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Mogul Live x Cindy Cowan

Award-winning producer Cindy Cowan preaches networking and showing personality in Hollywood

Recent Emmy Award-Winning producer, Cindy Cowan, was featured on Mogul Live as a guest on June 30th. As a highly decorated producer, Cindy co-founded Initial Entertainment Group (IEG) in 1995. From its conception to its sale in 2000, IEG became a leading film production and foreign sales company. IEG had many successes including an Emmy-nomination for Rent-A-Kid; Emmy, Golden Globe and People’s Choice nominations for If These Walls Could Talk; the coveted United Nations Award for Savior; and four Oscar wins for Traffic.

Since forming Cindy Cowan Entertainment (CCE), Cindy has produced films with various A-List talent, including Woody Harrelson, Robert DeNiro, Sir Ben Kingsley, Sigourney Weaver, and Cillian Murphy. Cindy is also on the advisory committee for the World Women Foundation, whose mission is to find and mentor 1 million girls across the globe over the next ten years.

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As last month’s Monthly Mogul, Cindy most recently won an Emmy for her part as the producer for Miracle on 42nd Street, a documentary about Manhattan Plaza, a federally subsidized residential complex in New York City for performing artists.

Mogul is lucky to have Cindy as a production advisor as well! When Mogul is producing independent films, Cindy will be overseeing production to share her knowledge, best practices, and contacts, and she might even be producing some of the films herself!

“With a platform like Mogul you will have someone like myself to at least oversee [production] and pass on knowledge.”

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Here are some key takeaways from Cindy’s interview on Mogul Live with James Pratt:

Starting the interview, Cindy talked about starting IEG with Graham King and how she could have never imagined how successful it would be. A Florida girl at heart, Cindy made her way to LA initially doing songwriting and had some early successes that she parlayed into her new production company. Many people told what she couldn’t do and she was determined to prove them wrong by showing what she could do.

“I was a machine for 5 years.”

She was unconventional and bold; becoming an overnight success in Hollywood. IEG was eventually sold to Spectrum, and after 5 years without a single day off or a single vacation, she was able to marvel on the impressive business that she built, but wanted to take a step back. She admits that her company always came first and that her personal life suffered because of it. Cindy and her company bought, financed, or produced 25 movies in 5 years which is unheard of!

She wanted to reclaim her femininity and take a step back from the intensity. She took nearly 6 years off and many people told her that “you’re only as good as your last job” in Hollywood and that if she left for too long no one would remember her. She didn’t find that at all and has come back to the industry with a new mindset. Her advice is to:

“Have a balance. You need to have a balance in life no matter what. […] I lost the balance and going forward my weekends are my weekends now, and I’m still finding that I am equally successful.”

For those looking to get their foot in the door in the industry, Cindy said to find what you’re passionate about and that too many people are “passionate about everything”. She added that you need to take baby steps in the film industry as a writer, producer, director, or whatever you want to be. You need to identify your passion and then take those steps. You can’t be passionate about everything!

“The other advice I cannot say enough is network, network, network.”

Cindy added that if two actors walk into a room and she knows one of them, she’s more likely to cast the one she knows because she’ll be working with them on set for the next two months. She feels comfortable working with people she knows.

For those of you who are looking to make the move to LA to pursue your career, Cindy preached that no job is too small and the best way to approach a career in LA is to take whatever job you have and be the best at it and get to know every single person you come into contact with — even if you’re just delivering coffee. Stay current with trends in the industry and continue reading the trade magazines and be knowledgeable.

Cindy took this mindset with her own career and said:

“I was going to be the best at what[ever] I did.”

We are seeing a huge trend here on Mogul Live with now three award-winning producers, Josh Gloer, David Cormican, and now Cindy, mentioning the value of networking to reach your career goals in the film industry, which is exactly what we’re cultivating with the Mogul community.

James also asked Cindy what her advice is for actors looking to be cast in roles.

“I like to see actors that come into an audition and are themselves.”

Cindy told viewers to master their craft, meaning if you are an American playing a British role, make sure you really have the accent down during the whole audition! She also advised communicating candidly with the producers as well, but warned not to overstay your welcome! Producers want to cast actors they feel a connection with because they will be working with them for months so don’t be standoffish.

