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Hollywood PR Queen and TV Personality Jessica Ross

Jessica Ross has formed an esteemed reputation in Hollywood for PR and being a television personality. Some of her on screen credits include, being a presenter on WCOBM, cast as a series regular on Fashion Dolls, and in 2018 for her stand out role in A Mini Movie which premiered at Marche Du Film Festival De Cannes and was short-listed for the 2019 Oscars. Whether Jessica is working on PR or television projects she has always maintained embracing technology is essential to success. And shares her thoughts on Moguls.

Where did you grow up?

I was born in Westlake Village and have lived in Miami, Hollywood, Las Vegas, Beverly Hills, and the Valley.

What is your favourite part of Los Angeles?

I love Malibu. Only a short drive from the city, it feels like you’re worlds away with the miles of stunning ocean views, nature trails, and fresh air.

What is the biggest way an actor can utilize technology in their career?

First, taking advantage of social and the ability it gives you to produce your own content and market yourself. Also, there are many apps that are useful for actors. One app that has really helped my career is Teleprompter Premium, which enables you to read your script and record video with the front-facing camera at the same time. I have used it for everything from red carpet interviews, self-taping auditions, and memorizing lines for roles.

The soon to be released Mogul Community will be another way an actor can help their career, it has the ability to allow actors to showcase their profile but also communicate and interact with like minded people anytime of the day.

Why is it important to be multi-talented in the industry now?

As we have seen from recent events, life is unpredictable. Everything you know can change in an instant. If you are multi-talented, you will always have something to fall back on when things go wrong. No one becomes a star overnight — over 90% of actors are out of work at any given time showcasing just how important it is to have as much marketable skills as possible. The more marketable skills you have the better chance you have of standing out from your competition and being chosen for a job or role. As a publicist with over 200 media placements, I can also help any project I am working on as an actress generate press and get noticed.

What advice do you give for people looking at starring as an actor in Hollywood?

First start taking an acting class and learn your strengths and weaknesses, get good headshots from a reputable photographer. Then build your resume by submitting yourself for extra work and student films on sites like Actors Access and LA Casting so you have verifiable credits. Make sure you have an IMDB page, Instagram and Facebook, and website. This will help build your online footprint. Put yourself out there. Go to as many auditions as possible and attend events. When you book a role, write a press release and reach out to local media outlets.

Once you have several credits, start submitting to agents. A good agent will open doors to opportunities that will take your career to the next level. Enjoy the journey and the destination! Understand that what looks like an overnight success on the outside really takes years of work without recognition.

Where can we find you online?
On or ,

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Garcia Bros Interview James Pratt on ‘The Garcia Brothers’ Podcast:

Drew and Nate Garcia, collectively known as the Garcia Brothers, are well known, up and coming directors in Hollywood, currently repped by APA in Los Angeles, they most recently won “Best Film” at the San Diego International Film festival and also host a popular Hollywood Podcast called “The Garcia Brothers” interviewing some of Hollywood’s top players.

The Brothers recently invited Mogul Productions Film Head James Pratt onto the Podcast. James Pratt (Malibu Crush, On Halloween) a successful actor, director, in the industry with some serious credits under his belt.

During the interview, Pratt and the Garcia Brothers shared some exciting breakthroughs happening within the film industry, talked about current projects filming and how Covid is changing entertainment around the world in 2020.

Watch the full interview right here.

Fresh Off Finishing the Anticipated Feature Film Malibu Crush

James, just finished directing the anticipated comedy feature film Malibu Crush featuring Demitra Sealy ( Fast and Furious ), Scott Miller, ( (Once Upon a Time ) and Daniel Musial ( On Halloween ) and Billy White. The Garcia Brothers were impressed with the fact that Pratt, who was also a producer, was able to still deliver on a feature film in 2020 despite facing an uphill battle of obstacles. Pratt lost a lot of his budget and had to work with a core team that relied on favors to push the film through during covid.

“The Dream plan was to go Australia, shoot “Malibu Crush” in April, then be back in LA by this summer. However it was mid-March. COVID hit. Tom Hanks gets COVID shooting Elvis in Australia and everything changes. We come 12 hours away from shooting Malibu Crush, then the government in Australia said, everyone is going into lockdown. And it was like at that point I said, ‘my hands are tied.’ I can’t even go back to the states and try to shoot it there,” Pratt said.

