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James Pratt Q&A

Please introduce yourself, your role with Mogul, and some of the things you’re most proud of as it relates to your career.


James: Thanks for the interview. My role with Mogul is Head of Film Production, which involves overseeing the development and production of Mogul’s films. There have been some great moments for me, and I feel fortunate, including winning The Beyond Hollywood Int’l Film Festival, winning Best Director at Cannes Film Awards, Best Actor at the Fox International Awards, and winning Best Actor at the Los Angeles Film Awards. Before moving to Los Angeles, I also won Australia’s Top 5 under 35 in Entertainment in 2019


As for Mogul, what are the parts of the job that you’re most excited about?


James: I’m excited to help filmmakers get their projects greenlit and open up more ways to make films. The last 5 years have been a disruptive period in Hollywood, first with COVID, then the rise of streaming cut out a lot of cinema distribution, and then last year the SAG strike shut down a lot of productions. However, right now in 2024 is a tremendous opportunity for filmmakers to start to look at making their own films and push to have more creative input in what gets made. The cost of cameras, for example, right now is the lowest it’s ever been, so combine this with the ability to edit and color grade your own footage means some films which would have cost one million to be made 6 years ago can be made for under $50k.


Before we get into your career in film, gotta ask, but could you please elaborate on your time as an Auctioneer and how you managed to be a 4-time winner of the Australian Real Estate Auctioneer of the Year award?


James: That was a great experience back in Australia. One of the highlights was doing the world’s first cryptocurrency auction in April 2019. We combined Binance Coin, Bitcoin, and cash for a luxury house.


In regards to film, how did you get your start in the film industry and what made you interested in pursuing a career in film?


James: I studied acting at an acting school called NIDA after finishing high school, but my first taste of filmmaking happened not long after I graduated. I was out in a small outback town in Australia and made a two-hundred dollar short film using the wheat fields and local surroundings. The short was selected as part of the Universal Shorts Film Festival in California That year. This propelled my journey as NBC expressed interest in acquiring a feature version of the short and I started to get more opportunities in Los Angeles.


You’ve been involved in many of the key roles in film, as an actor, producer, and director. What role is your favorite and why? And what is your favorite aspect of the different roles you’ve had in the film industry?


James: I just love telling stories telling so for me being part of the process is the reward.


What are some Mogul projects you’re looking forward to seeing on the screen?


James: City of Dreams, in which Mogul was an early investor in, the film directed by Mohit Ramchandani is poised for a US cinema release over the summer, in partnership with Roadside Attractions distribution. The cast includes Ari Lopez  alongside Golden Globe nominee Diego Calva (“Babylon”), Alfredo Castro (“Karnawal”), Paulina Gaitan (“Narcos”), and Renata Vaca (“Saw X”).


Are there any types of projects in particular that you hope to see Mogul help develop?


James: I’d love to see more of what the audience wants to see made and films  which give people an escape while watching them, something they can watch more than once and enjoy.


In 5 years, where do you envision yourself and Mogul Productions? What would you like to see happen in that time?


James: I’d love to see those filmmakers now who are having trouble making their films being able to make their own films using Mogul and share their stories and talent for a global audience.