“Let your mask down, be vulnerable, and let us see your range.”

Towards the end of the interview, Cindy spoke about Mogul with true, passionate excitement.

“Mogul is going to make it easier and better for the industry because they are stacking people [like myself] that have different pieces of knowledge and skills to help assist other filmmakers.”

She noted that there are opportunities for platforms like Mogul to really become THE platform [to launch independent films].

“Platforms such as Mogul are really more important than ever right now.”

When asked about the ideal budget for an independent film, Cindy said she likes the budget to be under $5 million USD because over that you have more risk. With that restriction, it’s becoming harder and harder to shoot films in America, especially because the tax credits are so advantageous in other areas. Her next two films are being shot in South Africa and Thailand, and she was able to save between $2-$4 million USD by shooting in South Africa for her next film.

Recently, Cindy worked on a film with Robert DeNiro called Red Lights in Barcelona and it was her first movie after her 6-year hiatus.

Asked about his personality, Cindy (who actually calls him Bob!) surprisingly responded that he is quite shy! She was able to get through though and told a great story about him, being a foodie at heart, actually pulling some strings to shut down a Michelin Star restaurant for their crew to have a 40-course tapas meal!

“He’s an actor that stays in character offset most of the time.”

As one of her final pieces of advice, Cindy gave:

“We all have to embrace technology [in the film industry]”

Sage advice for those learning about Mogul for the first time, where we are using technology to help improve the independent film financing and production process to make it more transparent and inclusive.

If you want to keep up with Cindy, her upcoming projects include True Haunting, a supernatural thriller with Screen Gems; a music-based project with TriStar loosely based on a true story involving ‘NSync; Eye in the Sky, an action thriller with Millennium films; Line of Control, a political thriller with the Exchange; and a female-empowerment story about the girl who struck out Babe Ruth starring Abigail Breslin. Additionally, Cindy is producing a faith-based film entitled Iron Will, as well as various TV shows including Ellis Island, a scripted series about immigration during the 1910’s. Unsurprisingly, Cindy is also venturing into unscripted television with Seekers, a reality format showing the various modalities people are choosing to seek enlightenment in this world of darkness, as well as a show documenting the rebranding of Maxim Magazine.

Follow Mogul on Instagram to tune into the next Mogul Live, where all fans can engage with moguls.

Instagram handle: @we.are.mogul


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Mogul Productions, established 2019, is a blockchain-based film financier and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America and Europe.

The Mogul platform connects contributors, film industry professionals and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout theirs entire lifecycle, from financing through to production and distribution.

Blog Posts

Mogul Live with Jordan Ver Hoeve

On April 23rd, Mogul’s James Pratt, top international luxury and celebrity home auctioneer and 2019 Australian Auctioneer Of The Year Award winner went LIVE on Instagram with one of the stars of Netflix’s new hit comedy series, Huge In France, Jordan Ver Hoeve (Snapchat’s Boss Cheer, upcoming Exploited).

James & Jordan chatted about Jordan’s acting journey thus far, how he’s coping with COVID-19, and acting in the digital age.

Here are Mogul’s top 3 takeaways from the chat:

  1. Persistence is key in kickstarting your acting career
  2. Joran actually rode his bike around LA with his headshots and literally knocked on doors to get his first gigs! Talk about taking your career into your own hands!
  3. Be comfortable outside of your comfort zone
  4. Jordan used to be uncomfortable making himself vulnerable but tirelessly worked on his craft. Even when he was working on restaurants he was trying different acting routines on the tables he was serving!
  5. COVID-19 is showing the need for more digital platforms for film professionals
  6. Jordan is practicing his craft with his coaches for over 4 hours a day on Zoom. Nothing is slowing him down! Jordan noted that there is nothing like Mogul out there for the film industry right now and that it really helps [actors].

Head on over to to answer trivia questions about Jordan’s career and earn STARS!

Upcoming interviews and already scheduled guests on Mogul LIVE include:

• April 29 @ 4pm PST, leading Hollywood concept and storyboard artist, Dane Hallett (Mad Max: Fury Road, Aquaman, X-Men Origins: Wolverine)

• May 4 @ 12pm PST, Hollywood PR Queen Bee & TV personality, Jessica Ross

• May 7 @ 12pm PST, President & Founder of family friendly Jul-TV Network, Tom Julian

• May 12 @ 12pm PST, Hollywood Manager and the head of LA Management’s Youth Division, Trisanne Marin

Blog Posts

Mogul Live Returns to Airwaves – on Instagram Live – TODAY!