“We lost our finance, our budget…lots of the wheels fell off. With very little budget, we’re like, ‘let’s shoot this film.’ Call in favors,” Pratt said. “We wrapped two weeks ago.” But it was about finishing a great project no matter what gets in the way.

The Garcia brothers echoed the importance of being committed to the film process and applauded Pratt’s reputation as a person who will get something done in Hollywood no matter what the obstacles.

How to Be Better in the Industry

Pratt touched on his admiration for the filmmaking process and highlighted his love of learning.

“I think the main thing for me is I just love filmmaking and the process behind it, you know constantly learning is something that’s really important to me… constantly learning what’s going on in the film industry… I think that constantly learning is something that sort of helps with the behind the scenes thing,” he said. “It’s about balancing the time and quality filmmaking… [that] is the overall goal at the end of it,” Pratt said.

Other key highlights from the interview included Why The Farrelly Brothers and Jet Wilkinson are special directors, and where the direction of Hollywood is heading for streaming services and distribution.

“I’m a huge Bobby and Peter Farrelly fan… they come from a writing background and their style of comedy is so good. I have a tremendous amount of respect for them ” Pratt said. “There’s an Australian director as well… Her name is Jett Wilkinson, she does quite a bit of producing now in the states and TV shows…she was a really good director when I worked with her because… she gave the actor a sense from the very beginning like ‘I’m on your side… if you got a problem I’m here.’ ”

Mogul is Opening Up Hollywood Investing Opportunities & Creating a Film Community Around High-Quality Production

  • Give people a fairer way to contribute in films in Hollywood, but also give people access to top tier quality films being made.
  • Develop a community around quality filmmaking

Investing in Hollywood-grade films is an exclusive pursuit that requires insider access to get the best deals. However, Pratt believes that Mogul has the potential to improve the process system and deliver another option for those wanting to invest in films. At the same time, Pratt noted that Mogul will deliver access to top films, not just those projects, that are only available because everyone else has passed on them in Hollywood.

“The critical part of it is for the investor. If I said to you guys, hey let’s go and invest in Mission Impossible 8. It’s going to be a hard track for the average investor to actually get in there. Between the contracts that are already signed up, the roadmap that’s there… you have to know people inside to actually get a deal. For the person who wants to invest in Hollywood [they ask] how do I get in, how do I actually be a part of this?”

Go to our website to learn more about how Mogul is disrupting film and blockchain.

Quality Filmmaking is a Key Goal for Mogul

One way that Mogul is differentiating itself is that it’s focused on quality filmmaking. Unlike some other crowdfunding platforms, Mogul is focused on working with top tier talent. Their team currently includes Emmy-Winners, Oscar Nominees, and recipients of other top awards in the industry.

“You can go on crowdfunding sites right now, and you can invest in productions,” Pratt said. “But they are probably not going to be productions that are going to get a strong theatrical release. They aren’t always productions that are going to get top-tier talent. Mogul’s aim is basically to give those people an opportunity to invest, but also to give people access to it [top-level performance and talent] as well,” Pratt said. “The goal is to make films that people want to see.”

“One of the things Mogul is really passionate about is the power of the crowd…what do people want to see made,” Pratt said. Fans need a voice.

Mogul is at the Forefront of Change in Hollywood

The Garcia Brothers spoke about how Mogul is at the forefront of the wave of changes that are happening in Hollywood. They talked about how production budgets will be transformed and how Mogul seems to be right on the target with that transformation.

“Margins are already so thin for a lot of theaters during normal times, but during COVID it’s been really, really tough. Some things are going to change… the way movies are made is probably going to have to change quite a bit. That’s going to have to change. You guys seem to be right on target with this with Mogul,” Drew Garcia said.

“Movies are going to have to be made for cheaper,” Drew Garcia said. “There’s so much content, so many options for people. I think the productions are going to have to be scaled down, but not the stories. There are a lot of innovations in the industry that are allowing this to happen,” he said.

Watch the full interview right here.

In Conclusion

James Pratt and the Garcia Brothers teamed up to have a content-rich conversation about everything from film production to blockchain, and how Mogul is transforming the film industry. At the end of the day, what makes these players elite is that they consistently strive to create the best work they can create. Striving for excellence in filmmaking is at the heart of Mogul’s platform as well, which will differentiate it as a crowd-based platform.

