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Babel Universe To Launch Sci-Fi Universe on Mogul

Babel Universe to launch on Mogul Productions and power an Animated Series


Babel began as an academic thesis about a hypothetical “universal language”, a language that is powerful enough to overcome all communication barriers between individuals. If you’re familiar with the biblical story “Tower of Babel”, you probably know that the people there spoke a unified language until God confused their tones. That language led its speakers to build a tower to reach heaven. In another sense, it showcases a positive belief in the collective power of mankind when connected. 

After researching throughout history, (Handuo, Co-Founder of Babel) found that the search for the “universal language” has taken many shapes over the past thousands of years. From religion to linguistics, from philosophy to computer science, the most recent attempt to realize such a language is the BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces) technology. 

Such a techno-universal language may become true in the unavoidable near future. (Not only because Elon Musk’s company Neuralink aims to make it.) Especially when it brings more productivity to the ones who “speak” it than the ones who don’t. However, just like the “Tower of Babel” story implies, we can be constructive when we’re connected, but destructive when such a connection fails. We’re not only facing a technological problem but a humanistic choice. Because technology is who uses it. Just as a language is who speaks it.

In mid-2020, Handuo wrote these ideas into a Sci-fi short story and presented it at the Cologne film festival. Three writers (Marina, Michael, and Hernando) saw his presentation and found him after. In the following half a year, they expanded the short story into an animated series bible. 

The Animated Series

“After a VR game that offered them purpose and a sense of community ends in 2035, 10,000 individuals reunite through an overwhelmingly powerful mindsharing software given to them by the game makers, only to find themselves on the run from the authorities…” 

Together with Marina Bendocchi Alves, Michael Grießler, and Hernando Sandoval, they wrote an Animated-Series Bible in early 2021 that contains 10 x 10-15mins episodes for the first season. 

We follow three main characters’ journeys from finding “Heaven” (the software that enables the universal language) in an online game to forming a collective intelligence and confronting an AI totalitarian world. 

On one hand, the story is a speculative future of our world. On the other hand, it also centers on a universal topic: Connection vs Disconnection. The universal language speakers can share their thoughts, experiences, emotions, and skills, but also their flaws. Will they be able to shine a light on the dark cyberpunk future? We invite everyone who participates in the project to decide. 


Babel believes that a story about a collective intelligence is best to be made by a collective intelligence. And the best people and tools for this large-scale co-creation are only to be found in Web3. Therefore, Handuo partnered up with blockchain veteran Yanko at the beginning of 2022 to establish BabelDAO: a decentralized autonomous organization to bring the animated series to life and expand the Babel universe in ways that we alone cannot imagine. 

The BabelDAO members will hold NFT badges that represent their levels of involvement in the universe’s creation. Their NFTs can be earned without spending money. Members can upgrade their badges by completing educational tasks, participating in community events, and creating values (Creative, Financing, Marketing, and Management) for the project in their own ways. On the other hand, they can open a purchasable option for members to speed up their growth. This is to bring cash flow for the project. 

Every part of the series production is to be co-created. Members with high-level badges (which usually means a deeper understanding of the project) can do things such as writing their own storylines, voting on creative decisions, auditioning for voice-acting, and getting paid for their work. 

The BabelDAO funds their creatives with both USD and their native ERC-20 token. All members involved in the series production are also to be compensated a royalty when the series goes public (i.e. streams on one of the major streaming platforms).

There are eight guilds in the DAO. They are: Writing Guild, Visual Art Guild, Audio Art Guild, Creative Coding Guild, Moving-Image Guild, Design Guild, Finance Guild, and Public Relations Guild. A universe can only expand with the collective effort of people with different skills and passions. 

For those looking to get involved, you can earn a Seed badge (for free) and join their Discord. The date for the Babel NFT Drop will be announced on Mogul Productions in the near future!

About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is revolutionizing film financing, allowing a global audience of fans to participate in the financing of movies and other forms of entertainment through NFT sales. Mogul’s NFT marketplace serves as a bridge between the NFT arena and the world of entertainment financing. It’s a platform for film fans, by film fans, empowering users to take an active role in the script-to-screen process. Access Pass holders get even more insider benefits and perks, including access to exclusive events held around Mogul-produced film releases.Website | Twitter | Instagram | Reddit | Telegram | Medium

Blog Posts NFT Drops

Billionaire Bunnies Club Launches Crime Drama Series On Mogul

PFP collection will also be used to drive ESA Therapy

The Billionaire Bunnies Club was founded by two graduates of Pace University and Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in NYC. Julian Bonilla and Marcus Louis, who came together to empower others with the passion for entrepreneurship in Web3 and to also bring awareness to Emotional Support Animal Therapy.

The Billionaire Bunnies Club is currently in the process of creating an animated crime drama series that utilizes NFT art and blockchain technology. They are looking to create a unique experience for their holders and plan to provide an environment that emphasizes Web3 education curating a luxury lifestyle and culture brand which ties in together perfectly with other many global brand initiatives. Their focus is on becoming a globally recognized brand within the NFT industry.

Co- Founder, Julian Bonilla has a background in commodity sales and marketing. Julian has helped companies maximize their earnings and outreach to consumers through social media and network marketing opportunities. An accomplished entrepreneur with a long track record of success beginning when he was 21 years old eventually building well over $10M worth of revenue for clients and helping to build several successful ancillary businesses during this period. For nearly 7 years, Julian was associated with the new construction and FinTech sales business. He was responsible for bringing in over 90% of the revenue for those businesses. The Artist and Co-Founder Marcus Louis has a graphic design and fashion design background where he has worked with major brands in Tech and Fashion. Marcus, the creative lead of The Billionaire Bunnies Club has taken the art of this project to new levels and knows the foundation of it is the quality of the art.

Their roadmap is developed around producing the animated series and also offers access to other member-only events that will take place in real life and in the metaverse. The animated series will be funded by the community and also have member only perks that will allow the community opportunities to access behind the scenes content and much more! Owner of a Billionaire Bunnie will give lucky holders the opportunity to see their characters as cameo in different episodes of the series adding more interest to engage the audience and their desire to watch.

The roadmap will give members the opportunity to understand when the animated series will become produced in-house. They look forward to continuing building with a community-driven development approach leading the way. They are an ESA therapy driven team and the idea of this all stemmed from seeing a direct correlation where bunnies are used as emotional support animals. They believe in investing in the fundamental methods of therapy. An ESA can drastically improve a person’s quality of life, helping them through sometimes debilitating anxiety and depression symptoms. A lot of their efforts of awareness will be directed towards those organizations focused on mental health and mental disabilities who utilize these ESA therapy programs. As support animals are often overlooked as a method of coping, they want to bring awareness to the different types of adversity we all face in life especially since the events of COVID and the unsure economic standing it hits us all with. Bunnies happen to be a huge part of the ESA therapy community so they believe they can help a great variety of different families with their team’s mission. The Billionaire Bunnies Club will continue offering education within their community on safely selling, buying and trading NFTs.  

About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is revolutionizing film financing, allowing a global audience of fans to participate in the financing of movies and other forms of entertainment through NFT sales. Mogul’s NFT marketplace serves as a bridge between the NFT arena and the world of entertainment financing. It’s a platform for film fans, by film fans, empowering users to take an active role in the script-to-screen process. Access Pass holders get even more insider benefits and perks, including access to exclusive events held around Mogul-produced film releases.Website | Twitter | Instagram | Reddit | Telegram | Medium