If you’re a longtime follower of Mogul Productions then you’re familiar with our Instagram Live show, Mogul Live. It’s an intimate interview between host and a special guest, and we’re ecstatic to announce that Mogul Live is BACK!

Mogul Live is a Mogul-produced interview series that has garnered 1000s of live viewers, with host James Pratt intimately chatting with award winning Hollywood professionals in real-time.

To date, the show has had over 60 guests that have been part of some of the world’s biggest and most successful movies/TV shows, including Fast & Furious (stunt pilot Frédéric North), Netflix’s Daybreak (star Greg Kasyan), Traffic (Oscar-winning producer Cindy Cowan), and many more!

Among their many accolades, past guests on Mogul Live have claimed 10 Emmys and been nominated for many more, have starred in no fewer than four Netflix shows, and won three Academy Awards!

You can see why we’re so excited about this, right?

In the past, guests were almost always working actors, directors, producers, and other members of the film & entertainment industry. Going forward, we’ll stick to a similar pattern. 

Twice monthly, James will welcome a new guest onto the show, and over the course of their conversation we’ll get to know what they’re working on, what might have been recently completed, and where you can see them on the big or small screen!

If you haven’t guessed by now, Mogul Live airs from our BRAND NEW Instagram feed. Follow us at @mogul.official to ensure you don’t miss James’ next interview.

The first guest on Mogul Live’s return is Emmy-nominated producer, David Cormican! David is an entrepreneur, an Emmy-nominated producer, and the Co-Founder & President of Don Carmody TV.

James Pratt is an award winning actor, director and celebrity favorite within luxury real estate auctioneering. He’s one of Australia’s Top 5 Under 35 in Entertainment. And, he is regarded as one of the most successful and youngest real estate auctioneers in the world for luxury homes!

Blog Posts

Mogul Live Interview with Mo Ramchandi, Director of Bonded; the first-ever Movie Financed by Mogul

Mohit Ramchandi is the Director and Writer of Bonded, the first-ever feature film hand-picked and financed by Mogul.

Bonded tells the story of a Mexican teenager whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are derailed when his mother dies. He is smuggled across the border with the promise of a better life but instead ends up being sold to a sweatshop in downtown Los Angeles.

This past weekend, Mo sat down with James Pratt for a Mogul Live chat on Instagram. In the 25-minute interview, he details how he came up with the idea for the movie, how he pushed through hard times to get it funded, and what it was like working with lead actor Jason Patric.

Mo is no stranger to big-budget movies. His previous film credits include working on Outlaws and Angels featuring Luke Wilson, and Two Days, featuring Paul Rudd and Adam Scott.

Mo’s passion for bringing awareness to the world’s ongoing struggles with child slavery through Bonded shines through during the interview. We wanted to share the highlights with you.

Bonded represents Mo’s directorial debut in full-length feature films, so we had to ask him how it all started.

The True Story of a Pakistani Child Slave Turned Advocate and the Success of Slumdog Millionaire Inspires Bonded

“I originally had written a film about a kid from Pakistan who is sold into slavery in the late 1980s. His name was Iqbal Masih. This is a true story he was sold into slavery into a carpet factory and he ended up breaking free and becoming the spokesperson for the Bonded Labour Liberation Front which is an organization fighting the Pakistani government to change the labor laws.

His crusade kind of grew. He came to America and met Senator John Kerry. He won the Reebok Human Rights Award at the age of 13. When he went back (to Pakistan), the government had him murdered because had become the spokesperson for anti-child labor laws….”

Ramchandi continues about writing the script and how it finally got made after he sold it to Saving Private Ryan producer, Mark Gordon. He recalls Gordon saying nobody in Hollywood wants to see a movie about Pakistani and Indian kids…and then:

“…lo and behold two years later, Slumdog Millionaire came out and became the most profitable film for 20th Century Fox outside of Star Wars, and he (Gordon) says ‘Hey kid! Guess what? Now there’s already been a movie with Indian and Pakistani kids, so now we have to find something else’…”

With Masih as his inspiration, you might be wondering why Bonded is set in Mexico and Los Angeles actors instead. It’s because Ramchandi eventually sent the script to Peirce Brosnan’s production company and Brosnan enlightened Mo about the fact that Los Angeles’ fashion industry employs child slaves too.