As Hollywood continues to transform in the post-COVID era, Mogul is positioned to be at the forefront of a new era of filmmaking.

Read this article to learn more about the Mogul Smart Wallet.

About the Garcia Brothers

Drew and Nate Garcia are brothers from Idaho who have emerged onto the scene as some of the hottest up and coming directors in Hollywood. Together, they have a number of titles under their belt, including “Hero” which won several awards including “Best Short Comedy Film” at the San Diego International Film Festival and “Best Short Film” at the Marina del Rey Film festival. They are currently repped at APA.

About James Pratt

(From IMDB) “James Pratt is an award-winning actor, director, and celebrity favorite within luxury auctioneering internationally. With a strong background in acting, James first started his career studying acting at the prestigious acting school, NIDA in Sydney Australia, before landing a guest role on the hit TV show Home & Away. Since then James has gone on to work alongside some of the best in Hollywood including Q’orianka Kilcher, Sam Worthington, and Erica Christensen.”

About Mogul

Established in 2019, Mogul Productions is a blockchain-based film finance and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America, and Europe. Mogul’s platform connects contributors, film industry professionals, and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout its entire life cycle.

Blog Posts

The Emergence of Fan Tokens

What is a Fan Engagement Token: The Emergence of Fan Engagement Tokens in the Entertainment Industry with Blockchain

From digital identity to decentralized finance, nearly every industry has explored the many possibilities of blockchain. The entertainment industry is no exception. Filmmakers, video game designers, and augmented reality developers are always looking for the next big invention, especially to enhance the fan experience. The more satisfied the fan, the more the fan will engage with a platform and spend on a product.

How can fan engagement tokens on the blockchain drive engagement, and in turn, further drive distribution in the entertainment industry? That is the million-satoshi question.

Here is an introduction on fan engagement tokens, including:

  • What are fan engagement tokens?
  • Why is fan engagement so important?
  • Which companies offer fan engagement tokens?

What are Fan Engagement Tokens?

One of the most exciting innovations to have developed at the intersection between entertainment and technology is the emergence of fan engagement tokens. Fan tokens represent a new way for the entertainment industry to engage with fans and a new way for fans to take their entertainment experience to the next level.

A fan engagement token is a utility token that serves as a fan’s access pass to a new type of engagement with their favorite sports team or movie studio. A fan token gives fans access and influence on certain decisions made by the team or the studio, such as which players take the field, and what jerseys they wear, or which movies get made and what the character’s costumes look like.

Fan tokens also give fans the opportunity to compete for, and win, exciting exclusive rewards, and get special VIP access and treatment to a variety of events. This could include a meet-and-greet with a fan’s favourite player or actor, or even luxury box-seats at a game or VIP red-carpet access to a film’s premiere.

Another advantage to fan tokens is that it gives fans the opportunity to increase their rewards and influence by increasing the number of fan tokens they have. Many fan tokens offer a variety of exclusive tiered-rewards for fans holding a higher number of tokens. So the more fan tokens that a fan owns, the better the fan’s chances of getting more exclusive rewards and the greater the amount of clout the fan has regarding various fan-led decisions. Fans can continue to accumulate fan tokens until they attain the coveted level of access and influence that they are trying to achieve.

In addition to all of these functional benefits of ownership, there is another distinct advantage to owning fan tokens: the fan engagement tokens give access to exclusive memorabilia that may increase in value over time. As is the case with many collectible items in the real world, fan engagement tokens give fans exclusive access to rare and one-of-a-kind items that can be the envy of collectors and fans everywhere. Through fan engagement tokens, fans can exchange their tokens for memorabilia and experiences that would otherwise be very difficult to get.

Why Fan Engagement is so important

Fans make the entertainment industry. From sports to movies and everything in between. Fans fill seats, fans create buzz, and fans build communities. They buy the limited edition items from the set. They buy the game-used jerseys. Fans spawn entire subcultures around the things that they love, which is why fan engagement is so critical to the success of any fan-driven industry. Fans are the lifeblood of any type of channel within the entertainment industry. They are the consumers of any entertainment product, and they play a vital role in the success of that product.

With the movie industry, like we’ve seen with Deadpool, fans can also make or break the success of a franchise!

Any sports team or movie studio can attest to the fact that fan engagement has evolved significantly over the past decade. Part of that is the correlation that has been found between fan engagement and fan consumption. Now, more and more entertainment organizations are taking note of this evolution and looking for more innovative ways to engage with their fans, driven by increased demand from fans for inclusion, influence and interaction.

