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Saving the Hollywood Hills: Chain Fangs Launches on Mogul for Wildlife Conservation Effort

Mogul Productions is working with NFT-powered land conservation group Chain Fangs on a first-of-its-kind effort to leverage blockchain technology in order to make the City of Angels a more hospitable place for the thousands of plant and animal species that call it home. Chain Fangs is a philanthropic organization, which is using NFTs as a medium to buy back land with endangered animals under threat in Hollywood. 

The Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles is one of the most famous and recognizable landscapes in the U.S.  It is the location of countless sprawling celebrity mansions and the iconic Hollywood sign. But it’s not just a playground for the rich and famous, it’s also one of the most diverse wildlife areas in the country. Parts of the land in the area to be sold for commercial development have ecological consequences.

Chain Fangs has created and will be selling NFTs to fund its purchasing of undeveloped land in the Hollywood Hills from private owners. Each individual NFT is a piece of a striking wildlife image provided by partners at the Citizens for Los Angeles Wildlife (CLAW). Once the land is purchased, Chain Fangs will place it under protection with an easement to the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy. These and other key partnerships with environmental protection groups in Los Angeles will help preserve the parcels of land and protect the wildlife within it.

The project serves as an opportunity to showcase how NFTs can be harnessed by a group of like-minded individuals to generate positive change in the world. The nature of the technology allows individuals to play a real part in aiding a cause they’re passionate about and facilitate grassroots efforts on an unprecedented scale. NFT holders will have a voice in determining any improvements that will be made to the preserved land parcels, including the placement of things like hummingbird feeders or strategically positioned benches with dedication plaques.

According to UCLA research, L.A. is home to over 4,000 distinct species of animals and plants, including 52 endangered species, all of which live between and among the vast urban center’s millions of human inhabitants. Chain Fangs is selling NFTs to help preserve these precious natural resources and show how the crypto community can take critical conservation efforts into their own hands.

The U.S. has some of the most robust and dedicated conservation organizations on the planet, but red tape, regulations, and bureaucratic processes often get in the way of their efforts. By using blockchain technology and tapping into the enthusiastic crypto community, Chain Fangs believes it can fast track conservation efforts like never before.

We’ve already seen that great things can happen when crypto enthusiasts come together for a common cause, whether it’s getting films funded, or helping protect the rainforest, crypto users can make it happen. 

Holders will also be eligible for additional perks, like access to private events hosted with environmental and NFT experts, access to a private Discord chat with videos and updates from the “Fang Gang” itself, and sneak peeks of exclusive upcoming land drops before they’re announced to the rest of the community. 

While Chain Fangs is starting its massive group effort in Hollywood, its long-term vision is to bring the same crowdsourced fundraising model to more states and different natural resources. Much like how Mogul Productions works to up-end the established film financing model with NFT technology, Chain Fangs believes the same technology can be used to rapidly advance wildlife conservation efforts.

About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is revolutionizing film financing, allowing a global audience of fans to participate in the financing of movies and other forms of entertainment through NFT sales. Mogul’s NFT marketplace serves as a bridge between the NFT arena and the world of entertainment financing. It’s a platform for film fans, by film fans, empowering users to take an active role in the script-to-screen process. Access Pass holders get even more insider benefits and perks, including access to exclusive events held around Mogul-produced film releases.
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