Ramchandi spent a year researching the issue and found out that more than 160,000 Latin Americans are enslaved in LA’s fashion industry working in underground sweatshops.

Jon Graham Introduces Mo to Mogul

Jon Graham is a former executive at Viacom and a good friend to the Mogul community. He’s the one that convinced Mo he could get financing for his movie from movie fans, creators, and financiers. In addition to leveraging the power of Mogul, Mo created a mission statement sent out to industry insiders that drew the attention of an A-List actor and producer. Now, he’s just a few months away from releasing the trailer. All of this while putting his career on hold to take care of his ailing mother and then working through a global pandemic.

“I wrote the film in 2011. Pierce Brosnan wanted to play the American cop in the movie. It was all set up to go but unfortunately my mother got diagnosed with stage IV bone marrow cancer. I abandoned the project and spent the next six years taking care of my mom. She passed away in 2017. I went through a year of dealing with that at the end of 2017 I decided I would make the film. I had a friend who actually introduced me to Mogul, Jon Graham. I had been friends with him for years and said ‘Hey, I want to make this story…”

 ..” I made this mission statement video and the mission statement video helped me raise the money and that’s when I got the cast together and so forth…”

The Challenges of Covering a Gut-Wrenching Subject like Child Slavery

For Mo, Bonded is truly a passion project. He didn’t take a salary to be the Director, and he didn’t want to create a documentary that only those really interested in issues surrounding child slavery would watch. Instead, he was driven to create a movie as a way to inform the masses and touch them enough to get equally passionate about the issue.

Mo recognizes that awareness surrounding child slavery is deeply lacking:

“…Nobody cares about the issue. Most people don’t care. They are so involved in their own lives, and that really affected me a lot because my only motivation for making this film was that I wanted to shed light on this issue in America…

Mo goes on to talk about how he didn’t take any money to make the movie and what it’s like to try to bootstrap a movie that you care about so much:

“I didn’t have a producer. Nobody wanted to produce this movie because there was no money. I was lucky that I had these two investors, Jon Graham and Rufus Parker. They stepped up to help produce the film, even though they both have full-time jobs. For every one person I found that bought into the cause, I found 10 people that just really didn’t care.

On a slim budget with many challenges overcome in his personal life, Mo talks about how difficult yet enlightening it was to develop a relationship with lead actor Jason Patric:

“It was tough. In the beginning, we didn’t get along. What’s really interesting is that he’s very, very smart. A lot of people don’t know this but Jason is the grandson of Jackie Gleason and his father is a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright. As I sort of let him in, I realized Jason has a world of wisdom for me.

He was great!… He cared so much about the story and we butted heads a lot during the shooting of the film but we became very good friends… He’s meticulous and he is very smart.”

By the end of September 2021, Mo plans to finish post-production on Bonded and release the trailer. He credits his production team, the actors, and Mogul for helping it get to the big screen in a way that might not have otherwise come to fruition.

Mo’s passion and ability to tell a story shines throughout the entire Mogul Live interview and the earliest clips of the movie look both dramatic, thought-provoking, and inspiring.

To watch the full interview, check it out on Mogul’s Instagram page.

Mo’s drive to create Bonded and his willingness to put his faith in the wisdom of the crowd by letting Mogul come along for the ride are a testament to the work ethic and belief that it takes to get a meaningful message across in a Hollywood caliber film that may not have otherwise gotten another look.

Here’s to Mogul making a definite impact on Hollywood!

Blog Posts


Another exciting month for Mogul!

As the summer months are flying by and COVID-19 is still impacting most of the world (and the film industry) we’re grateful here at Mogul that we’ve been able to make such great progress this month. We’re also so excited to watch our community members generate success for themselves as well through these unprecedented times.

