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AMA with Mary Spio of Ceek Recap

This post recaps the AMA with CEEK CEO, Mary Spio that took place on the Mogul Official Discord Server on Monday, November 22nd.

It’s great to have you both here, it would be great if you could introduce yourself to anyone who’s unaware of what you do @Ceek (unlikely šŸ™‚)

Mary Spio: Hi everyone, I am Mary Spio, CEO of CEEK. Consider myself a crypto OG. Love movies and the Metaverse

Jarred Winn: Hi all, Jarred Winn here! Advisor for CEEK and general crypto enthusiast ā¤ļø

Question 1 (@Sol): What is the goal of the metaverse alliance? What is CEEK and Mogulā€™s role in the alliance? And who else is in this alliance?Ā 

Jarred Winn: The goal of the metaverse alliance is to create something of a coalition between projects who share a mutual interest in bringing blockchain technologies to the masses via metaverse technology. CEEK has vetted a number of core projects who we feel add value to the various verticals of the metaverse and has formed partnerships with them to ensure the best experience is provided to users who are exploring blockchain/metaverse projects, and essentially collaborating with them to bring great things only before imaginable to life.Ā 

Mogul brings great value to the bridged vision we see between film, celebrities, and metaverse. Together, we expect there will be a tremendous opportunity for both projects.Ā 

As of now, the other projects in the alliance are:Ā 

  • Mogul
  • ProjectOasis
  • NFTY
  • BiShares
  • and of course, CEEK

Question 2 (@Buzzmogie): What drew you to partner with Mogul, and what’s your general impression of the Mogies NFTs we’re launching in early 2022?

Mary Spio: I started with movies I developed the Digital Cinema technology used by Lucas Films 20th Century Fox etc while at Boeing Digital Cinema then drifted to music sports etc but I love movies especially 3D movies. I love everything that Mogul doing. Itā€™s so awesome and in alignment with my passions and experience.

Love the Mogies and can’t wait to get my hands on them

Question 3 (MageFrost): I read that “CEEKā€™s custom-built NFT marketplace is being built on the highly efficient blockchain,Ā  to allow users to transact their NFTs with negligible transaction fees.” Can you tell us more about this blockchain? Have not heard of them before. Is the CEEK’s NFT marketplace on already live?

Mary Spio: They are a new partner we’re exploring. We are looking at other NFT partners as well. The CEEK NFT marketplace will enable Venues to be own and earn rewards, buy exclusive celebrity virtual merch from T-Shirts to one-of-a-kind experiences, even own music rights.Ā 

Avatar clothes, art, and much more

Question 4 (@Nathanā­): Was there something about that made you pick them over existing players in the space for the blockchain?Ā 

Mary Spio: We liked their emphasis on the environment. But it’s not just we have others we are exploring as well. I have a feeling a major announcement will be coming soon.

Question 5 (@maroosh): When can we expect to see a Mogul theatre in the CEEK metaverse?Ā 

Jarred Winn: The theatre itself is nearing completion, and I know that teams are in active discussions on the best way to kick off this theatre with the biggest bang. I know it’s a high priority for both teams, so I’d expect this no later than Q1 2022. šŸ™‚ Maybe we’ll have our next AMA there!

Question 6 (Buzzmogie): What major lessons have you learned about working and marketing with celebrities?

Mary Spio: You have to build a great product and that itā€™s a very small world. Treat everyone well. I remember having a meeting about the artist Halsey this was before she became the superstar she is today.Ā  A lot of our work expands through word of mouth. One great experience leads to another. We really get to know the artist and look at this as an opportunity for them to connect with their fans in a unique way and so far the fans have. Many people in the group today came from the various releases. Iā€™m sure they can share theyā€™re Lady Gaga fans etc.

Question 7 (@MageFrost): What is CEEK VR’s secret to being able to score so amazing interviews with music celebrities?

Jarred Winn: CEEK’s secret is clearly Mary Spio.

Mary Spio: Our secret has been creating value and putting artists first. Our work has contributed to Grammys, sales, etc we’ve paid out millions, so the work speaks for itself.

Help artists save time and make money.

And we’re letting the CEEK tech help them do that with the upcoming creator dashboard to have full control and flexibility over their virtual worlds.

Question 8 (@BuzzMogie): How is the CEEK token used in your product currently and what is the plan for the future?

Mary Spio: Currently we use it to track usage and smart contracts for automatic payments once usage has been verified. Artists will tell you payments are super slow, but smart contracts enable faster payments.