Fan Engagement Tokens in the Film Industry

A number of companies have seized the opportunity to create fan engagement tokens in order to capitalize on the unique type of fan engagement that this technology offers. In the world of movies, companies like Mogul are offering fan engagement tokens that give them creative influence on films and insider access to the film industry.

Mogul is a decentralized film financing platform that offers exclusive rewards that are unique to the film industry. Mogul’s fan engagement token is aptly called the STARS token. Throughout the entirety of Mogul’s community-building process, film fans are rewarded for their involvement in giving films the greenlight and supporting films from the script to the screen. The STARS token powers the Mogul platform, and gives both fans and screenwriters complete insider access to Hollywood and the world of filmmaking.

Mogul’s STARS tokens are redeemable for incredible bespoke rewards that most film fans would never have access to. These rewards include a number of things such as limited-edition or one-of-a-kind movie posters, rare NFTs, and actual props and set-used memorabilia from a film. With more STARS tokens come even more rewards, such as voting on which films get made, getting an “executive producer” credit on a film, and even dinner with a famous director.

Fan Tokens for Sports

In the world of sports, companies like Chiliz and Socios have created fan tokens around European football clubs like FC Barcelona and Juventus, and MMA leagues like the UFC. Chiliz, the cryptocurrency and blockchain which powers the Socios platform, is looking to offer fan engagement tokens focused on sports and esports, such as soccer and video games. Socios can give fans the ability to vote on various aspects of a football club’s governance. This can include decisions such as who the football club plays during “friendlies” and which players the football club should look to sign.

By offering these unique fan-engagement experiences, rewards and discounts through fan engagement tokens, companies like Mogul and Chiliz are hoping to increase both fan engagement and revenues. On top of that, it will allow fans to feel as though they are an important part of the team or studio, even if they can’t physically attend games or go to movie theaters.


We are still in the early days of blockchain technology, and this is currently the dawn of fan tokens. The use case is strong, and the reception to fan engagement tokens has been greeted warmly by fans looking to take their interest and engagement to the next level. Fan tokens offer entertainment companies like sports teams and film studios a unique way to increase fan engagement in the off-season and between films and give these organizations the potential to increase both their fan base and their revenues.

Celebrating Fans Around The World: Win BITCOIN! To celebrate fans all around the world Mogul Productions is hosting a contest on our Twitter to win free Bitcoin! Follow us to learn how to enter and win! We appreciate our fans!

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Entertainment Lawyer Tifanie Jodeh Acosta Joins Mogul Productions as Head of Business Affairs

Acosta joins Mogul as their film financing team grows

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform and movie-based NFT marketplace, today announces entertainment lawyer Tifanie J. Acosta as the project’s new Head of Business Affairs.

As the Founder and Managing Partner of Los Angeles-based Entertainment Law Partners, Acosta brings with her a plethora of experience representing actors, performers, writers, directors, musicians, executive producers, public relations companies, managers and producers.

“We’re delighted to welcome Tifanie to the Mogul Team,” said Mogul Productions Founder & President, Lisa Sun. “Her insider-level knowledge of the entertainment industry is unparalleled, and we can’t wait to tap into the deep well of experiences that she brings to Mogul’s film team.”

Added Acosta: “I’m inspired by the idea of turning film production into a more inclusive, equitable and accessible process for both fans and key stakeholders. I’m excited to join the team in deal making across Mogul’s film platform and advance the company’s key business priorities.” 

Acosta’s multifaceted career extends over 20 years handling production, legal  and business affairs on such projects as “Greenland” (starring Gerard Butler), “Breaking News in Yuba County” (starring Allison Janney and Mila Kunis), “Chappaquiddick” (starring Jason Clarke) and “The Stand-In” (starring Drew Barrymore). She started her career in the business affairs department at Nancy Cartwright’s company (voice of Bart Simpson) and was later the general counsel of TFN, The Football Network where Acosta was responsible for a range of issues pertaining to production, business and legal affairs, intellectual property, financing, standards and practices, and more.