The second season of Mogul Live picked up right where we left off with Season 1, and thousands of fans tuned in to engage with all of the moguls we had on this month. We were lucky enough to interview Emmy-winning producer Cindy Cowan who has also been nominated for Oscars and Golden Globes, Emmy-nominated producer David Cormican, TV producer Josh Gloer who has produced and written for fan-favorite shows such as Gear Dogs, Selling LA and Duck Dynasty, independent producer and co-founder of Cast Caller Justin Levine, and founder of Yaplat casting agency Kathryn Courtney-Prior.Here is the lineup for this month’s guests:

  • Lyriq Bent — award-winning celebrity actor who’s known for his work in the Saw films, The Book of Negroes, The Affair, Acrimony, and Nappily Ever After (July 8th noon PST)
  • Gabriel Napora — CEO of Electric Panda Entertainment and independent producer with Triton Films Inc. (July 14th noon PST)
  • Terry Ryan — former NHL hockey player, author, and actor (July 21st time TBD)
  • Zaib Shaikh — Consul General of Canada for Southern California, Arizona and Nevada and former film Commissioner and Director of Entertainment Industries for the City of Toronto (July 30th noon PST)

Send us an email at [email protected] if you, or someone you know, would be a good candidate to be a guest on Mogul Live!

Remember to follow us on Instagram to watch our Mogul Live interviews!

New Mogul Partnership

In early June we partnered with Reelworld Film Festival to support our mission of making the film industry more inclusive and transparent.

In response to the partnership, Mogul advisor and award-winning actor Lyriq Bent added:

“I am very excited to be part of this collaboration, especially given the current social landscape. This helps Mogul’s aim of providing an environment of trust and transparency in the creative process.”

Award-winning actress Tonya Williams (Young & The Restless), who is the Founder and Executive Director of Reelworld, added:

“We applaud the work Mogul is doing in creating more inclusion and diversity in the entertainment industry and look forward to our media artists harnessing this new platform to present their unique perspectives and significant voices to the world.”

Read the full partnership release here.

MOGUL JUNE RECAP - Mogul in the Press

Mogul in the Press!

Check out these articles that featured Mogul this month:

Flicks Daily covered our partnership announcement with Reelworld

Indie Activity writes about our interview with Yaplat Casting’s Kathryn Courtney-Prior

Indie Activity also summarized our interview with Justin Levine

Any journalists, bloggers, podcasters, or content creators are encouraged to contact us [email protected] as we’d love to work with you!

Monthly Mogul

If you know of another member of the Mogul community who is accomplishing great things in the industry and deserves to be recognized by their peers, let us know! We’re always looking to celebrate and highlight the successes of outstanding Moguls!

Mogul Productions - MOGUL JUNE RECAP 1

This month’s Monthly Mogul is Lyriq Bent! Lyriq is an advisor for Mogul and part of the Mogul community. Lyriq is currently focusing his efforts on creating an environment of inclusion and transparency in film and the world. This month the Black Business and Professional Association (BBPA) announced the 2020 honourees for the 38th Annual BBPA Harry Jerome Awards. Lyriq was given the BBPA Harry Jerome Arts Award. He was also featured on the Canadian Television Network (CTV) show “Change & Action: Racism in Canada” to speak about why we need more diverse storytelling in film. Watch his full interview here.

Community Spotlight

Here’s what some of our community members have been up to this month:

Cindy Cowan has her first movie going into production this year from Sony Screen Gems studio, which is a label that specializes in horror films. The movie is called True Haunting and is a real-life horror based on the first ever televised exorcism in 1971 and what happened to the family once the cameras were turned off… Sounds spooky! We cant wait to announce more updates. They will begin principal production in South Africa on October 5th. Gary Fleder is directing and they are currently casting.

Trisanne Marin, Hollywood talent manager and Mogul community member, had her client Gregory Kasyan nominated for an Emmy award for his role in the Netflix film Daybreak as a drama supporting actor.

Terry Ryan announced on his Instagram page that he is starting to write his second novel. His first book, Tales of a First Round Nothing, was a best selling novel on Amazon. For Mogul community members, you can message Terry on Instagram @terryryan2020 to purchase a personalized signed copy of his book! Just let him know that you found him through Mogul.

Shoot us a message if there are others in our community who have been Moguls this past month for a shoutout!

