when it comes to project expenses, crew, cast and vendor payments and more importantly — profit-sharing. Currently these are all very manual processes that happen behind the scenes. By bringing verifiable off-chain data to the blockchain through our integration with Chainlink, we can provide our investors enhanced transparency, while protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our cast and crew.”.

“We’re pleased to provide a secure oracle solution for Mogul to enable them to use real-world data from trusted sources to coordinate film financing processes,” said Daniel Kochis, Head of Chainlink Business Development. “A Chainlink-powered decentralized oracle network will bring reliable on-chain data to Mogul’s democratized film financing solution, ensuring that financiers are fairly compensated for their investments.”

Exploring Future Integrations with Chainlink

Mogul is exploring other avenues to leverage blockchain and smart contract technology, and has already built a recoverable smart wallet, rewards, and in-app currency token system, as well as a digital asset token and voting system.

We’re excited to explore even more opportunities with Chainlink and enter new verticals for blockchain and film together.

Future integration ideas:

  1. Accessing verifiable randomness to assign rewards to raffle ticket owners or enable the fair selection of investors wanting to participate in high-demand projects
  2. Providing budget-level details on the blockchain to create a system of full production spend transparency

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, film financiers and other contributors in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology and a dual token model, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote for their favorite films to be greenlit and participate in key decision-making aspects of production. Mogul’s continuous film fund ensures constant liquidity, allowing investors to redeem their investments at any time. Mogul’s production team and advisors are award-winning Hollywood veterans who have written, directed, acted in, and produced diverse slates of films and TV shows.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the most widely used and secure way to power universal smart contracts. With Chainlink, developers can connect any blockchain with high-quality data sources from other blockchains as well as real-world data. Managed by a global, decentralized community of hundreds of thousands of people, Chainlink is introducing a fairer model for contracts. Its network currently secures billions of dollars in value for smart contracts across the decentralized finance (DeFi), insurance and gaming ecosystems, among others.

Chainlink is trusted by hundreds of organizations to deliver definitive truth via secure, reliable data feeds. To learn more, visit, subscribe to the Chainlink newsletter, and follow @chainlink on Twitter.

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Blog Posts

Mogul May Recap

A Massive Month of May for Mogul!

Here we are in the month of June! We’re excited to share with you all the progress that we’ve made over the month of May. There is no shortage of updates for you.

Our team continues to work hard to onboard more and more users and introduce them to everything that the Mogul Productions ecosystem has to offer. We are absolutely blown away by how many people are getting involved in the decentralization of film production, financing, and overall film fandom. Our community gets stronger by the day.

The highlight of the month was no doubt our Proof of Origin event featuring Marvel & DC Comics artist Rob Prior. You can watch the entire event here if you missed it (or if you just want to relive the excitement!). Almost 400,000 people watched it via half a dozen platforms, so we’re not alone in showing our excitement!

Quick Bites:

  • Prior’s painting, Reign of Money.… what the f$ck, was BURNED! The NFT sold to the highest bidder for 5,500,000 STARS, or ~$182,000 USD on May 28th after a 24 hour bidding period.
  • 2,755,555 STARS tokens were burned after the auction.
  • We also announced the largest ever blockchain/NFT contest in the history of cryptocurrency!
  • More than 42,000 users are now on the platform!
  • Mogul Growth Farming Phase 3 is in full swing.
  • Entrepreneur Paul Sparkes has joined Mogul as a Strategic Advisor. Sparkes is the co-founder of a publicly traded finance company and a former Senior Executive at Bell Media.
  • Mogul is partnering with NFTY Labs, an NFT technology and infrastructure company. The partnership is going to increase the utility of Mogul NFTs and offer users curated and token-gated communities for NFT holders with exclusive access.
  • Mogul has appointed R&CPMK, the leading entertainment public relations & marketing agency, to handle its entertainment publicity and communications.
  • Mark your calendars: Mogul Live is coming back on June 22nd! Stay tuned for who the guest will be…

Mogul in the Press!

Check out these articles that featured Mogul in the month of May:

Any journalists, bloggers, podcasters, or content creators are encouraged to contact us [email protected] as we’d love to work with you!

Read all Mogul press here.

Interviews & AMAs

Some recent AMAs by the Mogul Team include:

A few AMAs with Gorav Seth, Co-Chair of Film Financing:

Founder & President Lisa Sun sat in with the Satoshi Club!

Lisa also made an appearance on NYC FinTech Women to educate the world on “What is Decentralized Film Financing and What are Its Benefits?”

New Help Section

Mogul now has a robust Help Center available to users who want to get answers to Frequently Asked Questions like “What is an Access Pass?”, “How do I purchase STARS tokens?” and more…

Using the Mogul Help Center is as easy as accessing the live chat teacher on the bottom right-hand corner of any page after logging into Mogul. Typing questions or keywords in the search box under Find your answer now and voila!

The month of June has shown no signs of slowing down so stay tuned for another big month!


Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. Leveraging blockchain and a tokenized model, Mogul incentivizes participation and engagement. Using the Mogul in-app currency and utility token (STARS). users can vote for their favorite films to be greenlit and can also participate in key decision-making aspects of the production. STARS holders are key governing bodies of the Mogul platform, including the profit-sharing pool of capital accruing from Mogul-funded movies. Mogul’s production team and advisors are award-winning Hollywood veterans who have written, directed, acted in, and produced diverse slates of films and TV shows.Want to change how you receive these emails?