Acosta has been recognized as a “Viv Magnificent Woman”by VIV Magazine, and has lectured on the business of film and television at Louisiana State University, Slamdance Film Festival, San Pedro Film Festival, Hollywood Black Film Festival, Film-Com and more. Jodeh is an Emmy voting member of the Television Academy.  She regularly blogs about the entertainment industry and posts noteworthy columns featured at 

Acosta joins a leadership team led by Sun, along with Co-Chairs of Film Financing Paul Sparkes & Gorav Seth.

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight, and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.


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Early Adopter Distribution Program


Due to the popularity of the early adopter program, we’ve decided to extend the program until April 8th.

We’re also going to DOUBLE the number of winners!

The new parameters of the program are now:

  • 400k STARS tokens will be distributed to early adopters
  • The tokens will be distributed to 20,000 lucky users through a raffle system
  • Each user that wins the raffle will be given 20 STARS in their Mogul Smart Wallet

To qualify, user must:

  • Sign up to the Mogul platform with a verified email address
  • Like a minimum of 1 movie in the Showcase; each movie you like is one entry, so each user can get up to 9 entries

This campaign will now run until April 8th!

STARS tokens will be delivered to the user’s Smart Wallet by May 20th. Users who have signed up to Mogul before the start of this campaign are also eligible for this campaign. If fewer than 20,000 users are eligible, then each participant will win!

Please note that some users have reported issues with adding a profile picture. We have heard our community! Therefore, we have removed that requirement for the remainder of the contest!

Winners will be alerted by May 20th

Full roadmap and Access Pass Sale details can be found here.

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Emmy-Winning and Oscar-Nominated Film Stars Pitch Blockchain to Hollywood at Futurist Conference 2020

David Cormican (Northern Rescue, Tokyo Trial) laughed when he was asked about problems that film finance faces. It wasn’t that he found the problems funny. Rather, what he found comical was the short time constraint he had to discuss the problems.

“We wouldn’t have enough time on this panel for that,” Cormican said.

He wasn’t kidding. For the next hour, four industry experts candidly spoke about the issues the industry faced, and how Mogul’s technology could improve it.

Other panelists included Emmy-Winner and Oscar-Nominated Producer Cindy Cowan (Miracle on 42nd Street, Smiley), James Pratt (Malibu Crush, On Halloween), and Mogul CMO Tracy Leparulo.

Go to our website to learn more about how Mogul is disrupting film and blockchain.

Some of the topics discussed included:

  • Investment dilution in film finance
  • Lack of transparency in Hollywood accounting
  • High-interest rates and transaction fees in current film equity models
  • How long money is tied up in film investing
  • What does a Hollywood investor want to see in a film before they invest?

Watch a full video of the panel right here.

For many, Hollywood is not easily understood so it takes insiders who can deliver the 10,000 ft-above-perspective to help us understand it. These Mogul team members made the opaque world of film finance that much clearer.

Cormican detailed how confusing film investing can be.

“Investing in the film industry is confusing for everyone. If you look at a waterfall, investors want to know where they fit, where they will recoup money, and what position they will be when they jockey for a profit amongst all of that. There’s just a general confusion there,” Cormican said. “The investors who are typically the first money in will get diluted when some other investor comes along with some mezzanine or debt financing. It’s always that last 10–30% that’s the hardest to solve,” he said.

“These are a lot of the problems I face on the independent side. We have 14, 15, 20 plus financiers. That’s part of the problem too. You have all these various sources of financing who have to then take it to another lender, they charge exorbitant interest rates. But you’re spending a lot of that money on bank charges rather than on the screen and putting it toward telling it a good story,” Cormican said.

Emmy-Winner Cindy Cowan agreed.

“Everything you’re saying is right. It’s unfortunate that Hollywood does not treat equity very well. We typically look at equity as the newcomers on the block. So many people look at films as one-offs instead of a real business. Unlike most traditional businesses, equity is sometimes forgotten. They can be the first money in but not the first money out,” Cowan said.

Then, the Emmy Winner made a brilliant pivot in her next point.

Blockchain and Film

Cowan tied the issues with transparency and film equity into blockchain.

“Going into blockchain, that can revolutionize the business as far as the transparency of where the money goes. It’s a very exciting time to see the changes that could potentially be made as far as financiers go,” Cowan said.

Blockchain Has Come A Long Way But Still Needs the Next Generation Products

Like film, the blockchain industry is not perfect either. According to Tracy Leparulo, the industry still needs education and products with better UI in order to advance the tech forward.