Industry Reads

Top, curated industry reads directly from our team that piqued our interest over the last month:

1. How listening to fans accelerated Sonic the Hedgehog in the box office
2. 90,000
fans brought Veronica Mars to life on screen (an older article that resurfaced on our Slack channel)
3. Code 8, financed with 30,000 backers on Indiegogo,
vaults to the top 10 watched shows on Netflix
4. Producer Josh Gloer
preaches networking for your career in film
5. Toronto International Film Festival plans to use a
virtual red carpet
6. AI robot named Erica
cast as the lead role in a $70M Sci-Fi film
7. An investor’s
guide to the content business

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Mogul Productions - MOGUL JUNE RECAP 2

Mogul Productions, established 2019, is a blockchain-based film financier and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America and Europe.

The Mogul platform connects contributors, film industry professionals and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout theirs entire lifecycle, from financing through to production and distribution.

Blog Posts


Another exciting month for Mogul!

We can’t believe it’s August already! Our team has been working hard improving our beta product and we’re excited to share our progress with our loyal community soon. We’ve been evaluating projects week after week and encourage members of our community to continue sending their projects for our consideration.

Mogul Live took huge steps last month, culminating with an interview with Hollywood helicopter pilot Fred North that attracted nearly 5,000 live fans. Last month we also spoke with producer Gabe Napora, whose films have won awards at TIFF and Sundance and artist and director Rob Prior who has worked many Marvel characters in the past.

Here is the lineup for this month’s guests:

  • Tonya Williams — Emmy-nominated actress best known for her work with The Young & The Restless and Founder of Reelworld Film Festival (August 13th at 12:30 PST)
  • Vashi Nedomansky — Editor for films such as Sharknado, Deadpool, Miracle on Ice and more! Vashi has cut commercials for brands such as EA Sports, NHL, and Nike while collaborating on projects with the likes of Jerry Bruckheimer, Michel Gondry and others (August 18th 2pm PST)
  • Aneesha Madhok — up and coming actress from New Delhi now based in LA and is the lead in the new Bill McAdams Jr film called Bully (August 25th at noon PST)
  • Greg Kasyan — Emmy nominated actor for his series-regular role as Eli in Netflix’s Daybreak (date TBD)

Send us an email at [email protected] if you, or someone you know, would be a good candidate to be a guest on Mogul Live!

Remember to follow us on Instagram to watch our Mogul Live interviews!

Mogul in the Press!

Check out these articles that featured Mogul:

  • Indie Activity covered our interview with Mogul advisor, and recent Emmy-winner, Cindy Cowan
  • Host of Mogul Live, James Pratt, was featured in Your Digital Wall for winning the Top Auctioneer Award at the 8th Annual Australian Business Awards
  • Mogul Live guest Jessica Ross was featured in Patch for her work on Malibu Crush, produced by Mogul’s James Pratt
  • Mogul’s Cindy Cowan was featured in Hollywood Reporter, who wrote about the Southern crime thriller Arkansas
  • CBC wrote about Lyriq Bent’s character, Chekura Yyano, in The Book of Negroes

Any journalists, bloggers, podcasters, or content creators are encouraged to contact us [email protected] as we’d love to work with you!

Monthly Mogul

If you know of another member of the Mogul community who is accomplishing great things in the industry and deserves to be recognized by their peers, let us know! We’re always looking to celebrate and highlight the successes of outstanding Moguls!

Mogul Productions - MOGUL JULY RECAP - Tonya Williams

This month’s Monthly Mogul is Tonya Williams! Tonya is the founder of Reelworld Film Festival, which is a non-profit whose mission is to empower racially diverse Canadian filmmakers, content creators, and all talent in front of and behind the screen. She is also an award-winning actress, recognized for her work on The Young & The Restless, where she was a series regular for over two decades! This month, Tonya was featured on CP24 Breakfast, CTV News and Global News for her amazing efforts promoting BIPOC creators. Reelworld also launched “Access Reelworld”, which is a database to find all kinds of diverse filmmaking talent within Canada. The platform also features a Job Board where you can list your opportunities to hire racially diverse members of the Reelworld community. Check out it out here! Catch Tonya on August 13th where she’ll join us on Mogul Live!

