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Blog Posts Mogul Press

The Transcendence of Mogul

Dear Mogul Community, 

It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing that I will be stepping down as the President of Mogul Productions, but I am incredibly excited for the future prospects of the company and what my resignation means in terms of bringing Mogul to the next level. 

Since Mogul’s inception in 2018 I have had the pleasure of founding, launching, and growing the product and business. The accomplishments in the last five years include: 

  • First ever DeFiFi project 
  • Building best in class product 
  • Assembling the best team 
  • One of first-ever NFT projects 
  • Multiple firsts in NFT movie launches 
  • Partnerships with world-class businesses and individuals 

The most pride comes with the product that we have built to bridge Web3 and filmmaking. The Mogul product has a true product-market-fit with filmmakers around the world who want to monetize their NFT rights on their film to get their stories told. Over the course of the last 5 years we have heard over and over again from Hollywood that the most difficult part of making a movie is the financing and community building; and that is exactly what Mogul helps filmmakers do. 

As I wrote in my 2022 Year in Review, Mogul’s next step is to become ingrained into the Hollywood fabric as a mainstream tool for filmmakers to use when taking their projects from ideation to distribution, where STARS, NFTs, and Mogul Metaverse products are used for film financing, fan engagement, and distribution. 

To become a multi-billion dollar company Mogul needs to transcend from a niche Web3 community to a world-wide film community using our Web3 products. Mogul needs to grow mainstream users who are using our film Web3 products every day for the betterment of making their movies. 

Over the last 9 months I have been working with the Web3 Venture Studio, Aventus Ventures, to make a strategic investment in Mogul and place the proper C-Suite level team members within leadership positions in Mogul to take it to the next level. Early on in our discussions, it was clear that we would need a seasoned Hollywood team that has access to a large catalog of movies and talent. This is something that, to date, we have not done well with Mogul. We have excelled at Web3 development, business relationships, and community building, but have lacked mainstream adoption. 

Aventus Ventures has created a Joint Venture partnership between Mogul Productions and Electric Panda Entertainment, whereby Electric Panda’s esteemed team will take over C-Level management of Mogul Productions to operate the film side of the business and Aventus Ventures’ internal team of Web3 professionals will oversee Web3 strategy and development. 

With the addition of Matt Gigault as CEO I’m confident under his leadership he will take Mogul to new heights

Electric Panda’s accolades and team members include: 

EP’s on the film that took Best Director Award at Sundance – Kindergarten Teacher in 2018.  KT also played in Berlin and Tribeca and Hampton’s.

Gabriel Napora and Yas Taalat have been EP’s on some of the most critically acclaimed films of the last 5 years Including:

The Kindergarten Teacher

  • Skin
  • Driveways
  • A Mouthful of Air
  • The Informer
  • Ms Purple
  • And many others.

I have the utmost faith and have done incredible due diligence on this deal to ensure that Mogul is in the right hands to bring the business to the next level. I will remain on the Advisory Board for Mogul and do not see this as a good-bye forever, but rather a transition to put the business into the hands of the right people who have the capability to bring Mogul the notoriety and recognition in Web3 and Hollywood that it deserves

You will hear from the new Leadership next. 

Blog Posts Mogul Press

New Beginning, New Era: Mogul Productions Aims for Hollywood Dominance

Mogul Productions Inc. Announces New CEO Matt Gigault, 

Miami, FLA – January 24th, 2024 – Mogul Productions Inc., a pioneering film finance company revolutionizing the industry through blockchain and NFT technology, is thrilled to announce the appointment of its new CEO, Matt Gigault. With an illustrious career in the finance sector and a track record of securing significant funding for a diverse array of companies, Gigault is poised to steer Mogul towards unprecedented growth and success in the Web 3.0 era.

Under Gigault’s leadership, Mogul is set to expand its innovative approach to film financing. The company’s unique model uses NFTs to democratize the funding process, allowing individuals to purchase these digital assets to support and finance exciting film and television projects. This not only generates the necessary capital but also fosters a community of film enthusiasts and investors who have a stake in the success of the projects they choose to support.  

Mr. Gigault says

This is a brand new beginning for Mogul.  A reset.  I’m very enthusiastic about the transformative synergy between movie production and blockchain technology. The film industry’s cultural impact is immense, shaping the way we perceive and engage with the world. As we contemplate this intersection, blockchain introduces unprecedented possibilities for innovation.

Imagine a future where blockchain secures every stage of film production, from funding to distribution. This not only ensures transparent financial transactions but also facilitates efficient, secure, and creative collaboration among stakeholders.

In embracing this collaboration, we’re not just redefining industry standards; we’re ushering in a new era of cinematic storytelling. Blockchain’s decentralized nature empowers creators and audiences alike, offering a more inclusive and engaging cinematic experience.

In embracing this collaboration, we’re not just redefining industry standards; we’re ushering in a new era of cinematic storytelling. Blockchain’s decentralized nature empowers creators and audiences alike, offering a more inclusive and engaging cinematic experience.”

 About Mogul Productions

Mogul Productions is revolutionizing film financing through decentralized finance (DeFi), allowing a global audience of film fans to directly participate in the movies and entertainment industry. It’s a platform for film fans, by film fans, empowering users to take an active role in the script-to-screen process. Access Pass holders get even more insider benefits and perks, including access to exclusive events held around Mogul-produced film releases.