“We’ve come a long way in the blockchain space but of course there’s a lot more we have to do. A big part of what we think about is how do we get mainstream to understand this? We run events to get the community together, see it grow… How do we get blockchain and digital tokens to the masses?” Leparulo said.

Hollywood Could Bring Mass Appeal to DeFi

There’s where entertainment and the film industry come into the picture for Leparulo. She and the rest of the Mogul team are constantly thinking of ways to inform people about the industry.

“How do we educate people? When you say you’re in blockchain, everyone asks about it. If you say you’re in crypto, everyone asks about it,” Leparulo said. “People have a hard time understanding blockchain, and Hollywood does a good job at explaining things and educating people. [Hollywood] It has such a huge audience,” she said.

“That’s where Mogul comes in. With the wallet, you don’t have to send crypto to a long address anymore, you send it to a surname. Features like this will drive the adoption space. The biggest problems blockchain has is making it easy for people to use,” Leparulo said.

Read this article to learn more about the Mogul Smart Wallet.

Team member James Pratt continued on this point.

“The lay of the land is going to come back to Mogul solving a lot of these problems, both on the film side and on the blockchain side, which no one else is doing. That’s the really unique thing,” Pratt said.


There are a lot of questions that investors have before they commit to a film. They want to know things like who the director is, if the producers can execute on budget, and what the script looks like. All these elements and more are what David Cormican described as major pillars before capital is given.

“[Investors] Look toward the track record of those people producing it, the director, screenwriter to a lesser extent because the proof is on the page,” Cormican said. “The cash behind it. What’s the history of all of those people and those elements combined. The mind and the opinion of the sales agents and the distributors, if they are onboard,” he said.

“It’s a complex gut-feeling equation based on fact and history, and the rest is sort of based on everyone’s own version of a crystal ball. Investors are looking at how do I get my money back, how do I get out, how do I make a profit on this, what does the return look like,” Cormican said.

Pratt and Cowan agreed.

In Conclusion

The film industry is changing more and more by the day. Film financing is still a closed-door process that not many people have access to. However, Mogul seamlessly uses blockchain technology to open the doors up to Hollywood and provide the transparency that the industry needs. Meanwhile, Hollywood, Mogul could give DeFi and blockchain technology the mainstream attention that it deserves.

Mogul Productions, established 2019, is a blockchain-based film finance and production company with a presence in Canada, the United States of America, and Europe. From financing through to distribution, Mogul’s platform connects contributors, film industry professionals, and fans through technology that allows all users to engage and participate with each project throughout its entire lifecycle.

Blog Posts

Early Adopter Distribution Program

Mogul is excited to announce, to our early community members, a unique early-adopter distribution program of STARS tokens through the Mogul platform.

To reward our early users, 200k STARS tokens will be distributed through a 6-day campaign.

The tokens will be distributed to 10,000 lucky users through a raffle system.

Each user that wins the raffle will be given 20 STARS.

To qualify, user must:

  • Sign up to the Mogul platform with a verified email address
  • Upload a profile picture to their account
  • Like a minimum of 1 movie in the Showcase; each movie you like is one entry, so each user can get up to 9 entries

This campaign runs from March 19th at 9am EST until March 24th at 9am EST. Winners will be announced March 28th at 11am EST

STARS tokens will be delivered to the user’s Smart Wallet by April 20th. Users who have signed up to Mogul before the start of this campaign are also eligible for this campaign. If fewer than 10,000 users are eligible, then each participant will win!

Full roadmap and Access Pass Sale details can be found here.

Mogul reserves the right to evaluate profiles made on the platform. Multiple submissions made by the same user will be deemed ineligible for the contest.

Blog Posts

Devilreaux – Reasons you May Want to Consider Voting for a Tale of Vengance and Forbidden Voodoo

Want to Vote for Devilreaux in Mogul’s First-Ever Showcase? Here’s Why the Film Might Indeed Be the Best Choice

Mogul’s first-ever blockchain-based movie showcase is set to launch on August 5 and will run till August 19, 2021. The first voting slate features fellow action films Terminal Station and MR-9.

But this post is about the third movie on the showcase slate that we haven’t featured yet. Devilreaux.  The movie takes place in the present day, where a forbidden voodoo seeks to avenge the murders of Devilreaux and his family, all of which took place during the 1800s. An unwitting group of teenagers accidentally bring Devilreaux back to life to wreak vengeance again.   


