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Come out to the metaverse, we’ll get together, have a few laughs…

Experience the world of entertainment like never before in the metaverse for film, music, art & fashion.  Mogieland is a homage to Hollywood and is inspired by the traditional landmarks of Hollywood, such as Hollywood Boulevard, Studio City, and more.  

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogie #461 - John Mclane

“Welcome to the party, pals!”

From the animators that brought The Simpsons series, The Simpsons Movie and VR attractions at Universal Studios Japan comes the first ever NFT animated series.

The collection of 1,923 handcrafted CGI NFTs is inspired by the last 100 years of Hollywood characters and personalities in celebration of the centennial anniversary of the Hollywood sign.   All of which leads into the upcoming animated series, and new Mogieland metaverse.

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogies #1624 - Neo - Matrix

Mogies are aliens that feed on entertainment.  They look and act like all our favorite characters and Hollywood icons from the past 100 years, even ones that know kung-fu. Mogies are citizens of Mogieland and interact inside the metaverse through different adventures. 

Ultimately, Mogies are passionate cosplayers and the biggest fans in the galaxy.  Mogieland is their Comic-Con and they have every intention to ensure it lasts forever.

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogies #577 - Forrest Gump

“Mogies episodes are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”

In animated series, action heroes, heart throbs, gladiators, talk show hosts, villains, aliens, princesses, children’s characters, and various other Hollywood-inspired characters are engaged in epic adventures.

With the launch of the coming series, the owners of these Hollywood-inspired NFT characters will have the IP rights to their characters forever.  All of which come with valuable benefits. 

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogies #749 - Indiana Jones

“It’s not the years. It’s the mileage.”

The Mogies collection of NFTs support the creation of the new animated series. To ensure that the Mogieland and Mogies ecosystem is healthy and continually adding more utility, 50% of all 7.5% secondary market royalties will go directly towards growing the project.   Also 10% of all future rewards from the Mogies animated series, wearables, collectibles, or line of figurines will be distributed to Mogie NFT holders as rewards quarterly.

Mogie NFT owners will get the ability to participate in the animation series development. In the private Discord channel, Mogie owners can be part of the animated filmmaking process in partnership with the animators of the Simpsons. They can make suggestions about the series and have direct input to the creators.

Selected characters from amongst the NFT collection have already been chosen as characters for the Mogies Animated series. As more scripts are written, characters are animated, and episodes produced, certain Mogies will be joining the cast. Which ones are already stars, that we can’t tell you. You’re gonna need to watch to find out.

Once the Mogies animated series airs, the studio version of the Pilot will be transformed into an exclusive NFT and be sent out to all Mogie holders. As part of the Mogies derivative collection, users will own a piece of a TV series. In addition a special thank you will be shown in the credits at the end of episodes to select holders.

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogies #653 - Maximus - Gladiator

“Are you not entertained, Mogieland?”

Mogieland breaks geographical barriers to access exclusive events and brings them globally to a universe where brands, fans, movies, and celebrities can interact. 

There are exciting events coming to Mogieland. It is the metaverse where movies meet blockchain. It’s a virtual place where Mogul will partner with movie producers and celebrities globally to do metaverse movie premieres at traditionally iconic Hollywood locations, and sell tickets in STARS to the premieres.   

Mogies presents the opportunity to join an exclusive community of people who enjoy film, concerts, and CGI art. Each NFT is a key that unlocks access to the Mogul universe, with perks that are both real and in the metaverse.  

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogies #162 - Austin Powers

“It’s a shagadelic future in the Metaverse”

Mogieland is open for everyone from around the world to enjoy all sorts of fun events and games.  When humans enter Mogieland they become Mogies too!  Hollywood is one of the most highly trafficked tourist destinations in the world.  Soon Mogieland will be too.   All powered by STARS tokens. 

When humans enter Mogieland they become Mogies too!

Mogieland visitors will be able to visit the walkaround environment and enjoy the festivities

  • Watch movies with tickets paid for in STARS tokens 
  • Attend concerts
  • Attend fashion shows
  • Buy NFT’s from virtual stores
  • Enjoy hangout areas with other cinema lovers in VR environments to discuss all things entertainment and Mogul 
  • Play to earn in Studio City

Within the Mogieland Mogies NFT holders also will be able to: 

  • Own land. All Mogie holders will receive a piece of land in Mogieland
  • Take their Mogies to movie premieres and red carpet events
  • Mingle with film and entertainment creators plus get behind-the-scenes looks 
  • Attend first screening viewings of films partnered with Mogul Productions
  • Attend meet and greets with the stars
  • Build your own place in Mogieland and show off all your NFT’s
  • Own iconic pieces of Hollywood transformed in Mogieland
  • Show off your virtual style by wearing your own NFT fashions

Much more utility and many more features are being added in Mogieland over time as Mogul expands its rapidly growing list of partners.

All Mogie holders will receive a piece of land in Mogieland. If a purchaser owns a Mogie and an Access Pass they will receive two plots of land in Mogieland. If a purchaser owns a Mogie, Access Pass, and a certain threshold of STARS tokens to be announced at a later date, they will receive 3 plots of land in Mogieland. These plots of land are randomly distributed according to the type of Mogie and Access Pass.

Rarer Mogies and Access Passes will have a higher weighting to receive more coveted locations of land.

