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Paul Gerben City of Dreams Poster NFT

For art fans (or anyone capable of executing a Google search) it’s hard not to be elated over the upcoming opportunity to collect a piece of art by legendary fine artist, Paul Gerben.


Known for his medium-bending approach to creating art, Gerben has worked with many of the world’s most iconic figures, some of whom are also among his most famous collectors–Barack Obama and Leonardo DiCaprio to name a few.


From his pop art to photojournalism, Gerben’s artistic range is as impressive as the final products. Given City of Dreams’ focus on child slavery and the trafficking rings that make it possible, Gerben’s poster art takes a straightforward approach by recreating the film’s poster using the photos of missing children.


Those looking to collect limited edition NFTs of Gerben’s City of Dreams poster only have to do three simple things:


  • Attend a screening of City of Dreams between August 30th and September 30th and save your ticket stub/receipt.
  • Join the Mogul Telegram chat.
  • Share a photo of your City of Dreams ticket stub/receipt in the Mogul Telegram chat.


To learn more about Paul Gerben, this profile and interview by Elevated Magazines is an excellent read.


You can also visit Gerben’s website at:

Blog Posts Campaigns

Campaign Announcement – City of Dreams

While recent focus has been on the continued development of the Mogul Film3 Dashboard and the launch of Mogul token, the time has come to begin rolling out the numerous and exciting film campaigns.

First up, is the film City of Dreams, a heroic thriller, which Mogul Productions was an early investor in. With a release date teed up for August 30th, this campaign will lean into the core themes of the film, giving audiences the opportunity to do some good while also receiving limited edition rewards.

The City of Dreams campaign will feature an NFT mint that will be rooted in philanthropy, specifically as it relates to combating child trafficking.

Funds raised from the NFT Sale will be used to drive awareness around the issue of child trafficking and modern slavery, allow under-represented audiences, trafficking victims, and those without the financial means the ability to see the film.

Additionally, a pair of tickets to both the Miami and Los Angeles premieres of City of Dreams will be raffled off using $MOGUL token, allowing supporters of the campaign the opportunity to see the film early.

For those who see the film during the first month of its release, they will have an opportunity to get limited edition art from accomplished fine artist, Paul Gerben. All they’ll need to do to claim the unique art NFT is to share a photo of their City of Dreams ticket stub in one of the primary Mogul social channels, either in the Mogul Telegram chat or by tagging us on Twitter/X.

Below you can find the primary dates for the campaign road map and the key events happening during it.

July 22nd

Whitelist Presale

August 7th

Public Minting Event

August 14th

Launch on Mogul

August 21st

Launch on Other Platforms

August 30th

City of Dreams Theatrical Release