Here’s why you should consider using your STARS tokens to vote and choose Devilreaux as the film worthy of receiving financing from the Mogul community.


Horror Movies Almost Always Perform Well in Theatres

Devileraux is a horror movie that draws comparisons to films like Haunting in Connecticut and the cult classic, Candyman. One key difference is that the film resides within the zombie subgenre.

Think about how prominently popular zombie TV shows and movies like The Walking Dead, World War Z, Zombieland, and Day of the Dead have been able to stick in the minds of their audiences. That’s what moving people to watch a zombie movie and forever haunting and entertaining them after the fact is all about.

That’s why audiences flock back to popular zombie television shows in droves season after season.

A Major Distribution Deal for the Movie Is Already in Place

While more and more films are being distributed through popular streaming services movie lovers use at home, Devilreaux actually has a deal in place with one of the most well-known studios in Hollywood. We can’t tell you which one. But when you find out, you’re going to see the true profit potential of a film backed by a distributor tied to some of the most popular movies both in the horror genre and beyond.

Well-Known Secret Music Talent Is Going to Be in the Film

Everyone knows zombie movies are no fun unless celebrities are killing or being killed by zombies. Devilreaux is planning to line up supersecret musical talent for a role in the film. Who will the talented musician (or musicians) be? Will they survive or will they be eaten alive?

Only time will tell.

A Movie True to Louisiana Folklore

Even hard-core fans of the horror genre probably aren’t so familiar with Louisiana folklore. Devilreaux is going to be one heck of a way to get familiar. Louisiana is home to a rich history in dark arts, Black Magic, the occult, and witchcraft. This movie is going to be absolutely terrifying!

Thomas Churchill Is the Director

Thomas Churchill has many notable credits under his name as both a director, writer, and producer of movies many moviegoers would recognize including Check Point, The Hard Way, and The Amityville Harvest.

He clearly has the experience to help bring movie fans to the edge of their seats and get their heart rates pumping, which is exactly what horror fans want.

Vote for Devilreaux with STARS Tokens

All you need to cast a vote during Mogul’s first-ever movie showcase running from August 5-19, 2021 is own STARS tokens. STARS are used to cast your vote in a democratic and fair way.

The easiest way to use your STARS to vote is to navigate to your Mogul profile at and click the Showcase option and the left-hand menu. Remember that spending STARS tokens within the Mogul platform can only be done using the Ethereum blockchain and a browser-based wallet like MetaMask!

Get ready to vote for Devilreaux, Terminal Station or MR-9 in this inaugural showcase hosted on the Mogul platform!

Blog Posts

Decentralized Film Financing Platform Mogul Announces First Film Investment in Human Trafficking Drama Bonded

Mogul users will be able to leverage STARS tokens to redeem unique prizes and rewards associated with the social-impact drama Bonded, which stars Jason Patric, Alfredo Castro, Paulina Gaitan, Francisco Denis, Samm Levine and Ari Lopez

April 13th, 2021, Toronto, Canada

Mogul Productions, the decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) and movie-based non-fungible token (NFT) platform that gives everyone a voice in the creative process, announced the first film to be financed via Mogul’s proprietary platform, Bonded.

Harrowing human trafficking drama Bonded, directed and written by Mohit Ramchandani, is inspired by a true story that follows the journey of a teenager from Mexico whose dreams of becoming a soccer star are shattered when he’s smuggled across the border and sold to a sweatshop making party dresses in downtown Los Angeles.

Bonded stars Jason Patric, Alfredo Castro, Paulina Gaitan, Francisco Denis, Samm Levine and Mexican newcomers Diego Calva (recently cast in Damien Chazelle’s upcoming Babylon with Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie) and Ari Lopez in the lead role of ‘Jesus’.

Working with Mogul, Bonded’s filmmakers are able to offer the community an insider view of the production process, exclusive rewards and red-carpet experiences via the platform.

Bonded Director, Mohit Ramchandani, expressed, “Our goal is to build a strong social action campaign and bring awareness to the issue of modern day slavery through narrative storytelling and we welcome the opportunity to engage with the Mogul community on this important topic.”

Emmy-nominated producer, David Cormican, Production Advisory Officer at Mogul, shared, “This is obviously an incredibly exciting time to be announcing this milestoneMogul’s first film financed via the Mogul model. Mogul initially invested in Bonded at the script level a little over two years ago. The filmmaking and producing team’s level of engagement served as an inspiration for Mogul’s model of interacting with investors and audiences during the script to screen journey for projects.”