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogies #793 - Mr. Miyagi

“Mogie Who Catch STARS With Chopsticks, Accomplish Anything.”

We’re not saying you can catch STARS tokens, or movie stars, with special chopsticks in Mogieland.  But we are not saying that you can’t catch them with chopsticks either. All sorts of surprises are being developed behind the scenes.   

Through special Play to Earn (P2E) games and events inside the metaverse, anything can happen especially with props which Mogul can create and develop within the Mogieland metaverse platform. 

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogies #1591 - Alan Hangover

If your friends can’t get together in person for a special event, they can gather in Mogieland from around the world.  Visitors can enjoy the best of the film, television, music, art and fashion world inside Mogieland and the overall NFT and DeFi marketplace.   

Whether it’s an online birthday, a games night or a milestone event, there will be lots of  things to enjoy in Mogieland on your special night with your friends from around the world.  Some Mogies can cause all sorts of trouble inside Mogieland, including epic bachelor parties.

World inside Mogies in Mogieland - NFTs - DeFi - Breaking News

“Let’s go over the ground rules in an alien cosplay. There are no rules!  Except for the hair.  No touching of the hair, or face”

Things can escalate quickly in Mogieland. They can jump up a notch. 

Millions of people across the globe go online to watch or attend entertainment events and attractions.  Major facets of the entertainment industry are already shifting attention and funds into blockchain projects to grow their engagement with the online community.   Mogieland is ready to embrace the blockchain community.  It is the premiere destination for movies, concerts, shows, events and shopping.  

There will be a cosplay policy on treating other Mogies with a level of respect.  Still, the sky’s the limit for the amount of fun and adventures waiting to be had.  “It’s kind of a big deal.”  So stay classy.

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogie NFT Holders - BTS

Only exclusive Mogie NFT holders will have the privilege of walking around as one of the stars of cinema and entertainment plus enjoy exclusive perks.   

Once the Mogies animated series airs, the studio version of the pilot episode will be transformed into an exclusive NFT and be sent out to all Mogie holders. As part of the Mogies derivative collection, users will own a piece of a TV series. In addition a special thank you will be shown in the credits at the end of episodes to select holders.

Mogul Productions is rapidly expanding its growing list of partners.  Mogie NFT owners will enjoy more of the benefits of these partnerships as more utilities are added in Mogieland.

Mogies in Mogieland - Mogies #469 - White Goodman

“Go on and make your jokes Mr Mogie…Joke-maker! How will the Mogies NFT sale work?”

Phase 1: Public Sale Dutch Auction

Mogies will be sold in a Dutch Auction process, which means that Mogies will start at 1 ETH and the price will slowly decrease at a rate of 0.2 ETH every 24 hours

Phase 2: Whitelist Sale for Access Pass holders (NFTs reserved for them)

The 1,073 Mogies will be available to those on the whitelist and will be sold at the last price of the Dutch Auction.  

Phase 3: Public Sale

Any remaining Mogies will be available for 72 hours  and will be sold at the last price of the Dutch Auction.  

Phase 3.5: Bonus Mint

Any unsold NFTs will be allocated to the first purchasers from the dutch auction. This phase will only occur in the unlikely event that the Mogies allocated for public sale do not sell out within a 72 hour period.

Phase 4: Reveal

Once all the Mogies have been distributed, we will commence with the reveal, and everyone will be able to see which of their Mogies they received.

Mogies in Mogieland - 1923 Mogies Collection - Film3 by Mogul Productions

Mogies pays homage to the top entertainers and creators that helped make Hollywood what it is today, and create a standard for the next 100 years of filmmaking that will occur within Film3.

Film3 is a movement spearheaded by Mogul Productions and our community to empower film and content creators to create movies and content in better fan exclusive ways using blockchain technology. 

Mogul is where movies meet blockchain through DeFi and NFTs, and now, the Metaverse through Mogies and their new home, Mogieland.

Mogul is the NFT marketplace platform for the film, music, art, fashion and entertainment industry.    The STARS token is our native cryptocurrency. The token provides greater access to the Mogul NFT and metaverse platform and is used for staking, governance and community ownership over the success of our NFT Marketplace.

Over the years Mogul has cultivated its team and technology to give you the best experience.  Each day Mogul develops exciting products infused with a strong community spirit.  With so many exciting products from film and entertainment in Mogul’s marketplace, new fans and collectors join our ecosystem daily. 

Mogies in Mogieland - Film3 - The Simpsons - Mogies by CHAVVO Studios

Mogies were designed by CHAVVO Studios. The award-winning, transmedia production team has worked with major Hollywood studios including Disney, Universal, Marvel Entertainment, Sony Animation, Cartoon Network, Fox, Dreamworks, Nickelodeon, and EA. 

The team has been involved in the production of major box office hits including The Simpsons Movie and series, Kung Fu Panda, The Avengers and many more.

CHAVVO is committed to the Mogieland NFT community and new animated series.

“Mogieland is a homage to Hollywood, to our favorite characters, actors, and movies that have made us. Mogul is set out to make this the very first NFT animated series and we couldn’t be more excited to partner with them. Mogul has given us creative freedom to develop something original and special in this space. It’s great to see Mogul supporting creators and the animation community like very few others have. We are committed to this project and the NFT community. As a NFT producer we want to be a major player in the NFT space. Working with Mogul, I can see that really coming to fruition.” says Erick Tran, Chavvo founder and producer.