And the biggest problem in the industry is a lack of transparency. Most of them cant tell you how streaming services pay or not pay them. Having a transparent ledger is super important. In the near future NFTs, even music rights can be tracked and allow artists to open their music to the world.

Question 9 (@Nathanā­): Artists who don’t have expensive legal teams to back them up would love this, I have no doubt.

Mary Spio: Exactly. Most global artists are not in restricting contracts. They’ve built their fanbase on their own and have more control to monetize and benefit their work in interesting ways.

They’re also the ones that have the biggest need for transparency since the traditional systems are not fair at all to them.

Question 10 (@Naj): Are you planning to bring Lady Gaga to the CEEK Metaverse?

Jarred Winn: Her exclusive content is already there… but as for her virtual entity… we can only hope! šŸ˜„

Question 11 (@MageFrost): Can you also detail what value each of the member projects of the Metaverse alliance has?

  • ProjectOasis
  • NFTY
  • BiShares

Jarred Winn: Sure! Some quick notes:Ā 

ProjectOasis – Accessible VR/AR gaming within a metaverse. This is still being fully baked, but the opportunities are really wide, so the hardest part is finding out what we do first!Ā 

NFTY – NFT Gateways to add more immediate utility to NFTs either purchased within or used for access to a metaverse.Ā 

BiShares – Accessible & safer participation with metaverse projects for those who want to just own one metaverse token with auto-farms and produces yields versus running the risk of an imbalanced portfolio

Question 12 (absarikaya1): Will a new exchange listing be coming soon for the CEEK VR token?

Jarred Winn: Yes

Question 13 (@fsowemim): Other than Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Meta/Oculus are there any major mainstream Silicon Valley companies you are in talks with regarding partnering with Ceekā€™s Metaverse?

Mary Spio: There are many companies looking to work with CEEK. Our initial focus is to build these massive bridges that can bring millions even billions of people to the Metaverse and crypto – the virtual web really. So when it makes sense and aligns with our vision, we will definitely partner.

Question 14 (@MageFrost): Can you add more details around how exactly CEEK and Mogul partnership will leverage each other?

Jarred Winn: Definitely! Mogul has some of the deepest celebrity & film connections of any blockchain project.Ā 

CEEK, in my opinion, has the best and most dynamic metaverse platform in which content can be appreciated by all audiences.Ā 

In short, CEEK wants to partner with Mogul to be a platform of accessibility, where Mogul has such tremendous opportunities in front of them that will just make the CEEK metaverse even more highly demanded.

Question 14 (@fsowemim): How will staking with CEEK work? Any predictions on APY % or other rewards?

Will staking be on the whole Metaverse ecosystem or can we stake in particular venues and earn rewards on the success of the venue?

Jarred Winn: There are a couple of points to this question.Ā 

1. We’re exploring a native single stake to reward our HODL’rs, this is separate from anything else stake-related on CEEK and not concrete, yet.Ā 

2. We’re looking to enable staking opportunities on our various venues, in which stakers will receive a share of rewards for various events held on said metaverse. We’re exploring whether this staking will be done with divisible NFTs for said venues, CEEK tokens, or a combination of both.

3. APY’s will be competitive in a way that will add value to the CEEK token system while still incentivizing those who participate.

Question 15 (@Ever): Mary when could we use CEEK tokens to pay for headsets and 4D phones?

Mary Spio: Yes we will accept tokens for everything. Our goal is the same time as completing the BSC integration.

Question 16 (@tan): What is the end goal for you are Looked to get acquired at some point or stick with it for maybe going public?Ā 

Jarred Winn: I don’t see a CEEK without Mary or a Mary without CEEK… so whichever route is taken, I think this is the main consideration. Lol šŸ™‚

Mary Spio: At this point, we are working with most of our potential acquirers, so will have to be very very compelling to do an acquisition. We can achieve a lot through partnerships. We are keeping all options open.

Question 17 (@Niceguy): Hello Mary, I would like to know who are Ceek’s backers. Can you give us some information about them?

Mary Spio: We have a lot of support from many of our partners. Facebook Oculus was the first to actually invest $$$

Question 18 (@Ever): Mary some Plans for headset version with controls for METAVERSE?

Mary Spio: We are on the Oculus platform, so that is one way that users can have an enhanced experience of CEEK if they want to controllers. Our aim with our headset is to be the gateway to the Metaverse.Ā 

Question 19 (@SertaƧ): Hi Mary, Which is your favorite exchange? šŸ™‚ Binance or Coinbase?

Mary Spio: Binance

Jarred Winn: Great chatting, everyone!Ā 

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