Mogul Productions is now accepting new project submissions for subsequent showcases and rounds of financing. Interested filmmakers can visit to create a Mogul account and submit a film project for showcase consideration.

For media inquiries, please contact Raneem Hamad at (310) 260–7901 or Raneem(at)MelrosePR(dot)com.

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing (DeFiFi) platform that connects creators, movie fans, and film financiers in one space to ensure the best films get made by giving everyone a voice. By leveraging blockchain technology, NFTs and a tokenized system, Mogul incentivizes participation and rewards engagement. Using the Mogul in-app payment and utility token (STARS), users can vote on, greenlight and participate in key decision-making aspects of production.

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DeFi Movie Project Mogul Partners with AnySwap – Crypto’s Leading Cross-Chain Swap Protocol

Mogul partners with AnySwap; giving STARS token holders a bridge to Binance Smart Chain.

Mogul Productions, a decentralized film financing and movie-based NFT platform bringing together movie fans, creators, and financiers, is partnering with AnySwap, crypto’s leading decentralized cross-chain swap protocol, to give STARS holders an easy way to move their tokens to and from Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum. 

AnySwap is a fully decentralized cross-chain swap protocol that has developed 385 bridges on 15 different blockchains since its launch on July 20, 2020.

For STARS holders, this means access to a trusted, secure, and audited decentralized bridge for their tokens – the top provider in the industry. 

The AnySwap protocol allows users to deposit any coins into the platform and mint wrapped tokens in a decentralized way. Users can also immediately swap one coin for another between blockchains, while liquidity providers can enjoy adding and withdrawing liquidity into different pairs based on a programmed pricing system built around the liquidity provided.

The platform currently supports 15 different blockchains, including Ethereum, BSC, Fusion, Fantom, Huobi, Polygon, xDAI, Avalanche, and Harmony.

AnySwap is now officially the preferred partner for building the bridge infrastructure required to help Mogul’s STARS token become one of the few tokens to ever launch on three different blockchains simultaneously.

The bridge from Ethereum to BSC is officially live here

Advancing Mogul’s Mission through Blockchain Interoperability

Blockchain interoperability refers to the ability of different blockchains to communicate with one another while continually registering transactions in an efficient, immutable, decentralized, and secure format.

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects in existence today and allowing users to enter and exit different blockchain ecosystems with ease helps facilitate the growth and exposure of Mogul and the STARS token, while helping Mogul meet its mission of having STARS be the de facto cryptocurrency used for film-based NFTs and in Hollywood.

AnySwap provides a safe, audited method with a proven user experience for users to bridge their STARS tokens from Ethereum to the Binance Smart Chain (and vice versa).

AnySwap Co-Founder Zhaojun says the partnership with Mogul fittingly serves the mission and vision of both projects.

“Mogul’s leadership team is doing a great job putting its community first. Given how exciting and revolutionary the project is, it makes perfect sense for us to partner up. We’re happy to give their users access to the STARS token across many different blockchains.”

Mogul Founder and President Lisa Sun echoes Qian’s sentiment.

“We love the fact that AnySwap’s platform is really easy to understand and use. Our mission is to decentralize the financing of movies. It’s a big goal and we need both movie lovers and crypto enthusiasts to get involved in the movement. AnySwap gives STARS more usability across different blockchain platforms”

About Mogul Productions (Mogul)

Mogul Productions is a decentralized film financing project connecting creators, film financiers, and movie fans together, giving everyone the opportunity to participate in giving big-budget movies a new path to the big screen.

Using blockchain technology, NFTs, and tokenomics, Mogul incentivizes participation and engagement. The STARS token allows users to complete in-app payments and vote on key decision-making surrounding green lighting and producing feature films.

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About AnySwap

Anyswap is a fully decentralized cross-chain swap protocol, which enables any blockchain that uses ECDSA or EdDSA as a signature algorithm to have a bridge. Anyswap has developed 385 bridges on 15 chains since its launch on July 20, 2020. 

Anyswap has launched its Multichain Router V3 beta mainnet just one month ago, which has three significant features: non-custodial multi-party confirmation, native swap, and multichain router, allowing users to swap between two chains arbitrarily easier and inexpensively. 

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