Community Spotlight

Here’s what some of our community members have been up to this month:

David Cormican’s Northern Rescue won 4 awards (including the Grand Prize), as part of the World Media Festivals in Germany. The limited family drama series, which was co-commissioned by both the CBC and Netflix, was talked about in depth during David’s interview on Mogul Live!

Grace Lu was nominated for an Emmy award for her work on Superwings. Grace plays Astra in the internationally acclaimed series — stay tuned for more updates on Grace next month!

Tonya Williams was featured in Playback for her role in launching Access Reelworld and deserves an extra spotlight!

Shoot us a message if there are others in our community who have been Moguls this past month for a shoutout!

Industry Reads

Top, curated industry reads directly from our team that piqued our interest over the last month:

  1. NBCUniversal’s Peacock reaches 10 million signups, while Quibi continues to struggle to meet early expectations
    2. How listening to fans accelerated Sonic the Hedgehog in the box office
    3. Code 8, financed with 30,000 backers on Indiegogo, vaults to the top 10 watched shows on Netflix
    5. As Emmy-nominations came out this month, Better Call Saul highlights a list of “snubs”
    6. Warner Bros. takes “Tenet” off the theatrical release calendar due to COVID-19 and then adds it back! Christopher Nolan’s highly anticipated movie will roll out theatrically in offshore markets starting August 26th, in the US on Sept 3rd and then in China the following day.
    7. South Korea highlights the first two “post-pandemic era” theatrical releases

Mogul Productions, established 2019, is a blockchain-based film financier and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America and Europe.

The Mogul platform connects contributors, film industry professionals and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout theirs entire lifecycle, from financing through to production and distribution.

Blog Posts

Mogul Forms Strategic Partnership with Moonwhale Ventures

Toronto, Canada

Mogul forms a strategic partnership with Moonwhale Ventures to assist with partnerships, community building, and ecosystem development

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform and movie-based NFT marketplace has formed a strategic partnership with Moonwhale Ventures.

Moonwhale is an incredibly well-connected organization in the Web3 industries and has worked with large DeFi and NFT projects, including SuperRare, Umbrella Network, Razor, Celsius Network, Orion, and Avalanche.

Lisa Sun, Founder & President of Mogul Productions, said: “We’re excited to be partnering with Moonwhale. Their team has a reputation for incubating and accelerating top DeFi and NFT projects. Their team is able to put us in contact with tier 1 blockchain influencers and help us with other partnership and business development activities in the blockchain industry, especially within Southeast Asia.”

Danny J.C., CEO and Founder of Moonwhale Ventures, offered: “Mogul is an innovative project we’re happy to be a part of. They’re blending DeFi and NFTs together in one of the most exciting industries in the world and have built a product that is ready to onboard the masses from the film industry to blockchain.”

Learn more about Moonwhale here.

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.



About Moonwhale Ventures

Moonwhale Ventures invests in blockchain projects to incubate and accelerate. We connect teams with the right influencers, launch strategy, and right value-add investors. After launching projects, we’re committed to bringing partnerships across Southeast Asia.



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Mogul Goes BANANAs

Access Pass Holders to Get Share of $10,000 BANANA Giveaway in Partnership with ApeSwap.

Mogul is going BANANAs!

What does that mean for you, the STARS token holder?

It means if you’re the owner if a numbered Access Pass, you’re going to get your share of the $10,000 in BANANA tokens we’re gifting to celebrate Mogul’s new partnership with ApeSwap, a decentralized, community owned protocol that makes it cheaper for frequent users of decentralized exchanges to transact with STARS tokens due to the fact that it lives on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

Eligibility for the BANANA 

When we first launched the Mogul platform and developed Access Passes in the form of NFTs, our vision was to provide Access Pass holders with exclusive benefits that added to their experience within the Mogul community.

We have taken a snapshot to confirm the current status of numbered Access Pass holders at 22:00 UTC time on July 18, 2021 to determine who is eligible for their share of the $10,000 BANANA token giveaway.

How to Claim Your BANANA Tokens

If you’re the owner of a numbered Access Pass and receive the BANANA token giveaway, your BANANA tokens will be sent to your BSC address automatically. No need to do anything specific to claim them.

That said, with so many BANANAs flying around, you probably want to check to make sure your gifted tokens are indeed in your BSC wallet.

How do you do that?

Simply navigate your way to the main interface of your MetaMask wallet.

