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How to Buy Stars on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

The STARS token is going live on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) on July 15, 2021. Buying STARS on BSC might seem difficult or unfamiliar to you if you’re used to training through the Ethereum ecosystem.

Don’t worry. Using BSC is actually really easy, which means the path to lower fees and faster transaction speeds is right around the corner. You’ll feel especially competent after you finish reading this quick guide. We promise!

Getting BNB Tokens Is the First Step

BSC and Binance use the Binance Coin (BNB) to run, just like Ethereum uses Ether tokens. Acquiring BNB tokens can be done on any number of exchanges. BNB is one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world by market capitalization after all. The most obvious way to get BNB tokens is to use Binance.

Log into your account, trade whatever currency you wish to part ways with in exchange for BNB tokens and viola!

Send BNB tokens to your MetaMask Wallet

Before you send your BNB tokens to your MetaMask wallet, you have to keep in mind that MetaMask defaults to the Ethereum blockchain because the wallet was originally built to serve just that. Nowadays you can switch your MetaMask wallet to BSC easily.

Simply click Ethereum Mainnet at the top of the MetaMask interface to trigger the drop-down and switch your network.

In order make the switch official, there are several empty fields that you have to fill in with specific parameters that relate to the BSC blockchain. Get that information by reading a guide for how to add BSC to your MetaMask wallet. The guide can be found right here.

Go to ApeSwap to initiate a BNB to STARS Transaction

Go to ApeSwap.Finance and click the Trade option and the left-hand menu to initiate a transaction for BNB in exchange for STARS.

Making the transaction is as simple as choosing BNB in the “Swap From:” field and STARS in the “Swap To:” field. The first time you make a trade on the platform, STARS won’t come out by default so you need the Binance contract address for STARS in order to add it to the ApeSwap platform as an option. See the screenshot below:

ApeSwap Interface

Simply click “Select a Token” under the “Swap To:” option and paste the following BSC STARS contract address into the address field:

BSC STARS contract address: 0xbd83010eb60f12112908774998f65761cf9f6f9a

Keep in mind that the STARS contract address above only works with BSC. The contract address for STARS living on the Ethereum blockchain is different from the above. DO NOT send ERC-20 STARS tokens to a BSC address or vice versa. Your tokens will be lost forever. Always make sure you’re using the contract address that matches the blockchain your STARS belong to.

Confirm Your Transaction to Get Your Stars

With BNB and STARS now selected in the appropriate swapping fields, you can make your transaction. As soon as you initiate it, your MetaMask wallet will pop up and ask you to confirm the gas fee you’re willing to pay.

You’ll notice of the be much lower than what you’re used to paying on the Ethereum network. That’s the major benefit of using BSC in the first place so don’t worry if something looks wrong. Everything is fine, you’re simply saving on fees just like you deserve to.

Your BSC STARS tokens will appear in your wallet shortly.  There you have it. You officially know how to get STARS tokens through BSC.