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Lazarus: Reign of the Underdog AMA with Mogul


Hey @Lazarus Guidry Welcome to Mogul Productions discord server, thank you for taking your time to make your way over here šŸ˜„

Lazarus Guidry:

Thank you for having me




I know discord can be a bit of a minefield if you’re new so itā€™s great that you found your way šŸ™‚

Lazarus Guidry:

Yes, sir I am new to Discord thank you for having me again @Mogul Productions


Of course, itā€™s our honour!


So, letā€™s begin the AMA! I’m Josh, the Community Manager at Mogul Productions. And I will be fielding you the questions šŸ˜„

Would you like to introduce yourself to anyone who is unaware of who you are and what you’re doing?

Lazarus Guidry:

My name is Lazarus Guidry I am an actor-writer comic book writer of the comic book @ReignofteUnderdog I started out in the industry of a while ago I had done a few short films prior to getting out of the role in Straight Outta Compton and then from there I booked another TV series and other different TV shows including them unsolved stories of 2Pac and biggie smalls Iā€™ve been in the industry as an artist the musician rapper a first score of the music soundtrack on the alpha dog movie and the song is called enemy and I m. It started to open up more doors in my entertainment journey that has been very interesting it has been a wild ride at this point and now Iā€™m here launching an NFT with MOGUL productions and Iā€™m excited to share with the world


Oh, thatā€™s an awesome story. And I am a huge fan of Straight Outta Compton. The sound of a generation for some for sure.


The film was, dare I say, a masterpiece!

Lazarus Guidry:

Yes, the experience changed my life


It actually leads me nicely into the first question that I had prepared,

What was your experience like with your breakout role in the film world on ā€œStraight Outta Comptonā€? Must have been eye opening to be involved in such a powerful film!

Lazarus Guidry:

Yes, it was very eye-opening

Lazarus Guidry:

My experience was not just eye-opening it was life-changing I got a chance to experience working with a well-known Director F Gary Gray and to watch everyone on sat perform and do the very best and really just give stellar performances oh yeah I realized that I was in the company of really great actors and their production was just phenomenal I had never seen a set built in a matter of hrs. Everyone from the Stunt team down to the crafty were on their A  game it was a very high intense set and everyone was very serious about the job it made me step my game up as an actor and not only want to be an actor and a writer but enjoyed embellish as a creator of the story and they were telling it just really changed my life


That’s incredible. And so good that you were able to appreciate the talents of all the people around you in all aspects of filmmaking šŸ˜Š

Lazarus Guidry:

I did, it reminded Well Iā€™m an actor a writer and most of all the comic book writer I love comic books


So, getting to the writing aspect of your career – What spurred the initial development of the graphic novel? Are you able to go into the story of why you created this and how your life experiences help shape the storyline?

Lazarus Guidry:

Yes I started to create Reign of the Underdog as a niche for a record I was about to release during as an independent artist rapper and as I started to create the character I started to realize that I not only wanted to create the music but also a full story and so that niche turned from an Ashkan to a full series of comic books and from there it evolved into the Launching the first issue at San Diego Comic-Con and New York Con.

Lazarus Guidry:

I didnā€™t know that character development was going to be so involved and require a lot of thought it wasnā€™t like writing a song I had to really go in deep and define all the characters and solidify who they were and make sure that they were very solid. down to creating their shoes to the way the eyes were shaped to color of their hair it was very detailed and who they were had to be very detailed and still allowing you to love the character and even the villain and still dislike them but still find that balance and so I was really fortunate to be able to collaborate with Arvell Jones. we got down to the nitty-gritty and sorry creating the comic book


That’s awesome and the details you went to! I know comic book fans are probably the most invested in the characters that they love, can you tell us a bit about your experience at Comic Con when you first brought this to market before Covid and how well it was received by fans?

Lazarus Guidry:

Yes I had initially created a Ashkan the first Con experience was in 2010 when we first released the reign of the underdog Ashkan those sold out completely just got devoured by the fans, they Loved them and so that propelled me to keep pushing forward with the story and working towards the next cons and so I was really excited about it we did a huge 50th anniversary release at San Diego ComiCon and added an addition to the comic book was an augmented reality demo of the characters so I wanted to constantly take the project to the vision of the animated series which is what ultimately I wanted to share with the world and the fans about what was coming next reign of the underdog in 2019 released a few hundred copies you and that 50 edition was sold out and the crowd response to it was phenomenal I just knew we were going to theĀ  next level. As the Creator of Reign of the Underdog it got me excited. Also, Covid and other things slowed us down but weā€™re right back at it again and so now we are releasing the NFTs and more things to come


Wow you’ve been doing these for over a decade already. That’s fantastic.

It is quite incredible that you have been working with the likes of DC & Marvel artists to help bring this to life, what was it like working with OGs of the industry and see this come to fruition?