Click the drop-down menu at the top of the interface where you see the name of the blockchain network your wallet defaults to.

If you don’t see your BANANA tokens on the main interface, it means you need to change the network to Smart Chain.

Your BANANA balance will be right there alongside a list of any other BSC tokens you may be holding in your wallet!

See the screenshot below:


How to Do Everything Else Related to the BANANA Giveaway

If you didn’t see Smart Chain after following the directions displayed in the above screenshot, it probably means you don’t have BSC added as a network on your MetaMask wallet. MetaMask was originally intended for use on the Ethereum blockchain, so BSC isn’t there by default.

Don’t worry!

To add BSC to your MetaMask wallet so that you can change your network to Smart Chain, simply follow this guide, Connecting MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain.

If you love the idea of holding BANANA tokens on BSC and want to move your Ethereum-friendly STARS tokens over to BSC, you can do that too!

Mogul officially launched on BSC on July 15, 2021. The easiest and most cost-effective way to bridge your STARS over to BSC is to use

The AnySwap interface is really easy to use. If you need added help to navigate it, check out our guide, How to Bridge Your STARS Tokens.

By following the steps outlined above, you can enjoy the benefits that come with your numbered Access Pass NFT, which in this case includes a share of $10,000 in BANANA tokens.

Look out BELOW! Mogul and ApeSwap are about to make it rain BANANA style!

Blog Posts

Mogul Forms Strategic Partnership with GD10 Ventures

Toronto, Canada

Mogul forms a strategic partnership with GD10 Ventures to assist with marketing, community building, and ecosystem development

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform and movie-based NFT marketplace has formed a strategic partnership with GD10 Ventures. GD10’s CEO and Founder, Dr Deeban Ratneswaran, will also be joining Mogul as a strategic advisor.

GD10 is a well-respected and connected organization in the Web3 industries and has worked with large DeFi and NFT projects, including Reef Finance, Boson Protocol,, ChainGuardians and Kylin Network. They add personal value to the teams they join through a combination of creative visions, influential networking, and experience in the blockchain space since 2016.

Lisa Sun, Founder & President of Mogul Productions, said: “We’re proud to be partnered with GD10 Ventures and to have Dr Ratneswaran as a strategic advisor. Their team has direct contacts with tier 1 influencers and thought leaders that will help grow our community. This brings us one step closer to making the Mogul the de facto platform where the film industry merges with blockchain technology, for everything from fan engagement, to audience curation, to financing.”

Dr Deeban Ratneswaran, CEO of GD10 Ventures said: “Mogul is a unique and exciting project which film fans have needed for far too long now. I’m thrilled to be joining Mogul as a strategic advisor and to leverage the full support of GD10 to help cultivate their user base and community. We will bring our expertise to galvanise both the crypto and crypto naive audiences to engage and understand the full potential of Mogul.”

Learn more about GD10 Ventures here.

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.



About GD10 Ventures

GD10 Ventures helps develop early-stage Web3 companies through their alliance of financiers and marketers with access to a range of Twitter, Youtube, and TikTok influencers. Together, they have worked with some of the most significant projects to date, to formulate winning strategies, and help start-ups achieve incredible success.



Blog Posts

Mogul Forms Strategic Partnership with Avisa Ventures

Toronto, Canada

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform and movie-based NFT marketplace has formed a strategic partnership with Avisa Ventures.

Avisa is an Indian-based venture capital company with a strong global network that funds and works with decentralized start-ups. Their team is connected with marketing and growth resources with a strong focus on the blockchain industry in India.

Their team works to provide support to Web3 projects on marketing and business development in the Indian market through access to key opinion leaders (KOLs), content marketing opportunities, and promotional partners. Their other partners include BSC Starter, The APIS and Deeper Network.

Lisa Sun, Founder & President of Mogul Productions, said: “Partnering with Avisa Ventures gives Mogul access to a community and a market that is underrepresented within our current community. Avisa Ventures will help grow the power of the Mogul crowd to a new, untapped market.”

Priya Ratnam, Co-Founder and CMO of Avisa Capital, added: “Mogul’s success in the market to date, in growing to over 42,000 users, is substantial. We look forward to providing resources in India and UAE to grow Mogul in these areas of the world.”

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.