Lazarus Guidry:

Yes, itā€™s not as easy to create a character and storylines overnight

Lazarus Guidry:

Definitely working with Arvell Jones Bob Wiacek Tom Orsekowski these guys are well known and famous as illustrator inker and letterer in the industry made it a lot easier to bring the story to life, I was very honoured because I was in the company collaborating with these great artist I mean they were creating comic books before I could even think about a comic book


Thatā€™s great to be able to work with such talent


So, onto the NFT’s then, which is one of the main reasons you’re here šŸ™‚


Do you have a favourite image of the 3 NFT tiers that are minted? I guess must be hard to beat the original cover from the comic book!

Lazarus Guidry:

Wow thatā€™s a very difficult question to answer all of the NFTs are my favourite but if I had to pick one if you come down to life and death, Iā€™m gonna have to go with the cover


For sure. I would have to agree. but I guess that’s why its Tier 1!


Diving into NFT utility and perks for the fans and what they can look forward to. What aspect of the NFT utility are you most excited about? The shoe collection you are developing to accompany the NFTs sounds quite interesting!

Lazarus Guidry:

Yes youā€™re quite correct in that I would say I am most excited about the shoe even though you gave it away which is OK I am excited about it. The design that I come up I thinkĀ Ā  the fans and crowd will be really happy with the development of the characters wardrobe


haha sorry. did I spoil it a bit there lol


Well, before I open up to the community for their questions if they have any, Any last comments you would like to tell the fans?

Lazarus Guidry:

No not at all.

Lazarus Guidry:

You didnā€™t spoil it, it was inevitable oh yeah Iā€™m really happy to be able to contribute this art and tell the story to the world. I am really appreciative and honoured I have this opportunity while Iā€™m here and I hope that the fans and the community of collectors will embrace and also feel the same way about the project


Excellent. Well I have opened up the channel to the rest of the community now. I know we have overrun on time a little. But if there are any questions from the community please ask away and @Lazarus Guidry will be happy to answer I’m sure


Oh I can speak! Hehe

I was just wondering about the Lazarus Graphic novel. Is it a just a novel or is it a film series. I guess I am a little confused


What’s up Lazarus?

Amazing work!

Since you are involved in different creative forms of expression, do you have any plans to combine them?

NFTs are great for mixed media and I’d love to see what you can do with it

Lazarus Guidry:

Itā€™s a graphic novel with an animated series in development

Lazarus Guidry:

Whatā€™s up man. To answer your question yes.  I am working to combine the different creative forms that with excite the fans


Will the series only get made if all of the NFTs sell?


If you still need clarification @Cr8zyCryptoCat please check the website here for full information about the project and the animated series.

Lazarus Guidry:

Well. I ultimately would love the NFT to sell out that would definitely push the completion forward


@LAzraps on Twitter is you?

Your site gives a 503 error by the way, think it’s some server issues.

Where can I find your music? (sorry if a bit off topic)


What other types of promotions are you doing to gain awareness for your NFTs on Mogul to get them to sell out?


The graphics look šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ really excited to follow the progression of this project


And when can we expect a Mogie anthem supported by your awesome graphics? šŸ˜„

Lazarus Guidry:

Thank much.


Regarding the character shoes, will there be any irl wearable aspect to it? šŸ¤”

Lazarus Guidry:

Mogul and I are working side by side to give you guys the greatest experience in the art form

Lazarus Guidry:

Absolutely the shoes Is wearable.

Lazarus Guidry:

As fat promotions weā€™ll be at the San Diego Comic Con and other Cons through 2023.

Lazarus Guidry:

You can also follow on my Instagram page. @Reignoftheunderdog


Nice. Are there any social media campaigns that prospective community members can be part of?

Lazarus Guidry:

Yes as we working to build those campaigns at this moment we can follow or add to the reignoftheunderdog Facebook page Twitter to stay connected with the progress of REIGNOFTHEUNDERDOG


What is the current progress / status of the project?

if someone were to ask in the community coming into this Discord channel and you’re not here to answer, what is the 1 sentence pitch as to why they should purchase a Lazarus NFT?


What can holders expect to get after they purchase? What type of access and experiences will they be exposed to?

Lazarus Guidry:

The Reignoftheunderdog script and multiple spin-offs are completed. The first issue is ready for release the second issue is 80 in. Completion. The animated series has an introduction to an AR version at the moment. The shoes have already been designed.


Is this something that we can see or read?

Lazarus Guidry:


Lazarus Guidry:

Yes. Itā€™s a comic book series.


Excellent. Well, we have unfortunately ran out of time for today. But I am sure @Lazarus Guidry will be hanging around in the discord if you want to ask him anything.

Once again, thank you for your time, Lazarus, its been great to have you on to pick your brains šŸ™‚

If you have any links to your socials, please feel free to drop them here.

Lazarus Guidry:

Thank you, Josh, for having me